Ocean air
Return to normal 2021-
Refill Stockpiles and Prepare for future pandemics - Oh you mean reinstate The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit you conveniently got rid of?
The education tab has two bullet points - Love to see the tremendous support for the alleged future of American society
Expose Washington's Money Trail - As f#cking ifffffff......
Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions - You mean like Covid-19 if the Supreme Court grants your wish to overturn the ACA which will leave millions of people without insurance, in a pandemic, making them ineligible if they've contracted the hoax virus?
Drain the Globalist Swamp - #tiktok![]()
Fully Fund and Hire More Police Officers - Yaasss, because the over $1 billion budget that several states have is really nanoscopic and has kept us oh so safe. Not even mentioning the police officers with their delicate mental health which makes them so incredibly scared while on duty, we definitely need more of those.
Prosecute Drive-by Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism - Ahh yes, while ignoring the unstable basement dwellers that keep shooting up elementary school, churches, malls & stores on the reg. They're just the underdogs of the world who had hard childhoods and finally just snapped right?!
Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks - Mhm, why don't we let your friend Ghislaine help you with that. I've heard she got some experience in that field.
Build a Great Missile Defesnse System - As if your daddy Putin would allow that
Establish Permanent Manned Presence on the Moon - Can we send him and his family first?
Stop Endless Wars and Bring our Troops Home - Troops including soldiers that your daddy put a bounty on that you allegedly never talked to him about?
I hate it here.
What’s this now?