Good episode
and EVERY DAMN TRACK BEEN GULLYfits the whole theme completely
GODFATHER KANAN / 50 winning right now
Over/Under on "Baltimore Love Thing" ending an episode this season. Too many parallels for that song not to make an appearance.
Please I can't her anymoreHolly is the worst. Kill her please
Exactly...these dudes trippinnikkas really want one of the best characters killed off in OG Kanonthat's like if they killed Omar off like they was supposed too in season 1
DC storyline added another element to his story and character
All we ever knew was Shawn
If they make a Power video game, Lean has to be the source
to replenish your health bar when you play Kanan's character.
Breh i dont even think tariq knows kanan at all. I think fif went to they spot one time since he was out n only tash was in the scene. nikkas want him to turn on ghost like shawn did kanan. But ghost raised sean not kanan. So i dont see how he gonna get his hands on tariq when they dont even have a relationship.
And when tash find out kanan aint dead you think tash and ghost might think of kanan getting at they kids?
They probably had a relationship that turn soured, and she went down Lesbian Lane because of it.
To show that he's really upset with Ghost and not his nieces and nephew. The whole brother/family thing. Tommy do love this dude but he's just angry and acting out because Ghost don't want the only life he's ever known anymore. Remember the references about him breaking up the familytheyre really dragging on this Tommy Lobos thing like its a real possibility,
why would you be worried about Tariq if youre comtemplating killing his dad ? his provider..
they do a good job of showing Tommy's confliction,To show that he's really upset with Ghost and not his nieces and nephew. The whole brother/family thing. Tommy do love this dude but he's just angry and acting out because Ghost don't want the only life he's ever known anymore. Remember the references about him breaking up the family
Again Lobos didn't hit that dog.One little thing I don't like is how the Mexican cartel has godlike powers
How the hell was some cartel guy supposed to break into Tommy's fancy ass apartment and kill his dog without anyone noticing?
Again Lobos didn't hit that dog.
I'm convinced more than ever that Holly killed that dog.