(8)* Invisible dark matter of an unknown but non-baryonic nature must be the dominant ingredient of the entire universe.
*********** The Big Bang requires sprinkling galaxies, clusters, superclusters, and the universe with ever-increasing amounts of this invisible, not-yet-detected dark matter to keep the theory viable. Overall, over 90% of the universe must be made of something we have never detected. By contrast, Milgroms model (the alternative to dark matter) provides a one-parameter explanation that works at all scales and requires no dark matter to exist at any scale. (I exclude the additional 50%-100% of invisible ordinary matter inferred to exist by, e.g., MACHO studies.) Some physicists dont like modifying the law of gravity in this way, but a finite range for natural forces is a logical necessity (not just theory) spoken of since the 17th century. [[29],[30]]