Prey | Hulu | Aug 5, 2022 | Predator vs Native Americans set 300 years in the past


Mar 10, 2014
Watched this Prey movie for the first time.

Meh, I appreciate the effort, it's a decent film and there are some cool scenes, but it doesn't compare to OG Predator just like the rest of its series.

And it's hard to top the OG movie because not only it had some of the dopest action, dopest one liners, a lineup of dope actors, but also the Predator had mystery about it. So it's hard to top the first film when mysterious element is gone.

This Prey movie did fine at making you care about a few characters, the action is happening in the forest, which is so much better than that Predator 2 in LA bullshyt. It pays homage, has the primitive weaponry element and main character learning about Predator as the movie progresses thing - a lot of things you want to see in a Predator movie.

Problem is that it's another unrealistic film. The girl, as the movie starts, struggles taking down an animal and by the time movie ends she's taken down the fukking Predator (with some help from the others), the Predator who destroyed a bear like it's nothing and killed the entire crew effortlessly. Some of the greatest action films like Die Hard 1, Predator, Aliens, they actually have a sort of realism to make the audience picture themselves in those movie situations. They don't look like a superhero films. Like Ripley in the first film is scared of the Alien but she outsmarts it when the opportunity comes, then has a trauma about those events (cause it's a fukking alien!) but eventually faces her fear in order to help the people in second film. This time she's capable of doing more and takes down a bigger enemy. Proper character buildup that makes the audience believe.

But here, in one hour of a film the girl goes from struggling to hunt a simple animal to taking down several humans and absorbing couple hits from Predator, same Predator that destroyed a damn bear. She looks stronger than Arnold, lol. Is she the Neo from Matrix? The chosen one or something? Is she Mila Jovovich from Resident Evil? Who looks weak at the beginning then turns into a superhero beating everyone and making no sense like whoa where did she learn all of it?

In original Predator, whatever was left of the team began creating traps and hiding from that thing to hunt it down. Then showing us how Arnold is building all the traps. Even in AVP the main character teamed up with Predator to take down Aliens. Here our main character finds all the damn clues by herself, most of the hunters from her tribe look stupid, besides her brother, the crew of dumb cacs are just out there for the kill count, there is not enough backstory behind them. All it serves is that the least evil guy from their crew teaches her how to shoot a gun. This movie has couple smart characters and the rest look dumb as hell. Many great action films have several characters doing smart things, but then eventually getting outclassed by their enemy until our main character beats the villain.

It is basically her, her dog and her brother taking down the fukking Predator in 1700s, If that Predator somehow survived, they would've roasted his ass in the spaceship.
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Dec 14, 2015
I just watched again,,,, it's okay .... I think predators is better

2.predator 2
\/ alien vs predator
3 predators
5. the predator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fukk you!!!!!!