Old Washington Post article about Yvette Carnell's racist eugenist Zaddy John Tanton

Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012
You aren't saying anything but "The Data". The Data could very well support that immigrants are hurting us and whatever else but wtf does that have to do with #ADOS leadership aligning and serving as a boardmember on White Supremacist proxies? Why does that negate ya'll at least probing about it? You mean to tell me you have NO questions? :gucci: How ya'll accept everything without critical thinking is beyond me, but it's troublesome.

okay? fukk the dems :manny: now what? that can stand indefinitely but how does that address the fact that Yvette is on the board of an organization that's a White Supremacist front? I really need to know, cuz no one here is actually SAYING anything. It's just one stars with no comment or in @JussieSmollett's case, "But The Data :umad:"

I tried to make the point late last night that questioning #ADOS (emphasis on the hashtag) is not the same as being as being against reparations exclusively for ADOS people. There's been plenty of other efforts that predate it. Somebody had the nerve to tell me if you do that, you're against ADOS people as well :snoop: this is the bullshyt we're on dealing with right now. Every week, it's "Joy Reid ABC", "Jim Clyburn XYZ", "The Democrats 123" and okay, fine, that's cool. But when the heat gets turned to someone like Yvette it's radio silence and dinner suggestions :dead: What are ya'll really for? Reparations or personalities?
oh you cant argue against the data that shows illegal immigration hurts blacks?

end of discussion :blessed:


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
What are ya'll really for?
I'm pro my people eating. If that means we gotta kick some (anti black) mf'ers out, so be it. If Dems won't countenance such a discussion, I'm perfectly willing to ally with those who will. I won't shed a tear and won't feel no kinda way about it, neither.



Mar 24, 2014
All the c00n's favorite urban heroes having a bad week..first Avenatti and now Carnell :mjlol:

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
All the c00n's favorite urban heroes having a bad week..first Avenatti and now Carnell :mjlol:

:russ: think that a few chicken coup dwelling powerc00ns polishing their fiddles while groveling at the feet of white liberalism = giving somebody a bad week.

like i said, yvette hasn't lost any followers and her stream last night did very well, and ADOS is still a national discussion.

did you like that white girls freestyle though? :coffee:

Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012
:russ: think that a few chicken coup dwelling powerc00ns polishing their fiddles while groveling at the feet of white liberalism = giving somebody a bad week.

like i said, yvette hasn't lost any followers and her stream last night did very well, and ADOS is still a national discussion.

did you like that white girls freestyle though? :coffee:
imagine not being able to argue the data so you have to lie on the only female black voice who is fighting for reparations every single day :wow:


May 21, 2012
Because it’s a retarded ass hot take


If you pro-abortion and calling John Tanton an “eugenicist”


nikka what? The guy literally advocates for racial Eugenicism to uphold white supremacy and you’re equating this with people defending a women’s right to choose? The mental gymnastics y’all use to justify your idols doing fukk shyt is insane.


Tanton, a Michigan ophthalmologist, is the guiding force behind nearly all of America’s major anti-immigration groups. He launched the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1979. He was initially motivated by an alarmed reaction to Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 bestseller, “The Population Bomb,” which linked population growth to environmental destruction and a weakening of national security.

Tanton embraced population control. His ideas built on eugenicist thinking, with aims to limit the birthrate of people deemed undesirable. His innovation was to focus on stabilizing the American population by severely limiting immigration.

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
nikka what? The guy literally advocates for racial Eugenicism to uphold white supremacy and you’re equating this with people defending a women’s right to choose? The mental gymnastics y’all use to justify your idols doing fukk shyt is insane.


Tanton, a Michigan ophthalmologist, is the guiding force behind nearly all of America’s major anti-immigration groups. He launched the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1979. He was initially motivated by an alarmed reaction to Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 bestseller, “The Population Bomb,” which linked population growth to environmental destruction and a weakening of national security.

Tanton embraced population control. His ideas built on eugenicist thinking, with aims to limit the birthrate of people deemed undesirable. His innovation was to focus on stabilizing the American population by severely limiting immigration.

Dude founded a whole planned parenthood chapter

Fact Check: Was Planned Parenthood Started To 'Control' The Black Population?
NPR Choice page

Is it one way or the other? :ohhh:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

I don't care about her enough to press the issue, but that juelzing in here :mjgrin:

People actually trying to say that John Tanton ain't a legendary racist White Supremacist :laff:

John Tanton’s Private Papers Expose More Than 20 Years of Hate

Although Tanton has been linked to racist ideas in the past — fretting about the "educability" of Latinos, warning of whites being out-bred by others, and publishing a number of white nationalist authors — the papers in the Bentley Library show that Tanton has for decades been at the heart of the white nationalist scene. He has corresponded with Holocaust deniers, former Klan lawyers and the leading white nationalist thinkers of the era. He introduced key FAIR leaders to the president of the Pioneer Fund, a white supremacist group set up to encourage "race betterment," at a 1997 meeting at a private club. He wrote a major funder to encourage her to read the work of a radical anti-Semitic professor — to "give you a new understanding of the Jewish outlook on life" — and suggested that the entire FAIR board discuss the professor's theories on the Jews. He practically worshipped a principal architect of the Immigration Act of 1924 (instituting a national origin quota system and barring Asian immigration), a rabid anti-Semite whose pro-Nazi American Coalition of Patriotic Societies was indicted for sedition in 1942.

