This topic genuinely perplexed me.
What is so wrong about AAs staking their claim to a genre of music mostly birthed by them? I don't think anyone has a problem acknowledging that non Blacks and AAs contributed to hip hops establishment. What is offensive is when people make statements claiming that hip hop wouldn't exist with Latins or that hip hop is exclusively a yard man.
Imagine the push back if Stevie Wonder just proclaimed that reggae was created by Black Americans and that Jamaicans were bystanders. I think that what is making ppl upset is other folks are not stopping at contributions and influences, they are now claiming that hiphop is exclusively theirs or that without them, hiphop would not exist. Put aside Tariq. I was reading a thread on here earlier in which a Jamaican in Britain claimed that RnB and House weren't exclusive to AAs!! No other Black culture is accused of being simultaneously cultureless but is expected to have their cultural artifacts to be open to everyone! That's where the disconnect and disrespect comes in.
And those of you who hate Tariq have had a hand in feeding the type of xenophobia he traffics in. When ppl are distorting history and then y'all say that AAs have no right to correct the record, who does that leave the door open for? It's like the border. For decades the left insisted that there was no border crisis, leaving any potential solution to come from the minds of xenophobic right wingers. Y'all failed to push back on these outlandish claims and now a charlatan is offering an extreme solution: to prevent AAs cultural erasure, we will erase or downplay the contributions of non AAs in hip hop. Plus, some of y'all give a weird pass to downgrade and denigrate AA culture and history simply because it occurred in the United States. Other diaspora groups have a similar story but because they live on a beach, speak French/Spanish/patois and eat largely the same foods, they are allowed to claim a culture while AAs are assumed to be cultureless children simply because they cannot trace back their point of origin with 100% fidelity. shyt is mad funny style the way some of y'all moving out here