He’s strong enough to use his shield to cut a tree in half with no effort. But when he slices her with it, it’s just a scratch.

This is right after he cut his own arm with it because she can apparently throw a little ass hatchet with enough force to make him cut his own arm off.

Then forget he has it when she wraps that little ass rope around his neck and makes him flail around like one of the 3 stooges

. And this is before she has the strength to forcefully pull a 7ft 500lb into a pit of quicksand.
The only thing that she did that seemed remotely possible is tricking him into shooting himself in the head.
Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn’t strong enough to keep the one punch he threw from being completely no sold. But apparently this little girl who couldn’t stop her tribe member from suplexing her is strong enough to stagger a Predator.