#predictable sitcom plots


The Carolina Blueprint
May 3, 2012
- one of the characters gets found doing something noble (or someone thinks they did something noble), so they
get a little famous - and subsequently become a jerk to everyone around them until humbled

Yeah the gag where they are found saving the day, but in actuality they're the ones that caused the accident in the first place.


The Carolina Blueprint
May 3, 2012
Sorry if already posted, but the episode where the married couple who has enough kids has a pregnancy scare, only to find out the wife isn't pregnant. The wife then pressures the husband into getting a vasectomy, but he doesn't want to because he's scared. He eventually goes in to have the procedure done, only to have to wife see a cute baby in the waiting room and realize she might wanna have another kid one day so she runs in and stops the vasectomy just in time.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Sorry if already posted, but the episode where the married couple who has enough kids has a pregnancy scare, only to find out the wife isn't pregnant. The wife then pressures the husband into getting a vasectomy, but he doesn't want to because he's scared. He eventually goes in to have the procedure done, only to have to wife see a cute baby in the waiting room and realize she might wanna have another kid one day so she runs in and stops the vasectomy just in time.

Yeah, we covered this.


Heavily Armed
Sep 14, 2013
The 718
all laugh track shows run the same plots for every episode basically. the things that happen within the episode can be different but the plot is almost always the same.
That's why I appreciate Seinfeld. Avoided all of the cliched sitcom plots (although it's now been copied so much that its own style has become cliched) and every episode was a gradually building mess that reached its peak at he very end and hadno goal other than to be funny. No recycled shyt or heavy-handed lessons. Any #message is conveyed by how stupid and petty the main cast behaves, implying, "Good human beings don't act like these fukkers."

Larry David da gawd:myman:

Milk N Cookies

(Self-titled) Queen of the Film Room
Sep 4, 2013
Movies and tv shows
The episode about vanity &weight. Little Man has a new love in his life. But the family has yet to meet her. Momma & Daddy keeps wondering why:jbhmm:; Big Momma says she's probably ugly with a lazy eye. Pops thinks maybe she got a big head & goes on a ramble about the big headed girl who did him wrong when he was a kid...
Cut to school: Little Man is walking out of class holding his new boo's hand. Walking out the door: a fat girl. All of his freinds are :mjlol: :russ::lolbron::gladbron::pachaha: but Little Man is like :wtb: she not my girl, I'm just using her to pass this class :sas2:. The girl is hurt and is now :sadcam: heartbroken.

Cut to home: Baby girl is teasing cause she heard through the grapevine little man is dating a fat girl.:troll:
The whole family joins in and cracking jokes (except big momma, who literally goes upside everyone's head). Little man is very embrassed:francis: . All jokes aside big momma ,momma, & daddy say love who you love; like who you like. Little man now feels like a dikk for playing his girlfriend. The next day Little man's friends start to clown him while she is in tears:sadbron: at the other side of the classroom/ other end of the hallway . Little Man quickly checks them.:ufdup: She's not heavy; she's my girlfriend.
His friends go: :whoa: and comes back with an old ass fat joke.:russell:

Tired of the bullshyt, :birdman:Little Man goes ham on his friends with a quick classroom roast. The other students are like :ooh::krs::damn::leon::steviej::smugbiden::gurl::banderas::heh:

After dropping some age appropriate ether, Little Man walks to his girlfriend and apologizes. As the credits roll you see him taking his girl home to meet the family. Pops looks out the front window and sees them walking to the door. He yells out :damn:'Lock the fridge and the cabinets!!!' Big momma walks up and says ':ufdup:leave that child alone! She ain't even came in yet!'
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Heavily Armed
Sep 14, 2013
The 718
-New couple asks the main couple that's supposedly perfect for advice on how to deal with an argument. The boyfriend and the girlfriend give advice but it's completely different and now they spend the whole episode mad at each other. Bonus points if the established couple was acting all smug so the dude in the new couple asks them a question that he knows is gonna make them argue with each other:lolbron:

-Beach vacation episode that's filmed completely differently from the rest of the series. The guy that's always down on his luck and striking out with women meets this cool chick and it's great...until it's time to leave and the girl has her own life at the city and can't come back with him:mjcry:
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Milk N Cookies

(Self-titled) Queen of the Film Room
Sep 4, 2013
Movies and tv shows
Baby girl has her first pet!! (Fish, turtle,bird,rabbit, :hamster:, ferret, snake, etc...you pick:manny:) The pet is an animal that Daddy is afraid of. He tries to avoid all contact with it. Even when Baby girl waves it in front of his face he is seconds from fainting. She loves it so much she names him Smelliot (Little Man's name so happens to be Elliot) but one day when baby girl comes home from school/wakes up early one morning to greet Smelliot, he isn't moving. Baby girl is constantly calling out to him. But he's not responding!! She yells out for help & everyone rushes to her room to see the commotion.

