Got my ballot today 

Why not just look it up for yourself?The other night in the debate Trump said Obama left 128 federal judicial seats empty. Is this true? And if so why would he do something like that?
Really? You listening to Trump or trolling ? It was Mitch McConnell who was stopping Obama’s judgesThe other night in the debate Trump said Obama left 128 federal judicial seats empty. Is this true? And if so why would he do something like that?
No, this is not true. There were openings for sure but you have to know that the senate is republican controlled now which helps Trump, but is the same republic controlled senate that was under Obama and didnt push through Obamas nominations.The other night in the debate Trump said Obama left 128 federal judicial seats empty. Is this true? And if so why would he do something like that?
Why not just look it up for yourself?
Really? You listening to Trump or trolling ? It was Mitch McConnell who was stopping Obama’s judges
No, this is not true. There were openings for sure but you have to know that the senate is republican controlled now which helps Trump, but is the same republic controlled senate that was under Obama and didnt push through Obamas nominations.
This kind of talk is pointless and unnecessary. I want you dudes to exercise some due diligence. Don't just wait around for people to tell you something. Get in the habit of looking up stuff unless you're just looking to troll. Trump lies and misleads about EVERYTHING yet you believed he was telling the truth here? Come on.the same reason your old man didn’t pull out when god knows he should’ve and mercifully dispatched you into a warm towel - because I was too lazy. I will fix my laziness tho and look it up, but unfortunately for you it may be too late.
Try standing up to piss, you and your little buddies that share your c*nt ways. I’ll promise you, for the very first time in your life you’ll experience what it feels like to be man.