People dismiss it but there are a large and growing segmented of lonely and alienated men in the US,

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
In my humble opinion there are very few cases where the Man is into the Woman as much as the Woman is into him, and vice versa.

The only way a Man can have a happy relationship is if the Woman is into him more than he is into her. So something like a 55/45 split Woman/Man. But anything more than that or less will cause imbalances.

Chemistry is a complicated thing but it involves a Man's financial potential, innate charisma, physical prowess/libido etc.
Why should women be in relationships with men who are not into them?

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
I'm 21. I've never had a girlfriend and I've never kissed a girl. I have been laid twice though... but I "purchased" this experience during my senior year of high school. I am not bitter because I know that I don't attract women because I have social anxiety. A quick story about this situation (for those who are interested). I'm originally from ghana and I grew up there for the first ten years of my life. Growing up I was a class clown kinda kid who did really well in school. I had lots of friends and I was basically an extrovert. When I moved to the states at age 10 everything went south. I was called african boots scratcher and taunted by a lot of the girls in my classes. My self esteem took a nosedive and I basically isolated myself from my peers from 4th grade to 10th grade (hence the social anxiety). In 11th grade I changed how I dress and gained 2 inches. I also became more attractive to women physically because I started playing football (I was actually the starting kicker on the team during my junior and senior year). As a result mote and more women started talking to me and 3 of them actually asked me out to prom. I said yes to two of them but them I didn't have the balls to even show up for prom because of my social anxiety. I did pretty well in high school (4.3 GPA,32 act aND a 2100 sat) but I was so depressed that I basically asked my parents if I could go live with my aunt in accra. They accepted.. so I left. Three years later I returned to the states and joined to navy to pay for college. My current job is easy (IT) and I am really happy. I still don't talk to women though so I have a reputation of being a here on my ship. Im in shape and somewhat above average in looms but im awkaward as fukk and have social anxieyy. Basically a woman will talk to me but because of my social anxiety I'll freeze up and basically try to avoid her asap. What ends up happening is that my women coworkers end up thinking that I'm a jerk be I'm blowing them off. After I'm done with to navy I'd like to become a doctor like my older brother but I am really worried about what I will do with my life. I've already come to the conclusion that I will never get married (I'm 21 and have never kissed a girl.. I also have social aneixty). I was thinking that maybe I can dedicate the rest of my life to volunteering or working for doctors without borders or something. I like helping people. Sorry for the essay guys.

shyt I was always the breh who was cool with everyone had nice gear but not cute:wow:. Summer before freshmen year I did nothing but eat an I got into anime and it was all downhill from there.

That low self esteem is a bytch to overcome. I can lose weight and gain muscle and still wont be confident. 25 is too late to be addressing these issues.

I'm convinced that's just life..the creator made me an ugly nikka so I could focus on other shyt Besides p*ssy I suppose.:manny:


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
That advice should apply to women as well, seeing as they are the main ones chasing and wanting idiotic unrealistic shyt like "2pac in a business suit."
I don't know any woman who wants that. Why would anyone want Tupac in any way?
He was a great actor/entertainer, but he didn't appeal to everyone.

You can have it both ways. Either you like women or you don't. If you don't like women that's fine but please do not group us all together. There are a lot of women who care about a man's character, his integrity, and his true nature. People live in a fairytale world will inevitably be disappointed. There is no magic love potion. People mistake infatuation with love. In order to have a successful relationship you have to love yourself, you share the love from within with someone else. But you have to both bring love to the table. When people start looking for love they have already lost. When you both bring love to the table, two people are sharing something.

When you both bring love to the table you can be kind, forgiving, honest and passionate.

When you both bring love to the table, You can build future. And you have something to look forward to. It's not always easy. But when you're coming from a place of love and strength you're able to open up and share with each other.

Before you get with someone else the love has to be strong within you and them.
Jun 6, 2015
I don't know any woman who wants that. Why would anyone want Tupac in any way?
He was a great actor/entertainer, but he didn't appeal to everyone.

You can have it both ways. Either you like women or you don't. If you don't like women that's fine but please do not group us all together. There are a lot of women who care about a man's character, his integrity, and his true nature. People live in a fairytale world will inevitably be disappointed. There is no magic love potion. People mistake infatuation with love. In order to have a successful relationship you have to love yourself, you share the love from within with someone else. But you have to both bring love to the table. When people start looking for love they have already lost. When you both bring love to the table, two people are sharing something.

When you both bring love to the table you can be kind, forgiving, honest and passionate.

When you both bring love to the table, You can build future. And you have something to look forward to. It's not always easy. But when you're coming from a place of love and strength you're able to open up and share with each other.

Before you get with someone else the love has to be strong within you and them.

You are not of the Amerinikkan culture, nor are you immersed in it.

This is the reason you don't understand or observe what is happening among Black Youth in this country.

I am the great great etc. grandson of a slave. My sister and female cousin all display slave mentalities in that they are a slave to popular Black music influenced by Jews who profit off of our need as a people to follow dumb trends. They will then proceed to tell some young Black motivated dude that he doesn't qualify for them because he "can't pay their bills" or some other destiny's child non-sense regurgitated via Nicki Minaj or another current buck dancing artist.

I am seeing this in my own family, meanwhile you are from the homeland or carribean and not seeing the fukkery on the ground floor where the nikka mentality roams wild and free in the streets of NY, ATL, CHI, etc.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
yea there's a lot of young dudes out here that are pretty much invisible to society :jbhmm: ..I went through a phase in my mid teens like that, feeling invisible, rejected and realizing nobody gave a damn about me but luckily I found guidance and peace within myself to overcome that self pity...

These young boys grow into old men who become weirdos...I know yall came across those creepy older men types before....those dudes are a lost cause but these younger dudes can be saved .....we gotta do more to reach out and guide these young brothas and let them know life is more than getting women to like you...
martial arts needs to be promoted more imo :yeshrug: it builds confidence, mental and physical strength, discipline, face L's everyday when you spar and life L's aren't so bad and u aren't avoiding them since u take them everyday on the mat....these young men out here so afraid of rejection and taking risks, they hole themselves up in the house and become really weird, pathetic and awkward......shyt even a few women are becoming like that now

I also recommend studying Stoicism if you think you are dealing with "adversity" and loneliness.....