Prey | Hulu | Aug 5, 2022 | Predator vs Native Americans set 300 years in the past


Top 113 Poster
Mar 29, 2013
Prey should be stickied instead of The Gray Man. It’s a Hulu original but If they had released it in theaters, I believe it would have done numbers. Great action and story. Naru and Sarii :salute:
Predator movies for some reason have had a terrible habit of mostly underperforming at the box office, plus I read that Disney couldn't put it theaters due to some deal that happened before they bought 20th Century Fox.


God's Wife
Feb 19, 2014
Predator movies for some reason have had a terrible habit of mostly underperforming at the box office, plus I read that Disney couldn't put it theaters due to some deal that happened before they bought 20th Century Fox.
That’s true and I contribute some of that to audience fatigue surrounding these type of movies. I’m glad that they went back to basics on this one.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Nobody would watch the movie if they were strictly speaking in Comanche. Don’t be dense. Hollywood does this for almost all foreign based movies. Majority of this narcos, samurai, German shows/movies they speak English.

Yeah only like passion of the Christ and apocalypto both films by Mel Gibson that didn't use English


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
Just watched this again. Don't you guys just love how the main character was outright knocked out twice(which is a serious medical emergency as it can cause brain damage or even kill you), was caught in a bear-trap, got hit at least three times by a 400 lb predator, two being with his shield which cut through flesh like butter and even cut through rock, and one of those times being a fukkin chokeslam, yet after all this she still prevails without so much as a scratch on her. wasn't slowed down, wasn't even winded, even though arnold, who was three times her size, was nearly killed and seriously psychologically scarred.

then we have the dumbass predator (who somehow manages to get hit repeatedly to primitive beings despite having camoflauge and better reflexes), who loses to a 50 lb girl who just five hours ago, couldn't kill a deer or rabbit and wasn't even smart enough to know not to shoot fukkin arrows at a goddamn bear? but it's ok bc the predator was 'injured' which is supposed to mean he was slowed down even though he was fighting the exact same as he fought before all his wounds, whereas the girl didn't take a single lick of damage or get slowed down at all despite all the serious shyt I listed above. then, after getting like five of her small tribe's hunters killed, she brings back the predator head and the tribespeople don't recoil in horror wondering what it is, they don't berate her cause many of them will likely starve since their hunters are dead because of her, nope, they make this retard the new warchief(after she got the former one killed lol) don't you just love this incredible movie?

just to reiterate, the predator was able to be defeated because he was 'injured' but the main character had more serious things happen to her and not only wasn't too injured to fight, but was moving around like black widow in her 1 v 1, but these retards will praise this film as 'flames.' lol at these dudes. anything passes for good these days. If you get caught in a beartrap, you can't walk correctly, let alone jump out a tree, roll around, and fight like wonder woman, but it's all good for thecoli. they give you feminist propaganda and you just line up to shovel it into your mouths. pathetic. no wonder so many of yall can't pull women.


Vol. 9: Trapped
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Just watched this again. Don't you guys just love how the main character was outright knocked out twice(which is a serious medical emergency as it can cause brain damage or even kill you), was caught in a bear-trap, got hit at least three times by a 400 lb predator, two being with his shield which cut through flesh like butter and even cut through rock, and one of those times being a fukkin chokeslam, yet after all this she still prevails without so much as a scratch on her. wasn't slowed down, wasn't even winded, even though arnold, who was three times her size, was nearly killed and seriously psychologically scarred.

then we have the dumbass predator (who somehow manages to get hit repeatedly to primitive beings despite having camoflauge and better reflexes), who loses to a 50 lb girl who just five hours ago, couldn't kill a deer or rabbit and wasn't even smart enough to know not to shoot fukkin arrows at a goddamn bear? but it's ok bc the predator was 'injured' which is supposed to mean he was slowed down even though he was fighting the exact same as he fought before all his wounds, whereas the girl didn't take a single lick of damage or get slowed down at all despite all the serious shyt I listed above. then, after getting like five of her small tribe's hunters killed, she brings back the predator head and the tribespeople don't recoil in horror wondering what it is, they don't berate her cause many of them will likely starve since their hunters are dead because of her, nope, they make this retard the new warchief(after she got the former one killed lol) don't you just love this incredible movie?

just to reiterate, the predator was able to be defeated because he was 'injured' but the main character had more serious things happen to her and not only wasn't too injured to fight, but was moving around like black widow in her 1 v 1, but these retards will praise this film as 'flames.' lol at these dudes. anything passes for good these days. If you get caught in a beartrap, you can't walk correctly, let alone jump out a tree, roll around, and fight like wonder woman, but it's all good for thecoli. they give you feminist propaganda and you just line up to shovel it into your mouths. pathetic. no wonder so many of yall can't pull womHhhhhhhen.




