Who do you WANT to win?

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85 East

DJ D'eeznuts
May 21, 2012
My FB this morning post debate

There was a time when Facebook was a reflection of life. Last night showed us that life is now a reflection of Facebook. The highest position any one person can achieve on this planet, the status of POTUS, has become one of an internet troll. A meme if you will. We have allowed the leader of the free world to become a joke. An extremely shytty joke at that. Nobody should feel good after watching that debacle. One the one hand you have the most powerful person alive today acting like a spoiled boy emperor. A modern day Joffrey Baratheon. He flouted the debabte rules much like he does everything else. He made it about him and not the American people. He made it abundantly clear that he gives zero fukks, and to many in today's world, thats exactly what they wanted to hear. He represents them. The bullies. The uncouth. The uneducated who think winning an argument is getting in the last snarky comment. During any other time that performance would be viewed as a train wreck, yet some will say he slam dunked on his opponent.

Then you have Biden who tried to stay calm and composed. He tried to act with some decency and presidential candor only to be spoken over time and time again. He had to endure slander against his family, whether true or not. He had to endure personal attack after personal attack, often leading to him not being able to answer the question at hand. This is a common tactic used online during arguments by the right. When you present them with facts, they attack your character while screaming fake news. They create a deflection bigger then the original issue. They pull a Kansas city shuffle.

In the end neither side won that debate. The world is just worse off for having to endure it. Facebook arguments are now presidential debates...

P.S. much like I have spent the last five or six years on this horrible platform, I will end this by saying fukk the Proud Boys and all of you other racist white supremacist groups. I'm still waiting for my free helicopter ride.

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
I saw this post on the phone and had to quote for accuracy as this is a great post. I couldn't find it when I logged in and realize you were blocked. Not sure why unless you are an ados troll because I barely block anyone on this site.

That said, it's deeper than this. Democrats have gone out there way to fukk over these countries which forced them to seek higher ground which maybe is America in their case. shyt, just look at the Clinton Foundation in Haiti. The Clinton's and Obama's in Africa. Especially Nigeria. They come to screw these Caribbean, Central American, African nations for their personal gain and wonder why they don't have the Hispanic vote. Why Cubans dislike them. Why Haitians have a hateful relationship with them. These people aren't going to forget that just because they are American now. The same reason why Arabs come and they quickly become democrats because Republicans hate non-Christians as much as they are racist. While democrats hate all Blacks. Especially the ones outside of America. It's not all about law and order. America got their hands in mfers country and it's the reason why they are here in the first place. Both parties hate Blacks but one panders for votes and pretend listens is the only difference. They would wear Blackface just as quickly if they can or wouldn't get caught.

Democrats are going to realize, the GOP is racist quip isn't that effective because even Black elites know, American racism equals money. Lots of money for both sides if the control is in the right hands.
Going to have to bookmark breh post , so much truth in it.


and this is Life As Tha Mac
Jul 24, 2014
Does anyone have a looming feeling that some fukkery is gonna occur on Election night similar to the 2000 election and we're gonna be sitting here for days on end waiting to see who won? I hope I'm wrong but I wouldn't put it past the forces of 2020.

Trump and the rest of the Republicans will try to make it seem like it's fukkery but in reality it will just be the votes getting sorted out and counted due to the mail in ballots. Don't listen to any propaganda just get your vote in however you're gonna do it and be patient.

With Covid you know things are gonna be a little different this year as it is with everything else in life right now.
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Nov 20, 2014
I saw this post on the phone and had to quote for accuracy as this is a great post. I couldn't find it when I logged in and realize you were blocked. Not sure why unless you are an ados troll because I barely block anyone on this site.

That said, it's deeper than this. Democrats have gone out there way to fukk over these countries which forced them to seek higher ground which maybe is America in their case. shyt, just look at the Clinton Foundation in Haiti. The Clinton's and Obama's in Africa. Especially Nigeria. They come to screw these Caribbean, Central American, African nations for their personal gain and wonder why they don't have the Hispanic vote. Why Cubans dislike them. Why Haitians have a hateful relationship with them. These people aren't going to forget that just because they are American now. The same reason why Arabs come and they quickly become democrats because Republicans hate non-Christians as much as they are racist. While democrats hate all Blacks. Especially the ones outside of America. It's not all about law and order. America got their hands in mfers country and it's the reason why they are here in the first place. Both parties hate Blacks but one panders for votes and pretend listens is the only difference. They would wear Blackface just as quickly if they can or wouldn't get caught.

Democrats are going to realize, the GOP is racist quip isn't that effective because even Black elites know, American racism equals money. Lots of money for both sides if the control is in the right hands.
Who started the war on drugs to Target blacks? Richard Nixon, a republican. Who ramped up the war on drugs to the behemoth it is today? Reagan a republican. I do agree people like Biden are a problem but him and pelosi are a dying breed. Couple that with several coups of Democratic socialist leaders in Latin America, the school of America that trained a lot of Latin dictators the US government is 100% responsible. You have the Republican POTUS calling African countries shytholes and disparaged Rep. Omar a us citizen who Trump has blasted saying "she's telling us how to run our country" and you think it's the Democrats? Democrats support a women's rights to abortion but it's the women who elect to have them. Trump withheld hurricane aid from PR for 3 yrs! And wanted to sell it! As for Haiti, I'm sure Trump Doesn't think too high of it either. This is a case of both sides suck. As for the changing landscape the GOP is shrinking along with corporatist Dems.
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#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Who started the war on drugs to Target blacks? Richard Nixon, a republican. Who ramped up the war on drugs to the behemoth it is today? Reagan a republican. I do agree people like Biden are a problem but him and pelosi are a dying breed. Couple that with several coups of Democratic socialist leaders in Latin America, the school of America that trained a lot of Latin dictators the US government is 100% responsible. You have the Republican POTUS calling African countries shytholes and disparaged Rep. Omar a us citizen who Trump has blasted saying "she's telling us how to run our country" and you think it's the Democrats? Democrats support a women's rights to abortion but it's the women who elect to have them. Trump withheld hurricane aid from PR for 3 yrs! And wanted to sell it! As for Haiti, I'm sure Trump Doesn't think too high of it either. This is a case of both sides suck. As for the changing landscape the GOP is shrinking along with corporatist Dems.
The GOP is a major problem. We know they are the worst when it comes to Black America. That's a fact. My point was never that, it was addressing the facts the other poster said as to why others from outside of 100+ years Americans vote for Trump knowing he is a damn racist. Because they have major quarrels with the democrats meddling in the affairs of their country with no care about religion, just their stake on only their stake. It's not just about law and order. It's deeper than that.

Calling some African nations shytholes isn't an inaccurate take at all.