"Kill Bill 3 (The Bride)" is not going to happen. He said himself.
Here something interesting to note. Tarantino had the chance to make Kill Bill 3 (Kill the Bride) and 4. Apparently it was going to be about Elle coming back for revenge as blind samurai with Nikki as her apprentice. Beatrix (The Bride)was going to die and her daughter was going to have to train to get her revenge.
Tarantino was even going to wait until the original child actresses grew up so they could re-audition for the parts. HOWEVER, after the years went on, Tarantino realized that this is one of the best endings to a revenge plot, it's happy and Breatrix gets to live the rest of her life as a mom with her kid. So he decided against the idea and went on to make other films.
So I'm with him on that. No need for Kill Bill 3. It would be the weakest one and why ruin the perfect ending of Kill Bill 2? And the title Kill Bill Vol 3 would make no sense because Bill is dead.