That's not necessarily true. Our current laws of physics dont add up with the big bang. The fact that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate actualy clashes with the big bang theory. Our current laws of physics suggest that matter should be slowing down after an explosion not speeding up. So the universe should actualy be expanding slower and slower instead of speeding up. Scientist are going to have to prove there is something else in the universe effecting all matter to make it react this way, or their going to have to change the big bang theory.
As far as the idea of god. I don't think he/she/it is something man could even intellectualize. We try to so, we give it a name and a face. But I think the real creator is way beyond our comprehension. I disagree with those who say the universe is just purely random and everlasting, because if that's the case nothing is real or unique. If the universe is totally random eventually there will be another you, another me talking to you on the coli, Another earth, another milky way, and on and on. There has to be a beginning and an end to the universe or we are all just random clones that are being continually created and destroyed. And I believe something started and will stop the universe. It may not be god as we think of him, it probably isn't even a physical being but, SOMETHING started the universe.