Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 17, 2012
What is everyone's thoughts in this situation: My cousin has been w/ this chick for 18 months, he loves her, she has always been there for him when he needed her. She brings him food to work all the time and when he misses one of her family functions she saves him a plate and takes it to him. She isnt materialistic and is satisfied and appreciates the small things/gestures. She pays on dates and stays giving him bomb gifts. He once mentioned to her in passing that he needed a new cover for his iron board and later that day she brought him one

anyways he is thinking about using some of his tax refund i guess as a down payment for an e-ring and then he hopes to pay the rest off within a year

sounds to me like ur cousin has found his wife. but given the fickle nature of women, i'd still advise him to be careful and not reveal himself entirely to her as far as finances are concerned or things that can be used to fucck him over later.


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
What is everyone's thoughts in this situation: My cousin has been w/ this chick for 18 months, he loves her, she has always been there for him when he needed her. She brings him food to work all the time and when he misses one of her family functions she saves him a plate and takes it to him. She isnt materialistic and is satisfied and appreciates the small things/gestures. She pays on dates and stays giving him bomb gifts. He once mentioned to her in passing that he needed a new cover for his iron board and later that day she brought him one

anyways he is thinking about using some of his tax refund i guess as a down payment for an e-ring and then he hopes to pay the rest off within a year

:rudy: How is this even a question? He's obviously found himself a potential. But I wouldn't recommend anyone propose to a chick until he's lived with her for ATLEAST a year.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
One of the guys that I respect most is one of the guys I grew up with, my best friend Erik. He made it a distinct point to never, ever let his standards slip, even in the coldest of cold streaks. That's not to say all the women he's been with have been 10's, but what it does say is that he never stopped believing that he himself deserved the best he could possibly get, and if maintaining that high standard of exclusivity for who he hooked up with or dated meant foregoing easier p*ssy along the way, it meant an occasional dry spell. A lot of guys fall into the trap of, "HURR fukk FATTIES AND WORK YOUR WAY UP!!" No, no, no, no, NO! You'll lower your dating field to uglier girls that you hook up with and word will get around about your "fukk anything that moves" kind of ways.

You know how certain night clubs attract the hottest and most beautiful women? They act extra exclusive. The admission is expensive unless you know the manager. The drinks are expensive. The lines will be made purposely to be VERY long and the door men will only let in the hottest girls. And rightfully so. They have a business to run and by inflating their worth by making it seem like they can only allow the hottest girls in causes women to desperately try to prove their self-worth by being one of the women who was able to make the list. Getting women to desperately clamor to get in is what gets the men to be willing to shell out hundreds of dollars to pay to get in and pay for such overpriced drinks. All of that money goes toward paying for headliner artists, which in turn causes the girls to clamor even harder to get let in. It's a beautiful synergy.

It's something that needs to be embraced by the brehthren reading this. It'll go a long way for you, exclusivity. Especially if it comes from a place of self-respect and lack of willingness to demand less than the best for yourself.

and you know what? the funny thing is, that the same works for women. the more they tie themselves up in their prime years with the players, the ballers, and the thugs who could give a fukk about them, the less capable they are of changing their lives around to be fit for another type of relationship. the baggage, the issues, and the habits they have made for themselves are lasting. and, their exclusivity like you said, has dropped considerably. all potential mates with their head on straight look at all of that.

you are who you build yourself up to be. and change isnt ever easy. for some people, they dont even know how.


May 2, 2012


Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
A few things to keep in mind:

1) Do not "ho chase" or "shotgun"

Life is much better when you find a girl that chooses you and there is a mutual attraction. Guys running up on all the random girls who look halfway decent often gives off creepy vibes and desperation. And any girl who can sense things and understand nonverbal cues can read the situation. Check for eye contact, girls choosing/mutual attraction and avoid needy game. The mouth piece on guys literally begging women for the time of day is depressing. You give your power away doing that. Guys begging just to be heard is not manly. But some guys have no confidence with women, think that just speaking to them is a revolutionary act and get nervous. Worse yet, PUA material of canned lines, fake stories and the likes is not the business. I have seen very few guys succeed with PUA lines. Of those who do, they get lays but have trouble keeping meaningful relationships. Well, you pulled the girl with some fiction, partial fiction, canned material, rehearsed lines and overly standardized game. What did you expect? Do not be a PUA.

