Scorsese is Scorsese, and not every filmmaker is going to feel the creative drive to keep making films until they’re on their deathbed. If Quentin wants to end his filmography on ten films, then cool. Why is this so hard for folks to grasp?
I mean, I understand it. I just feel he's sensationalist about it but hey it's opinion and I half agree with him. It's the Seinfeld principle: better quit while you're ahead, right? I just don't understand why quit when you can still make good films rather than cut yourself off. Seinfeld ran for 9 seasons but it was still ultimately 180 episodes which is a fairly large and sizable number. If you can't decide on what to make your final movie then you clearly have more to say and therefore haven't ran out of ideas so it seems silly to retire because of that fear.
Also, personally, I think this shows Tarantino's limitations as a filmmaker. Scorsese, Kurosawa, Tezuka, and other artists kept it going till death and most of their ideas got
more elaborate,
more detailed,
more thorough with age compared to their earlier works.
So I understand why Tarantino is doing it but at the same time it shows he's not that dude or in the discussion. Retiring because "I'm not passionate about film anymore" I could accept but "I'm retiring because I think directors movies start to suck when they age" is pretty bonkers.
But hey that's me
I can see it forcing him to to put his all into every project since he can only make a certain amount. That being said, creative people almost always break their retirements so I’d bet on tarintino making more films down the line.
Yeah, they always break the retirements. See Miyazaki. So it's whatever.