- It's graduation time, but one of The Gang doesn't have enough credits so they have to do some
embarrassing extracurricular activity to finish in time
Also the premise of If Looks Could Kill
- It's graduation time, but one of The Gang doesn't have enough credits so they have to do some
embarrassing extracurricular activity to finish in time
The local radio station has a contest & the prize is $25,000! All you have to do is do *insert some goofy ass task here* & whichever team does the task for the longest time wins! It's that simple! Or is it??? The episode ends with the team who won not winning due to a technicality.
Guess they didn't read the fine print.
When filming they catch some criminal activity in the background that will cause the footage to be confiscated.This made me think of another one:
- one of the cast (usually a young person) walks around with a video camera, because they wanna catch something
funny happening so they can send it to America's Funniest Home Videos
Two characters of the opposite sex have been enemies since the start of the show end up sleeping together. They try to cover it up, but end up sleeping with each other again.
The episode where one of the kids shoplifts, finds drugs, finds a gun, finds a dog and tries to hide it.
That 70s Show pulled this off the best when Hyde and Jackie first hooked up
Jackie: I thought they'd never leave...
Hyde:This usually goes a lot better when you don't talk.
It was great when Kyle & Max first slept together, once they got official it wasn't the same. The love/hate wasn't as good when they weren't dating.I think Living Single did it the best.
Every single main character ends up going to the same college, even the dumbass underacheiever who was always teetering on the edge of failing and the genius who got straight-A's and was on track to the Ivy League
-Character meets a cousin, usually from the country, that looks just like them and pulls some fukkery while they're not around.