Oprah Says She Won't Stoop To Monique Level; Monique ClapsBack

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
This is different.

Kayne is venturing off into fashion as another medium, so of course he would seek validation from the top fashion houses, he wants to be regarded in that caliber, to transcend urban fashion.

Monique on the other hand is looking for work as a comedian and wants to be regared as such, but aint nobody really checking for her like that, big tour circut or otherwise.
Naw its kind of the same. In both cases they want someone else to validate their worth rather than coming in knowing what their worth and demonstrating why they deserve it. Kanye wanted a pat on the head and Monique wanted a bag but both of them were seeking some metric of validation.


Mar 11, 2015
fukk Oprah,both these women seem phony as hell to me,but one was obviously more succesful at it,as she is a black female billionaire,beloved by cacs:martin:.

“I’ve been involved in three projects pitched to her, but I’ve never been asked to participate. For Barbershop, she had Cedric the Entertainer and Eve on, but I wasn’t invited. Maybe she’s got a problem with hip-hop. … She’s had damn rapists, child molesters and lying authors on her show. And if I’m not a rags-to-riches story for her, who is?”-Ice Cube

This is the type of petty and hateful woman we are talking about here,don't let her confuse you with that "we are warriors of the light" bullshyt,unless she is talking about Illuminati or some other form of "light",maybe people lighter than us:mjpls:.


Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
Naw its kind of the same. In both cases they want someone else to validate their worth rather than coming in knowing what their worth and demonstrating why they deserve it. Kanye wanted a pat on the head and Monique wanted a bag but both of them were seeking some metric of validation.
I see your point, yet for me I can understand Kayne wanting validation just because of his vision, impact and legacy he wants to leave regarding fashion.

Monique has been stuck in one lane for the last couple decades, and the only reason why we are hearing about this is because Netflix approached her, she felt insulted, created a tirade, and here we are with this thread.


May 1, 2012
Then ignore her.
Ignore her why? How does giving Mo’Nique a pass for her bullshyt help the black community? You’re up here defending this chic without explaining why it’s important to defend her.

When Amy used her angles to finesse her way into bigger bucks white men said nothing and she got her way into bigger bucks.
Your Amy Schumer analogy is a lie. Amy actually stayed on (proper)code unlike Mo’Nique. Like you acknowledged Schumer used 2 black men to make her case for more money. She didn’t call out white men crying sexism. Had she compared herself to white men who are clearly more popular and more in demand than she is, there’s no question that she would’ve faced backlash from white men. White men dont fukk with Amy Schumer off GP because she’s a liberal fake feminist type anyway. So you prove my point bringing up Schumer. Despite her ongoing problems with white men(who are literally trying to sabotage her career) she purposely used black men to make her case. That’s staying on code which is what Mo’Nique didn’t do.

If Monique is wrong cuz she is doing it for a selfish reason then a simple ignore would suffice. All of this is basically trying to push her face into the mud aka overdoing it cuz she already got denied.

All of this theatrics to which the whole breakfast club is going at her is a waste and she will have a harder time going grassroots with people hindering her going other ways.

She went to Netflix and they shut her down and that was that. All of this going at her is just riding Netflix dikk at this point is beating a dead horse. Y’all acting like Netflix guard dogs forreal.
You’re just as full of shyt as Mo’Nique is. All you’ve done is deflect, move the goal posts, and tell lies. Nobody has an issue with Mo’Nique turning down netflix’s offer and demanding more money. The issue is with her trying to emotionally manipulate blacks into supporting her and her selfish cause. The issue is with her pocket watching black men like Rock and Chappelle crying wolf about sexism. This has been made clear yet you insist upon clouding the issue just to be obtuse.

fukk you. Mo’Nique is not the victim that you’re painting her to be. If this publicity stunt is hurting her career then it’s of her own doing. Nobody forced her to put herself out here like this. She’s responsible for it all. Netflix hasn’t said shyt. I wish that she would sit down somewhere and shut up because she’s insulting black people’s intelligence(not yours because you’re stupid enough to fall for it) and just playing herself. We need to call people like out on their bullshyt. We talk this code shyt but the sad reality is that not enough of us are smart enough to even understand what the code is or should be. This is why I’ve been telling you that this is not an issue of Netflix vs black people despite Mo’Nique tryna paint it that way. “Yea Mo’Nique is just trying to use us but we shouldn’t say anything about it”. She’s playing your stupid ass.

:usure:She had that deal beforehand, Mo suppose to beef or be mad at Tiff for some shyt that happened before the boycott?:mjlol:
I didn’t say that she was supposed to do anything you stupid motherfukker. I said that it’s hypocritical of her to congratulate Haddish on her Netflix deal after she has campaigned for black people to boycott Netflix. Haddish signing the deal before Mo’Nique pulled her stunt doesn’t negate the hypocrisy. If it’s fukk Netflix then it should be fukk Netflix.

The fact that she didn’t know about Haddish’s deal actually further illustrates how full of shyt she is. I’m quite sure Haddish’s deal was bigger than her offer, and if that’s true then it negates her whole bullshyt argument. Haddish is black and a female, and she’s not complaining a bout being being low balled. Had Mo’Nique reached out to Haddish and other black comedians who have done business with Netflix to find out if there were in patterns to support her racism/sexism supicions, maybe she’s could’ve saved herself some embarrassment.


The 100s LochNess
Dec 31, 2014
I didn’t say that she was supposed to do anything you stupid motherfukker. I said that it’s hypocritical of her to congratulate Haddish on her Netflix deal after she has campaigned for black people to boycott Netflix. Haddish signing the deal before Mo’Nique pulled her stunt doesn’t negate the hypocrisy. If it’s fukk Netflix then it should be fukk Netflix.

The fact that she didn’t know about Haddish’s deal actually further illustrates how full of shyt she is. I’m quite sure Haddish’s deal was bigger than her offer, and if that’s true then it negates her whole bullshyt argument. Haddish is black and a female, and she’s not complaining a bout being being low balled. Had Mo’Nique reached out to Haddish and other black comedians who have done business with Netflix to find out if there were in patterns to support her racism/sexism supicions, maybe she’s could’ve saved herself some embarrassment.

Her name was brought up in the tweet & she responded correctly

I'm quite sure the Tiffany deal was no multi million dollar Amy Schumer type deal :mjlol:...
Tiffany already signed the deal, she can't complain even if she wanted to:yeshrug:


May 1, 2012
Her name was brought up in the tweet & she responded correctly

I'm quite sure the Tiffany deal was no multi million dollar Amy Schumer type deal :mjlol:...
Tiffany already signed the deal, she can't complain even if she wanted to:yeshrug:
So did your mom smoke crack while she was pregnant with you or did she just drop you on your head as a child?
May 1, 2012
I agree that Oprah should do more in the U.S. particularly Chicago; I know that she has sent a lot of young Black men to college; There's also this article on why she didn't build a school here:
I mean she ain’t really lying I remember taking regular classes freshman years and most nikkas did not give a fukk about being there . Started taking more advanced classes the next year. I love being with my people but there is a serious disconnect in the school system. And tbh I have no idea how to fix that shyt.