Powerful breh, powerful
I think about this from time to time. When I was 17, 18...my mind was pure, innocent. I had been in a few relationships by then but, I was still overall untained. Then I met that bytch who shall remain nameless and she shattered all that Cory Matthews Boy Meets World idealism I was on.....and now at 24, I'm pretty much

at most of these broads. I've seen some things I can never un-see
I think about it because you dont want to end up bitter. But if you dont have your guard up, these chicks will play you. They'll eat you alive out here

The dating game is like some virus spreading, infecting one person after the next. Girl really loves a boy and he takes advantage of her, so she takes it out on the next dude, that dude becomes a player and hurts the next girl, and so on, and eventually you end up in this cess pool today where everybody jaded with emotional baggage.
This some chick from some tv show I ran across yesterday but, she reminds me of the ideal chick I'd see myself with. Not because she white

But because she just comes off real cheerful, innocent, pure, good person to be around. But even if I met that sort of ideal chick, i dont know, id always have doubts

She'd only get 98%....and thats kinda fukked up because had I met her years ago, she would've got 100%. Both men and women do it. People give the bad ones unconditional everything, then after a few failed relationships, bring the good ones some fragmented, scarred versions of themselves.
TL/DR: these bytches is crazy

be careful out here. just dont be too guarded. you might meet the one thats for you and in order to truly be happy, you got to let her in brehs, even if it means going against everything you're dating experience has taught you