On the real, why don't we just stop paying for females in general


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
lol alive in the sense that Im making all the money, im paying all the bills. I'd feel like she isn't contributing enough.
If we don't have kids under 5 then i would probably think she is at home relaxing all day while Im at work. Dust a shelf or 2 then cheat on me with the pool boy (just a joke).

Y'all gonna have a pool and a poolboy:myman:

Lol I getcha.
I might think that too honestly if y'all don't have kids.
Like what exactly does she do all day? (Unless she was a full time student or had a heavy heavy load of volunteer and community commitments)

You've got plenty of time to find the right woman and work out what works best for yall individual family.
I have some couples friends where one worked nights and one worked days for years so someone would always be home for the kids.
It worked great for them and now the kids are big.


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
I'm not gay first off.

Secondly its not a viable income vehicle as I have to physically be there to get paid.

I like leverage not trading time for pennies.

Let it go...you have no leg to stand on here

Oh I get it. Selling your body is a great amazing business opportunity for other people,
Specifically women
But debasing yourself isnt.

Like I told you many posts ago
Have a great sunday.

Feel free to @ me with the toldyaso when this magical world that you envision of no criminality no social stigma and no hard work for poor men like yourself and millions of women hopping on that great money train of selling p*ssy comes to pass

I can't wait! It's gonna solve all yall problems.

At least the realistic sex toy/robots that some of these dudes are wishing and waiting for has a realistic chance of someday happening.:russ:


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
Props to you sista. Most married folks who have a really good functioning marriage work as a team. It is just like sports or say basketball. Someone has to shoot and or assist and or rebound. But the roles are interchangeable depending on the situation. My wife just went back to work and was a stay at home mom taking care of our baby and oldest child.

My wife liked her job but also wanted a baby. I told her that she did not have to rush back to work and if she wanted to take a few years off so she could to enjoy the baby and not feel stressed about juggling a infant and a older child because I travel so much with work.

She took a few years off from work but was ready to go back because the baby got older and she just wanted to work. Which I can totally understand that.

So I :salute:You and your husband for working as a team. We got to show these young folks positive black married couples. Cause lord knows they ain't gonna see that on TV or online (which does nothing but to support the most negative in our relationships and it spills over in forums like this).

Thank you breh.
We gotta keep showing them that it can be done.
Salute you and Wifey too:salute:


All Star
Jul 8, 2015
Who said the amount of money you spend dictates how much you want a woman? I certainly didn't. We are talking about a first date. Emphasis on date. Even as a broken college student, I got dates. Not even the broke guys in college asked me to pay my way. And now as a woman who does well for herself, I'm supposed to entertain grown men who find it a bother pay properly court me? No thanks. Find you a Netflix and Chill girl and leave me alone.
Like I said in a previous post, if it were someone he really liked this wouldn't be a problem, so why should I entertain someone who doesn't see me as worth a proper date?

And what is balling out completely on a first date? It certainly isn't paying for food at a more expensive restaurant.
So you're saying its not the amount spent just the fact that he would cover you
And you feel you shouldn't have to pay because if he were really interested in you, it wouldn't even be a question
ok I get your views


May 3, 2012
If I invite somebody somewhere that cost money, of course ill pay but that goes for everyone; men, women, children, the elderly

When it comes to dating women though im inclined to purposely invite her to somewhere that doesn't cost much money, if any. Why? Because I don't know you, its the first date, I don't know if I even truly like you and im well versed in the societal power dynamic where women feel they can leverage sex for resources. I don't mind the dynamic persay...I get it. But I've made a promise to myself that I have no interest in participating.

Of course this means my dating pool shrinks like a motherfukka :heh: but what's left will probably be a more compatible bunch


Aug 15, 2014
Thats a catch 22 because they also expect the man to take the lead and ask the woman out. If not than you arent being the "man".

Listen, if he won't go for it...I will lmao. I think I've initiated the last few of my dates. Do I think of the guy as less than a man? No. That shyt isn't really important when you're spending time with someone you're interested in.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
My advice is- just do you. You payin', you not payin'- whatever. Social media done f*cked everything up relationship wise. But you can't be hard on hoes if she ain't even feelin' you in the first place. A female has to like you first before you can implement anything else.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
kind of a spin off the thread where breh wanted his $6 back for the drink but to avoid getting curved and embarrassed like his ass, how about dudes not buy a damn thing for a woman from now on?

you a feminist and you want equality? pay for your own meal :jawalrus:

you in the club and all dudes is thirsty? buy your own drink, pay your own cover and no you can't get in free before 11:jawalrus:

you ain't down to Netflix and chill? take me out then :jawalrus:

the modern female wants to have her cake and eat it too whilst bringing nothing to the table but some pussois and her own self sufficiency, so why the hell we still buyin em shyt? how long we gon tolerate this shyt for brehs? i thought it was #HOH? i thought it was money over bytches? we need to put an end to this simping shyt once and for all right got damn now cause it's outta control
this sounds good an all but the average dude is too weak. good luck


Mar 14, 2015
The U.S. need to "Upgrade" in their Social Services on A National Level In The U.S. In All (50) Fifty States.

Hint!: -> Cases such as this particular Case automatic prove My Point.

The U.S. need a Substitute Girlfriend Social Service on A National Level in The U.S. in All (50) Fifty States for The Upstanding Gentlemen to be assigned to a Substitute Girlfriend of their choice without dealing with The Hassles, Rejections, Etc of The U.S. Civilian Women which are mostly "100% Shallow".

