Lost was epic in a way we haven't seen since. Game of Thrones might be the closest we've seen to a show that's taken over on a cultural level that way, but Game of Thrones has the advantage of being based on novels which are now hugely popular as well. Lost was water cooler, school desk and bar conversation fodder. Everyone with their own theories and favorite characters. Each episode was a legit event. Lost also can make a legit case for having a good number of the most iconic scenes in TV history. And some of the most shocking/emotional deaths. The way they told their story(the flash backs into a different character each week) was also innovative and kept everyone interested in what was a pretty big main cast. They just got caught up in their own hype, fukked themselves over by claiming there was a scientific explanation for everything, and didn't have an end game, thus writing themselves into corners and leaving humongous plot holes. But I'll never shyt on Lost like that because despite the completely lackluster ending, the journey was unmatched