2) Never feel guilty for traveling and bettering yourself

Any people who disapprove of your travels, college education and healthy lifestyle are not people you want in your life. Period. Where guys get weak is if some of the naysayers happen to be fine. Then the guy gets weak, breaks down, stops living his life and tries to appease the naysayer. Never compromise with the negative. You are positive. You are great. You are a man and you bow and go backwards for no one.

3) Find a girl with consciousness

Any girl without common sense, intelligence, ambitions, morals and wisdom is more or less an empty shell. Guys choosing empty shells is dangerous. You become more and more like the people you surround yourself with. A guy with great game dulls himself around jaded women. And later as the guy gets away, he can feel his power and game returning to him. I hear people say all the time, "Guys only care about looks." Ridiculous. People believing this has given some people the belief they have a "pass" to be shallow. Don't co-sign that. If you have your head on straight, this is a must. Like what has been said in this thread, the spirituality and consciousness is her currency.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
" if a guy steps on a land mine and gets his leg blown off, it never grows back. The deep, overwhelming, all-consuming love that a young man is capable of feeling for a woman is only possible from a state of innocence and the ability to trust absolutely. Once a man has had that love used one too many times to exploit him and screw him over, he loses his ability to trust in it. Use something as a weapon against a man too many times, and he will find a way to disarm you.

Powerful breh, powerful :wow:

I think about this from time to time. When I was 17, mind was pure, innocent. I had been in a few relationships by then but, I was still overall untained. Then I met that bytch who shall remain nameless and she shattered all that Cory Matthews Boy Meets World idealism I was on.....and now at 24, I'm pretty much :stopitslime: at most of these broads. I've seen some things I can never un-see :wow:

I think about it because you dont want to end up bitter. But if you dont have your guard up, these chicks will play you. They'll eat you alive out here :hamster: The dating game is like some virus spreading, infecting one person after the next. Girl really loves a boy and he takes advantage of her, so she takes it out on the next dude, that dude becomes a player and hurts the next girl, and so on, and eventually you end up in this cess pool today where everybody jaded with emotional baggage.


This some chick from some tv show I ran across yesterday but, she reminds me of the ideal chick I'd see myself with. Not because she white :mjpls: But because she just comes off real cheerful, innocent, pure, good person to be around. But even if I met that sort of ideal chick, i dont know, id always have doubts :manny: She'd only get 98%....and thats kinda fukked up because had I met her years ago, she would've got 100%. Both men and women do it. People give the bad ones unconditional everything, then after a few failed relationships, bring the good ones some fragmented, scarred versions of themselves.

TL/DR: these bytches is crazy :whew: be careful out here. just dont be too guarded. you might meet the one thats for you and in order to truly be happy, you got to let her in brehs, even if it means going against everything you're dating experience has taught you :manny:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Powerful breh, powerful

I think about this from time to time. When I was 17, mind was pure, innocent. I had been in a few relationships by then but, I was still overall untained. Then I met that bytch who shall remain nameless and she shattered all that Cory Matthews Boy Meets World idealism I was on.....and now at 24, I'm pretty much at most of these broads. I've seen some things I can never un-see

I think about it because you dont want to end up bitter. But if you dont have your guard up, these chicks will play you. They'll eat you alive out here :hamster: The dating game is like some virus spreading, infecting one person after the next. Girl really loves a boy and he takes advantage of her, so she takes it out on the next dude, that dude becomes a player and hurts the next girl, and so on, and eventually you end up in this cess pool today where everybody jaded with emotional baggage.


This some chick from some tv show I ran across yesterday but, she reminds me of the ideal chick I'd see myself with. Not because she white :mjpls: But because she just comes off real cheerful, innocent, pure, good person to be around. But even if I met that sort of ideal chick, i dont know, id always have doubts :manny: She'd only get 98%....and thats kinda fukked up because had I met her years ago, she would've got 100%. Both men and women do it. People give the bad ones unconditional everything, then after a few failed relationships, bring the good ones some fragmented, scarred versions of themselves.

