Look at these stans all mad. Its bigger than retelling what happened. Besides the public talks, everything else is the same. Dialogue. Shots. Reactions. Transitions. Story beats.
Nolan did NOT write this movie. Is my point.
Decades before Christopher Nolan's movie, a BBC exec went to America to make a $1.5 million TV show about J. Robert Oppenheimer.
“Goodchild who used his research to write a book on Oppenheimer that published alongside the series in 1980 — had some interaction with Kai Bird, co-author of the 2005 Oppenheimer biography “American Prometheus” that Nolan’s film is based on.
However, neither he nor Caleb were contacted by the “Tenet” director or Universal Studios as the new film came together. In fact, the pair are full of questions about how the movie turned out, and how it compares to the series. “I wonder what attracted [Nolan] to Oppenheimer,” Caleb says.”
* their movie obv did
The book the movie is “based on” has nothing to do with the original series. They met briefly.
And yes. Straight PRIVATE conversations are in both. Straight SHOT FOR SHOT scene transitions. Oppenheimer invites his future wife out and invites her husband too. Same response. Cut tot riding horses. Same way. All the private moments are exact.
Of course it was gonna have the senate hearings and all that and be based on truth. But a scene for scene remake? The same exact private lines of “made up” dialog? Do you think this mans entire lifes dialogue is written down. The OG writers made a lot of that shyt up based on info. Nolan just relaid it down as is and cut around it.
Why dont yall rewatch the bbc film for yaselves. They didnt remake “fat man and little boy” they remade the bbc series. Why are those films comoletely diff but these 2 are the exact same movies. EXACT.
If any other big director did this they would be shyt on. Guy took an entire script and just replaced actors and cut out exposition wnd placed his name on it. The only scene i didnt see in this flick were the fukk scenes (and they are def cribbed as well, from both the series and oppenheimers infamous interview himself) and the dissapointed winstein scene used in beginning and end.
What a writer…
I dont expect brand new information. But i expected something new brought to the table somewhat. Obviously there is a degree of artistic lisence taken wiyh any movie. Ive NEVER seen a director get writing credit for cribbing an entire film before and be hailed as some revolutionary filmmaker.
And i dont even know why first guy bringing up the black and white. Thats the one artistic thing he brought to the entire picture. Atleast he did that.
Even the revelation of strauss being behind it all (complete with wife flipping out over it) and all his behind the scenes talks are EXACTLY the same. Beat for beat, same movie. Close ups of the wifes face as oppenheimer tells his story at the clearance hearing. Her being mad after. Annoying lawyer. You telling me they couldnt change it up a little? That it “all happened tbis way”. Get real.
Yall bytch about remakes all day yet sucking this mans dikk when he just straight shot for shot remade a film and didnt even advertise the fact or does anyone seem to know.
What i expected is all his public appearance stuff to be the same. Instead EVERYTHING was. The shots. How they transition. What they transition to. Its more than dialogue.
This film is a paint by numbers copy. Fact. In any other profession, this is plagiarism. He dint even know how to properly give credit to source material.