There is a
viral video/ movie that everyone has seen. It's come down little man & his best friend Chunky to watch it. Momma refuses to let them watch the flith, flarn, flith. They're determined to see it tho. So they hatch a plan, Chunky will stay the night. Once everyone is asleep they will watch the video.
It's time. As they watch the video their faces show how repulsive it is. A combination of
is how they are looking while they watch.
They wind up having nightmares. At breakfast they are falling asleep at the table. Dad asks the boys why they so tired. Chunky is half sleep. Little man is snoring. Daddy taps little man & he shrieks. Daddy ask
yall watched that video ya momma told you not to watch didn't you? Little man says yeah. Daddy
finsihes cooking breakfast. He puts the food in front of the boys & they both race to the bathroom
fighting to see who can get there first.
While the boys are puking Momma makes her way in the kitchen and heads to the coffee pot after getting a morning kiss. She askes where the boys are with w Cheshire Cat smile like
. Daddy asks
'what did you do to them boys??'
She says I knew they were gonna watch that video, so I had some high school kids make a video using food & household props.
Daddy is amazed
& daps Momma. Credits rolls as you see Chunky laid out faced down in little man's room. Little man is coming out the bathroom after another round of throwing up. Pops walks by
and tells little man
don't forget to clean that mess up.