TL/DR: these bytches is crazy :whew: be careful out here. just dont be too guarded. you might meet the one thats for you and in order to truly be happy, you got to let her in brehs, even if it means going against everything you're dating experience has taught you :

breh i was the same, hell i was engaged,you have the mindset of all girls being pure and lovely, that your girl isnt like that when you hear horrible stories, only to finally learn what you have aint special, and then you get your heart carved out, but even after that your willing to give it another chance this time will be difference, and then you realize again and again

TL/DR: these bytches is crazy :whew: be careful out here. just dont be too guarded. you might meet the one thats for you and in order to truly be happy, you got to let her in brehs, even if it means going against everything you're dating experience has taught you :manny:

oh im not too guarded:shaq:, i just dont care anymore, im at a level that few men reach:shaq:


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
breh i was the same, hell i was engaged,you have the mindset of all girls being pure and lovely, that your girl isnt like that when you hear horrible stories, only to finally learn what you have aint special, and then you get your heart carved out, but even after that your willing to give it another chance this time will be difference, and then you realize again and again

oh im not too guarded:shaq:, i just dont care anymore, im at a level that few men reach:shaq:

Yea, I know.....ergo the dilemma :wow:


May 17, 2012
Powerful breh, powerful :wow:

I think about this from time to time. When I was 17, mind was pure, innocent. I had been in a few relationships by then but, I was still overall untained. Then I met that bytch who shall remain nameless and she shattered all that Cory Matthews Boy Meets World idealism I was on.....and now at 24, I'm pretty much :stopitslime: at most of these broads. I've seen some things I can never un-see :wow:

I think about it because you dont want to end up bitter. But if you dont have your guard up, these chicks will play you. They'll eat you alive out here :hamster: The dating game is like some virus spreading, infecting one person after the next. Girl really loves a boy and he takes advantage of her, so she takes it out on the next dude, that dude becomes a player and hurts the next girl, and so on, and eventually you end up in this cess pool today where everybody jaded with emotional baggage.


This some chick from some tv show I ran across yesterday but, she reminds me of the ideal chick I'd see myself with. Not because she white :mjpls: But because she just comes off real cheerful, innocent, pure, good person to be around. But even if I met that sort of ideal chick, i dont know, id always have doubts :manny: She'd only get 98%....and thats kinda fukked up because had I met her years ago, she would've got 100%. Both men and women do it. People give the bad ones unconditional everything, then after a few failed relationships, bring the good ones some fragmented, scarred versions of themselves.

TL/DR: these bytches is crazy :whew: be careful out here. just dont be too guarded. you might meet the one thats for you and in order to truly be happy, you got to let her in brehs, even if it means going against everything you're dating experience has taught you :manny:

lol aint nothing pure about that b1tch. thats how n1ggas get played. b1tch meet up with u, sees ur ass is open to get violated with her perceived "innocence". reels u in with that "innocence" and u get fuccked. many a men done got got by ur way of thinking.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
lol aint nothing pure about that b1tch. thats how n1ggas get played. b1tch meet up with u, sees ur ass is open to get violated with her perceived "innocence". reels u in with that "innocence" and u get fuccked. many a men done got got by ur way of thinking.

yea i can see through them type of girls cause i know (havent dated) some personally. girls like that are often cowards too. they'll do dirt but have a way of making you look paranoid if you suspect them.


May 27, 2012
:rudy: How is this even a question? He's obviously found himself a potential. But I wouldn't recommend anyone propose to a chick until he's lived with her for ATLEAST a year.

One thing my pops told me is when you think you found the one, then you make your decision only after you:

A Live with her

B Piss her off



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
all girls you meet are nice and innoncent at first with sob stories about previous men who treated them bad, pretty and a smile dont mean anything,
May 4, 2012
Man, i have been red pill for almost a year now, reading this thread, reading blogs, being apart of the "manosphere". It's crazy when i go out with friends and they have single girls around with them, i don't even get excited or worked up trying to impress them anymore. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing but i feel completely indifferent to the lives and thoughts of women around me. This is me around women now.
