#Playstation2013, Feb 20th PS4 Announcement?


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
Thats a question. How do you feel about that, hypothetically. Im guessing since you avoid addressing your actual feelings on it, you arent thrilled. :beli: We can be honest about gripes with our systems. I dont have any with ps4 but i can see why you'd have some.

hypothetically i feel as it would be a disaster for them unless they can convince consumers why it is imporant , will I care no cause my systems are always online.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Riiiiiiiiidge Raaaacer!
Point is Court just Courtin' as usual.
So King Sun played other games outside of street fighter :leon:
And when Uncharted 2 was poppin, you wasn't even a regular
Unpolished 3 dropped. And only myself and Fatboi played
You guys did not. That's cuz your not really the gamer you act like you be
Unlike this O.O.Triple O.G you see before ye :lawd:
Pinata sold half a million copies. :huhldup:

That must be one of those underground classics in xbot land.
Most ps3 games would kill to sell that much :ufdup:
Lets see how Xbox faired with that endeavor this generation.

Wii – 24.9 million as of December 2010[59]
PlayStation 3 – 19.7 million as of December 2010[59]
Xbox 360 – 13.7 million as of December 2010[59]

:ufdup : I dont think Europeans are eager to be video taped in their own homes. They've lost enough privacy in public. There's no such thing as a European xbot. Well, unless hes of European descent, living in America, friend. :smugbiden: Japan is done with hardcore gaming. Only 6 million ps3s were sold in japan. 1 million Xbox's :russ:

Microsoft has to focus on America, because they will lose the planet.
While 2010 is a cute place to quote some shyt. I have to ask where your link got its numbers from since Europe doesn't even report systems sold.
And why has Rekka been saying "shipped means sold" like if retailers don't return unsold product :what:
I worked at an actual gaming store before. We returned a rack of unsold systems. Happens all the time. But to maintain the lie, lets all bullshyt full-time for fukks sake -----> :demonic: <-----
You think Xbox is flying off the shelf in the last 3 years in Europe. Please friend. If they're that far behind, they aren't catching up. PlayStation, is the system of the world. Microsoft is the Ford of American gaming. Microsoft has to focus on America and allow Americans to perpetuate lies that the system is better the ps4, when the reality is, the system is a CCTV spy box that plays inferior versions of PS4 games.
The spybox your referring to is your cell phone
People don't game for marathon sessions except for children.
IF you think they wanna spy on your kids, get a tin foil hat for them bruh.
If you think they wanna look at you for the hour you spend playing a game?
Couldn't they just look up your Facebook page instead? Seems a lot easier than creating a $600 system and hoping you'll buy it and be in front of the camera the majority of the time :stopitslime:
Is an always on console innovative?
Depends on why the feature is there. Can you answer that question?
If not, shouldn't you be falling back right about now???

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
*looks at date*

:deadrose: I agree japan is done with hardcore gaming which is why the ps4 will flop. MS catered to japan instead of Europe last gen they coming for the holy grail:salute:

Even as of last year PS3 was leading everywhere except the US

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Depends on why the feature is there. Can you answer that question?
If not, shouldn't you be falling back right about now???

What features can an always on the internet console do for you that you would actually pay for. Seems like one of the worst business decisions in the history of gaming considering many people, in particular people in poor areas want to game but dont have the internet.

Microsoft doesnt care about poor people if always on internet is true.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Even as of last year PS3 was leading everywhere except the US
I would love for you to back up that statement with some sort of proof
I been looking for years, but nobody ever seems to have any :ld:
Only when the PS3 first launched was that true in Europe to my knowledge (statistical knowledge that is, then the absence of sed knowledge)
What features can an always on the internet console do for you that you would actually pay for. Seems like one of the worst business decisions in the history of gaming considering many people, in particular people in poor areas want to game but dont have the internet.

Microsoft doesnt care about poor people if always on internet is true.
You didn't answer the question buddy. All you have been doing is saying its there to spy on you :stopitslime:
Couldnt they spy on you now by seeing if you online or not? Do they need to know what outfit you wearing for "spying purposes"
So once again, if you can't even tell anybody why it would be there. What are you saying then?
Nothing is the answer. But carry on...