Staff member
May 1, 2012
Just watched this again. Don't you guys just love how the main character was outright knocked out twice(which is a serious medical emergency as it can cause brain damage or even kill you), was caught in a bear-trap, got hit at least three times by a 400 lb predator, two being with his shield which cut through flesh like butter and even cut through rock, and one of those times being a fukkin chokeslam, yet after all this she still prevails without so much as a scratch on her. wasn't slowed down, wasn't even winded, even though arnold, who was three times her size, was nearly killed and seriously psychologically scarred.

then we have the dumbass predator (who somehow manages to get hit repeatedly to primitive beings despite having camoflauge and better reflexes), who loses to a 50 lb girl who just five hours ago, couldn't kill a deer or rabbit and wasn't even smart enough to know not to shoot fukkin arrows at a goddamn bear? but it's ok bc the predator was 'injured' which is supposed to mean he was slowed down even though he was fighting the exact same as he fought before all his wounds, whereas the girl didn't take a single lick of damage or get slowed down at all despite all the serious shyt I listed above. then, after getting like five of her small tribe's hunters killed, she brings back the predator head and the tribespeople don't recoil in horror wondering what it is, they don't berate her cause many of them will likely starve since their hunters are dead because of her, nope, they make this retard the new warchief(after she got the former one killed lol) don't you just love this incredible movie?

just to reiterate, the predator was able to be defeated because he was 'injured' but the main character had more serious things happen to her and not only wasn't too injured to fight, but was moving around like black widow in her 1 v 1, but these retards will praise this film as 'flames.' lol at these dudes. anything passes for good these days. If you get caught in a beartrap, you can't walk correctly, let alone jump out a tree, roll around, and fight like wonder woman, but it's all good for thecoli. they give you feminist propaganda and you just line up to shovel it into your mouths. pathetic. no wonder so many of yall can't pull women.
This movie had the weakest bear traps of all time. Her dog got caught in one too and he was straight. After she got hit with one, I was like... Really how tf she going to survive?

They showed her wound and it looked like a gash.


Another thing that was funny was how she explains to her brother that the Predator doesn't like to kill bait or things that it doesn't see as a threat as they were being used as bait... But they still desperately trying to get from being tied up so they could be seen as potential threats as the Predator is fukking up the Frenchmen

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Aug 7, 2012
I literally just found out Hulu had 4k content because of this movie. The app on my Hisense TV doesn't show any Hulu content in 4k but the Xbox app does so I watched it on there. I'd give the movie a 4/5 only because the Indians spoke english and that threw off the vibe of the film some.


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
This movie had the weakest bear traps of all time. Her dog got caught in one too and he was straight. After she got hit with one, I was like... Really how tf she going to survive?

They showed her wound and it looked like a gash.


Another thing that was funny was how she explains to her brother that the Predator doesn't like to kill bait or things that it doesn't see as a threat as they were being used as bait... But they still desperately trying to get from being tied up so they could be seen as potential threats as the Predator is fukking up the Frenchmen

and lets not forget how her brother was also competing on equal footing with a freaking predator, whoopin the predator's ass until predator went invisible, then that same brother just stands there like a moron waiting until he's killed. i love it when my warchief doesn't have the common sense to attempt a tactical retreat, but just gives up like a bytch. then the girl is able to get away by running even though we saw earlier that the predator can easily catch her on foot if he desires(when she was running away with that other indian and predator easily caught up to them but only killed the dude), and he still had his helmet at that point so he'd see her heat signature, but the film needs her to get away.

this is after his 100 lb sister has whooped like 10 grown-ass men's asses somehow, even outright throwing one of them off of her when he was in a mounted position (ufc should sign this bytch). never mind the fact that women don't have the upper body strength to do a single pushup or pullup on average(which also means she couldn't have pulled herself out that swamp mud earlier) and never mind the fact that even john fukkin jones will get his ass whooped if 5 ordinary dudes attack him at once. when you're naru, anything is possible and it's cool according to thecoli.

and we mustn't forget how the predator ignores her, walks right by her after trying to kill her earlier(after he stabbed her brother, he was gonna kill her but her brother distracted the predator so she could escape) , in order to kill the fat legless french guy. but oh, i guess she'd eaten the magic herbs that made her blood go cold. nvm the fact that if your blood is that fukkin cold, you'd probably go into shock or something and I guess he just happened to be in the area exactly in the five seconds after she took the herb because that's how long it took him to appear and start walking past her. so either he ignored the girl he'd tried to kill an hour before and the herbs were irrelevant or the cold shyt made it where he couldn't see her and he somehow found her and the french guy in that short-ass period of less than 10 seconds and didn't hear her little speech she was giving or anything to alert him to her presence. both things are moronic and bad writing.

then let's not forget how wonder naru leaps out a 20 foot tall tree and guides herself to the predator's shoulders/back from midair then starts stabbing the shyt outta his ass as he just stands there taking it. ignoring the fact that you can't fukkin aim yourself in midair, what if he'd moved or what if she'd just missed, which is what most likely would've happened? this is supposed to be an intelligent character, but she does the stupidest shyt imaginable.

and let's not forget how the helmet-less predator repeatedly, on more than one occasion, fires his own weapon that needs a targeting system to work properly then just watches like a retard as the bolts fly away from the intended target. so this guy who has mastered intergalactic travel doesn't know how his own shyt works? got it.

then let's not forget how naru somehow figures out how to activate the helmet, then pulls down a 400 lb alien with her little rope, from her fukkin back without even needing any goddamn leverage, which lands him in precisely the spot where his unhelmeted ass can attempt yet again to shoot the boltgun. only this time, his helmet is aiming right at his own head and he blasts himself. I'm sure thecoli erupted in cheers when they seen this moronic shyt.

I could keep going on, but these dudes just care about flashy shyt. gone are the days when you had to put an intelligent product in front of people. i'm out this mufukka.