The Substitute Girlfriend Social Services would be listed in "The Social Work" Category & Would serve a Upstanding Purpose to Society because it would automatic be a "Upgrade" that's similar to instead of using Pay Phones which was The Only Option Back In The Day You can now have your Own Personal/Private Cell Phones in this "Era".

The "Only" Solution to this National Problem in The U.S. will be The U.S. having a Substitute Girlfriend Social Service on a National Level in The U.S. in All (50) Fifty States for The Upstanding Gentlemen (The Nice Guys).

Furthermore, This Particular Sector would also bring in more In-Demand & Recession-Proof Careers in Black America since Companionship will always be In-Demand & Recession-Proof along with this Sector needing more than Substitute Girlfriends such as: Personal Assistances (CPA's), Maintenance Personnels, & The List Goes On Etc.

(The Upstanding Gentlemen Description)

All Parties (Clients & Substitute Girlfriends) Must Be Single & Upstanding.

The Upstanding Gentlemen (The Nice Guys) will go to their Local Substitute Girlfriend Social Service to Sign-Up to be approved if they meet The Requirements to be assigned to a Substitute Girlfriend of their choice without having to deal with The Hassles, Rejections, Etc of The U.S. Civilian Women which are mostly "100% Shallow".

The Upstanding Gentlemen (The Nice Guys) can apply for A New Request Every (1st) First Of The Month for A Assigned Substitute Girlfriend of their choice but still they will only be allowed to have (1) One Substitute Girlfriend because Open Relationships And/Or Open Marriages are Unethical & Will Be Permanent Banned from this Association.

No Exceptions!

(Substitute Girlfriends Description)

All Parties (Clients & Substitute Girlfriends) Must Be Single & Upstanding.

Substitute Girlfriends would be based on seeing their Clients Once A Week (Except For Emergencies) which automatic mean that if their Client is Sick, And/Or Have Any Other Emergencies Etc then they would take care of their matters etc at no cost.

Substitute Girlfriends Traveling Expenses would be paid Upfront & Directly by their Assigned Clients Every (1st) First Of The Month & Will Keep 100% Of All of their Traveling Expenses that's paid by their Assigned Clients.

All Substitute Girlfriends that Sign-Up will have to be "Certified" before being assigned to a Client so that they can prove that they're "100% Non-Shallow" & has always been "100% Non-Shallow" because Background Checks, School Records, Etc will be performed to review any Scams.

Note: Women that have Previous Records of Denying The Upstanding Gentlemen (The Nice Guys) Back In Middle School/High School, & The List Goes On Etc Concerning Any Other Shallow Procedures will automatic lead to their Applications being "Denied".

Substitute Girlfriends Will Be Selective But Non-Shallow which automatic mean that they wouldn't associate with Unethical People And/Or Unethical Activities.

(Examples Of Unethical People)

Child Molesters

Drug Addicts

Gays (Bi-Sexual, Gays, Lesbians, & Transsexuals, Etc)

Men That Are Currently Dating, Engaged, And/Or Married Because It's Unethical To Cheat Regardless If You're In A Open Relationship/Open Marriage Or Not.

Men That Have A History Of Being A Deadbeat And/Or Have A "Certified" Document Of Being On Child Support Regardless If It's In The Past And/Or Current.

Involved In Child Pornography

Involved In Murders

Involved In Prostitution

Involved In Pimping Women

Involved In Stalking People

Involved In Sexual Trafficking Regardless Of The Age Of The Victim

Involved In Theft

Mental Illness People

Non-(Black/African American) U.S. Citizens


Robbers & The Lists Goes On Etc.

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
women were never made to actually listen to and take seriously
we now have and everything is falling apart

women are making similar wages to men and in some cases higher and expect to be treated equally to men in any other social setting, but when it comes to something that benefits them it's "well that's just how it is, we can't change that. you dont know women"
Who said the amount of money you spend dictates how much you want a woman? I certainly didn't. We are talking about a first date. Emphasis on date. Even as a broken college student, I got dates. Not even the broke guys in college asked me to pay my way. And now as a woman who does well for herself, I'm supposed to entertain grown men who find it a bother pay properly court me? No thanks. Find you a Netflix and Chill girl and leave me alone.
Like I said in a previous post, if it were someone he really liked this wouldn't be a problem, so why should I entertain someone who doesn't see me as worth a proper date?

And what is balling out completely on a first date? It certainly isn't paying for food at a more expensive restaurant.
this is also hilarious. men are expected to change up anything they do at anytime when it's damaging or illogical but when it comes to women whatever makes them feel good is what they want and everyone else has to go along with it or they're unworthy
there's no compromise or logic with females, they just do whatever they want until it fails and they blame someone else.


All Star
Aug 14, 2015
Me, myself and I
So you're saying its not the amount spent just the fact that he would cover you
And you feel you shouldn't have to pay because if he were really interested in you, it wouldn't even be a question
ok I get your views

Like I said before, this is bullshyt I only read in the internet. Even my broke ass college dates paid for me. Whether it was for a slice of pizza, or whatever.
But do you. If Netflix and Chill is your thing, then do that.

I never have a problem paying for MY MAN. My man has committed to me. But for a man who may just be looking for quick, cheap p*ssy and who I don't know is really interested in me or just thinks I'm a hoe and sleeping around with Pookie anyway (as per the Coli)?

No, I am not paying. I also have never asked a man out on a date, so there's that.

Bottom line, do what you feel is right for you. If you find women who don't have a problem with Netflix and Chill, what are you complaining about?


Aug 6, 2015
Men must limit their investment for the same reason women make you wait for the p*ssy. Nobody wants to get played. women play the field too, i could be the 3rd guy to buy her dinner that week and she may have a casual FB who doesn't have to do shat.