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
I would love for you to back up that statement with some sort of proof
I been looking for years, but nobody ever seems to have any :ld:
Only when the PS3 first launched was that true in Europe to my knowledge (statistical knowledge that is, then the absence of sed knowledge)

You didn't answer the question buddy. All you have been doing is saying its there to spy on you :stopitslime:
Couldnt they spy on you now by seeing if you online or not? Do they need to know what outfit you wearing for "spying purposes"
So once again, if you can't even tell anybody why it would be there. What are you saying then?
Nothing is the answer. But carry on...
I see, you arent pleased with always on internet consoles. Thank you.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Electronic Arts Inc. - Events & Presentations - EA talks to Morgan Stanley investors today about how Great the PS4 will be for business. You know stuff about how their poised to be a dominant force this gen.

No word about Microsoft.

Proves you lost already :youngsabo:
:yawn: EA is in bed with sony. Thats why Battlefield 3 DLC hits PS3 first
But the major companies for games like COD = Xbox. GTA5 is about to drop. You couldn't even play the full version of GTA4 til 2yrs after we was done eating :win:
All EA has besides that is Mass Effect which we said they could keep.. Mass Effect's 3 ending is the result of that...
Nice links. But you have fallen for the same traps everyone else falls for
In your links, they have this in them...
This European sales data is estimated by Nintendo based on information provided by market research companies
And they don't even elaborate on that :snoop:
I see, you arent pleased with always on internet consoles. Thank you.
I have no reason to be anything right now. If I felt they was trying to spy on me I'd slap myself for being that stupid. Or else I'd close my facebook, gmail, never use google, would get rid of all 3 of my cell phones. And after all that, I'm sure they'd still be able to track me somehow.

You have failed to provide a reason for why its a bad thing. And what you are implying they are gonna do with it (spy on you) is ludicrous and doesn't deserve a dignified response...

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
:yawn: EA is in bed with sony. Thats why Battlefield 3 DLC hits PS3 first
But the major companies for games like COD = Xbox. GTA5 is about to drop. You couldn't even play the full version of GTA4 til 2yrs after we was done eating :win:
All EA has besides that is Mass Effect which we said they could keep.. Mass Effect's 3 ending is the result of that...

Nice links. But you have fallen for the same traps everyone else falls for
In your links, they have this in them...

And they don't even elaborate on that :snoop:

I have no reason to be anything right now. If I felt they was trying to spy on me I'd slap myself for being that stupid. Or else I'd close my facebook, gmail, never use google, would get rid of all 3 of my cell phones. And after all that, I'm sure they'd still be able to track me somehow.

You have failed to provide a reason for why its a bad thing. And what you are implying they are gonna do with it (spy on you) is ludicrous and doesn't deserve a dignified response...
So xbox is the system for Call of duty and a game that comes out every 3 years. :russ: Have fun over there. I never see you in Call of Duty discussions though. Friend, i dont know why You're gonna be buying the system by that logic. Oh well, im sure youll have fun over there with your little games.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
cant wait ill xbox crushes buildings and you haters scrambling like roaches :russ:

How can they crush buildings with an inferior system? You must be hoping for a Wii system and judging from the gimmicks microsoft is pushing, Kinect, you may just get that, without the Wii sales. :heh:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
How do you go from this...
Electronic Arts Inc. - Events & Presentations - EA talks to Morgan Stanley investors today about how Great the PS4 will be for business. You know stuff about how their poised to be a dominant force this gen.

No word about Microsoft.

Proves you lost already :youngsabo:
To this...
69.99 for games? EA losing their minds.
No word on Microsoft tho right? Proves you lost again!!! :win:
So xbox is the system for Call of duty and a game that comes out every 3 years. :russ: Have fun over there. I never see you in Call of Duty discussions though. Friend, i dont know why You're gonna be buying the system by that logic. Oh well, im sure youll have fun over there with your little games.
Its the most popular game this gen :umad:
As for being in a COD thread :what: Why the fukk would I need to do that?
I'm on xbox, we don't have problems finding each other there. We don't have to meet up in threads to coordinate cuz we have parties on the greener side :whew: