They shoulda done this 20 years ago and kept Bakula anywhere away from Star Trek 

In the case of sliders they thought a cliffhanger would get a season 6. Quantum Leaps ending was designed to be open ended and in hindsight a sad goodbye.Why do alot of the great sci-fi shows have horrific finales?!sliders, quantum leap?;?
farscape ended on a cliffhanger too but was nicely tied up in the mini series movie.
In the case of sliders they thought a cliffhanger would get a season 6. Quantum Leaps ending was designed to be open ended and in hindsight a sad goodbye.
all of that made me angry, but most of it was tolerable. its the way the went about it. arturo was dead, but he could have been an au arturo and the real prof is stilkl out there somewhere? ok fine. wade is lost, but ends up in a prime earth slave camp? i dont understand it, but they arent trying to insult my intelligence. then quinn has a brother because quinn isnt from earth prime but an au one? now you are trying to insult my intelligence, but the shows quality hasnt dropped but i was still along for the ride. but then the the last season where one character is dropped into the time bushes and another merges with a version of him that doesnt look like him? i couldnt anymore after that.
Scott should take over for Dean (RIP) and get a new lead.