Daddy kneels down to her level and explains to her that Smelliot died. Baby girl now understands what death means. Daddy says that he's so sorry for her loss and hugs her as she cries. When Baby Girl brings her tear stained face up for air Pops says 'Baby girl Smelliot is in a better place now.' And pats her on her head and walks into the hall pulling the door up behind him. Pops adds '... Cause if that thang got loose it was gone be dinner...'
Big momma overhears him & yells his name. 'Dennis!!'

Panic shows on his face cause no one was supposed to hear that, he says back '...Well baby I am from Alambama &' that's just how we do!!' With his chest puffed out in an alpha male stance.

Big Momma says, well what do you think happened to your pet hog Jacob???
Pops thinks back to when his pet hog disappeared (literally flashback shows)

'Momma said he had to go back home cause he missed his family--- then we had pork for the following two weeks as dinner. Chops, knuckles, chitlins...'

Big Momma sees that Pops is connecting the dots.'Bingo.'
Pops yells out Momma fed us Jacob!!???!!!! Literally falling on the floor. Get up Dennis!! That was years ago. 'Nah baby you don't understand. I ate my best friend & he was delicious...'

As the credits roll we see the family having a funeral service for Smelliot. Family appropriate fukkery happens for last minute laughs.

Milk N Cookies

(Self-titled) Queen of the Film Room
Sep 4, 2013
Movies and tv shows
Lil Man goes to school & of his friends are a little more popular than he was last week. :dwillhuh:Puzzled Lil Man goes to his friend Knuckles (cause he's a knuckle-head) and askes what's going on. He is told that the new found popularity is rooted from a tattoo. Lil Man sees all the girls flocking to the kid, even Lil Man's now ex-girlfriend is on his jock. :sadcam: Lil Man wants some of that. So one day Lil Man & Knuckles cut school & rides the city beyond where they have even ride before. The further they ride the more :hamster:they become. Shifty looking passengers board & depart until they get to their final destination. They step off and walk towards a shabby poorly lit tattoo business. They walk to the receptionist who looks like a mix of :usure:&:wtf: who sends them to the tatoo artist. The joke here is that Lil Man makes the exact observation as they head to the back :troll: Knuckles goes in first followed by Lil Man in the chair they see their Tatoo artist ready for them 'Which one of y'all is going first??!!:birdman:' he barks. Lil Man pushes Knuckles 'Aight playa, Imma go back up front and confrim what I'm getting. Knuckles is left about to shyt his pants :merchant: but sits in the chair. After a little bit he comes up with fresh ink on his arm. 'You only live once' :jbhmm: Lil Man is impressed that he went through with it. Now it's his turn. He goes to the back sits in the chair & faints:dead: Half way through his tatoo of Praying Hands. When he wakes up he sees Daddy & Pops standing over him.


On the drive home Daddy is chewing out Knuckles, :ufdup: you know good and well yo momma gone beat yo behind, boy I don't even know what lead you to going through with it. Pops is sitting there co-signing. After taking Knuckles home Lil Man knows he will never hear the end of it. The rest of the ride is silent.

When they get home Daddy is so mad he lets Pops take over. Pops is like :smugdraper: So u want to be tatted up like Fabo huh??? Well, ya daddy may not whoop ya but I sure am... *starts to take off his belt* Lil Man makes a dash for it & Pops pants fall to the floor. :damn: I knew I shouldn't have put these big ass 2008 rap super star sized pants on this morning!!

By the time Pops gets himself adjusted Lil Man is gone into hiding. Momma finds him in Baby Girl's playhouse in the backyard. She explains to him that tattoos are a big decision that can't be removed. A reason one must be a certain age before getting them. Lil man explains that he understood and he wanted to get something meaningful since it was going to be there forever. After showing his half completed praying hands, Momma says she wish she could see the complete product. :leon: Lil Man is like ' so you not mad??' :usure: She tells him sternly 'Had you not fainted &Knuckles called yo daddy letting us know about everything & I weren't so tired right now I would be beating yo butt.Take yo half tattoo and get in the house and wish them dishes,sweep the floor, mop it, wax it, take out the trash... Just- just go do some chores Elliot...'

As Elliot finishes his chores he's seen heading to bed, Baby Girl pokes her head out like :troll: 'Nice tat. Is that that OkeyDokey hand sign??

The credits roll with Knuckels showing up at school barely able to sit down. And they show the kid who cause the whole thing. :ohhh: What happened to your ink breh? Lil
Man asked.

:yeshrug:It was a Henna, it wore off.