I went with my niece to visit Exeter it was at that moment that i realized there is a whole whole 'nother world out there as it relates to education. She eventually chose an all girls out in VA.
I went to Tech in early '9
Brooklyn Tech from early 90s? ,Oh you're
just jokes
It was 30-35% black , 15% Hispanic the rest split among the rest but mostly asian. How tf is the number single digits 20 years later? It's systematic and the problem lies in the elementary and jhs's . Tho i'm fully behind ADOS this is one of the slight flaws in the argument. When i was in JHS the JHS i went to was designed for top students out the district. we were segregated had a completely diff accelerated curriculum and we were to enter HS @ sophmore year as opposed to fresh. There were programs like this throughout the city. A majority of the kids i went to school with ended up in tech/science/stuy or Hunter and a few comparable schools.
I got thrown out off sum bull, but with the world being as small as it is one of my boys is married to a chick that taught at the same JHS and she told me how the principal of the program was indited on purging out the black kids and i was one of the first. He wasnt the only one tho others have been busted for doing the same thing. Fooliani after he was elected gutted programs that existed as feeders to the specialized schools. Folks have done studies how he cut funding to schools that were in predominately black and brown neighborhoods. Bloomburg continued the same practices, charters only exist to do the same but hide behind the argument of school choice.
Wasn't aware of this in NYC, thanks.
On local levels we need Black media to attend council meetings, follow political decisions and report them in manner that people can follow. So we're aware of these plans and can act to block them or counter them.
Fooliani did that, while simultaneously lowering the entrance requirement for cops during a period. Letting in a flood of unqualified white blue collar guys into police force who otherwise would not have gotten in.
I used to mess with this philipino joint and she used to tutor on the weekends. All throughout china town and Flushing for Asian kids, Kew Gardens and I forgot that heavily Jewish part of BK near Midwood on the weekends they have kids tutoring for the test at these "community" centers and they start em young. I never heard of that growing up but they existed for years it became profitable after Rudy and Bloomy financial decisions.
Internal responses from their communities to externally controlled decisions. I have to respect them taking action.
We started summer SAT prep class for kids at my mom's church (on Saturdays). Only requirement was that parents stay on premises during class. See if you can guess what happened.
I always felt that the guys who are 3rd + generation firemen and civil servants get early exposure to what those tests are like, if not tutoring from former nyfd brass. Not a thing stopping our communities from doing the same thing.
Lastly, there is a parental dynamic that affects this. The wife like human is a HS teacher and every year 3 times a year they have parent night and its usually 3-5 parents that show up. She was gassed when one time 8 parents showed up cause thats the most she ever had, she has about 60-75 kids a year
Parents won't even show up to the FIRST Parent/Teacher conference. They are sending the signal to the teacher that they don't care about their children's education, whether they know it or not. Sending the same message to their kids.