PAWG Product Manager at Facebook showcases average day in her 6-figure tech job


Apr 30, 2012
People in here confused and mad. But they need to get on LeetCode and get their TC up instead of spending all that time on 2k and CoD :ufdup:
What gets me is people getting angry instead of saying "That looks like a nice place to work, what can I do to find a job like that?" :jbhmm:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
If she gets her work done, then I really don't care what she does in a video and I doubt her managers do either. The performance reviews will tell enough, not some random TikTok.

Nothing about this video is an indictment on their work.

In fact, in my opinion, its an ad for talent at Meta more than anything. If I'm a talented college grad looking to join a tech company, seeing their offices might move my target from someplace like Google to Meta.

Meta's stock is cratering. it just dropped 22% in a day. With that kind of loss, Zuck and Meta's upper management are going to be under fire. Last thing you want in a time like this is a viral video floating about with a worker giving an ultra laid back image of the work culture. When upper management starts to trim the fat to appease shareholders and a video like this goes viral, there WILL be extra scrutiny put on her.

Like it or not, you are a brand and you have an image to uphold when in the workplace. Perception matters every bit as much as the reality of the work that gets done. Managers steal credit of their workers all the time and end up climbing up the ranks because of perception. You can be ultra hard working, but if you get the image of being someone who is laid back and chilled out and does nothing, then you will get rewarded accordingly, which is career stagnation or getting fired.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Here's some more possible repercussions to a video like that. When people start getting fired in lieu of Meta's latest financial results, and she doesn't get cut, people are going to bring her name up. "Amy barely works all day. Why is she still here when Sally, who works super hard, just got fired? See, here's her Tik Tok and all she does is chill the majority of the day." You can bring scrutiny on yourself, which is the last thing you want to do in a recession.

Next, you can get all of those benefits trimmed out. With such bad stock performance, shareholders are going to wonder about the 'lavish culture' over at Meta and how can it be justified with such poor performance and now all of those sweet treats and eats get cut.

A lesson I learned early on is that if you have something good, keep your mouth shut and just enjoy it. Telling everyone about it is likely going to mean that benefit won't be there for much longer.


Nov 21, 2012
:snoop: I’ve said it before, I literally cannot understand peoples need to share what their workday is like to complete strangers.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
you aint lying

I do this shyt for a living. as long as you stay on top of your shyt you can coast and make bank.
I'm jealous but I feel like I have the best of both worlds

I can work my way up in IT to a bs job but have skills to fall on in a bad economy


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
I mean Product Managers don’t really have a hard job…. I don’t see the problem…
I’ve been a Product Manager the job isn’t hard lol as long as you manage your tasks and stay on top of the project deliverables daily, you can have a lot of free time. Also depends on what types of project delivery framework they use - Waterfall or Agile, most likely Agile at Facebook. She gonna fukk it up for the other Product Managers at the job though :dead:

Ehhh. It depends on the product, where the product is in its lifecycle, & the company. At some places, Product Management looks like pure hell. The pressure is intense and both the engineers and the business people/higher ups can be at your throat. It is a high EQ position that admittedly I don't think I could do. Not enough direct authority. And I definitely could not deal with Gen Z engineers the way PMs have to. It's a great position to get general management skills in though.

People who actually bring value, aren't doing this shyt on social media.

I remember when I was searching for jobs a while back, I wanted to find out more about the day to day life for a position I was interested in. I did a search for it on youtube and there were a few videos of "a day in the life of a..." Type videos. I watch them thinking I'd hear about what type of frameworks, technology, standards, etc they used on a daily basis and that will give me a nitty gritty overview of their day to day job and what I would expect if I got this particular job. There was none of that. It was them spending half the video talking about how they got ready for work in the morning and their commute and all this non-job specific bullshyt. :dahell:

There are people clout chasing using their connections to "tech" to try and stunt and portray some sexy image of it. Most of the time they are capping.

Especially corporate white chicks...the bar be so low for them.

Anyone who's worked in a tech environment knows that the bar is hyper low for junior level white women. They have it better than anyone in the company. I had a white 20-something coworker tell a manager she was going home at 3pm because she was tired. It was a Wednesday. She hadn't left later than 5:20 the entire week getting in at 9. He was just like :aicmon: "Ok Sarah. Get some rest." They get treated with kid gloves. It's insane.

This person worked at Boeing, Google, Facebook, etc. and has an actual, real description of the job:

You got to be good af at balancing moving parts, managing egos, communicating, etc. You got to really keep track of where other teams are and adjust your targets and adjust your expectations when teams tell you x, y, z are/are not possible. Many people can chill because they've worked out a good system for themselves that still gets the work done.

I've been a member of engineering teams who have absolutely resented their product teams, while other teams loved their's.

It def. ain't an easy job for people not built that way and it's tougher to break into than software engineering.

Also note how much she gets done and still makes content. People are really driven at those levels.

I wanted to get into it myself coming from engineering, but it seems way too intense.

This. Could never be me. I'd be in one meeting with the PMs & GMs basically telling them they suck and are the reason shyt is falling behind. The next meeting, developers are telling them to fukk right on off when they ask for acceleration on the project. Nah, I would've lost my cool.


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
This. Could never be me. I'd be in one meeting with the PMs & GMs basically telling them they suck and are the reason shyt is falling behind. The next meeting, developers are telling them to fukk right on off when they ask for acceleration on the project. Nah, I would've lost my cool.
Yup, not to mention if your company is smaller then it's at risk of being acquired and during an acquisition product teams are one of the first to go. Your product team can be phenomenal and leagues above the acquiring company's but wouldn't matter.