As early as 1969, Tanton showed a sharp interest in eugenics, the "science" of breeding a better human race that was utterly discredited by the Nazis, trying to find out if Michigan had laws allowing forced sterilization.

In a Nov. 13, 1994, letter to white nationalist columnist Lawrence Auster, a regular correspondent, Tanton suggested that the Declaration of Independence was actually a document based on the "bond of blood and ethnicity — nationhood." Almost a year earlier, in a Dec. 10, 1993, letter to Garrett Hardin, a controversial ecology professor, he said: "I've come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that." On Jan. 26, 1996, he wrote Roy Beck, head of the immigration restrictionist group NumbersUSA(and then an employee of Tanton's foundation U.S. Inc.), questioning whether Latinos were capable of governing California.
According to Rafael Bernal of the Hill, Tanton's opposition to immigration is " on the grounds of population reduction and protection of an ethnic white majority".[14] According to the New York Times, Tanton has over time increasingly made his case against immigration in "racial terms".[15] According to the New York Times, Tanton has also said "One of my prime concerns is about the decline of folks who look like you and me ... for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that."[15]
John Tanton has not merely flirted with and adopted many of the core ideas of white nationalism over the past three decades. He has carried on correspondences with some of the key leaders of the white nationalist movement, meeting and even vacationing with some of them, and pushing many of their central ideas.

Over the years, his closest friend on the white nationalist scene seems to have been Jared Taylor, the man who began publishing American Renaissance, a racist, pseudo-scientific magazine focusing on race, intelligence and eugenics, in 1990. ("When blacks are left entirely to their own devices," Taylor wrote in its pages a few years ago, "Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears.")
This kind of thinking led Tanton to defend racial quotas imposed on immigrants. In a Nov. 3, 1995, memo to FAIR boss Dan Stein and the entire FAIR board of advisers, Tanton defended the infamous "White Australia" policy that restricted non-white immigration into that country from 1901 to 1973, saying it was not racist, but intended to protect native-born labor (the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act outlawed racial quotas in Australia). Tanton also mocked the idea that the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, banning Chinese immigration to the U.S., was racist.
Under Tanton's leadership FAIR was criticized for taking funding for many years from the Pioneer Fund, a non-profit foundation dedicated to "improving the character of the American people" by, among other things, promoting the practice of eugenics, or selective breeding.[17]
More than anyone, Tanton served as the liaison between the “mainstream” anti-immigration movement, whose arguments were still rooted in population and job concerns, and its natural allies on the far right, who saw an epic struggle to maintain America’s national and racial character. He courted mainstream conservative donors, like the Scaife family, as well as the fringe Pioneer Fund, whose current president argues that blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites. He had the Social Contract Press translate, publish and promote The Camp of the Saints, a starkly racist apocalyptic novel about a wave of Indian immigrants overrunning France. In 1996, Tanton coauthored The Immigration Invasion with Wayne Lutton, who sits on the advisory board of a publication put out by the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens. Editor of the Social Contract Press since 1998, Lutton now occupies an office just a few feet from Tanton’s.

FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA are all part of a network of restrictionist organizations conceived and created by John Tanton, the "puppeteer" of the nativist movement and a man with deep racist roots. As the first article in this report shows, Tanton has for decades been at the heart of the white nationalist scene. He has met with leading white supremacists and associated closely with the leaders of a eugenicist foundation once described by a leading newspaper as a "neo-Nazi organization." He has made a series of racist statements about Latinos and worried that they were outbreeding whites. At one point, he wrote candidly that to maintain American culture, "a European-American majority" is required.[25]

That was only a bit of it - there was way more in the SPLC article.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
You aren't saying anything but "The Data". The Data could very well support that immigrants are hurting us and whatever else but wtf does that have to do with #ADOS leadership aligning and serving as a boardmember on White Supremacist proxies? Why does that negate ya'll at least probing about it? You mean to tell me you have NO questions? :gucci: How ya'll accept everything without critical thinking is beyond me, but it's troublesome.

okay? fukk the dems :manny: now what? that can stand indefinitely but how does that address the fact that Yvette is on the board of an organization that's a White Supremacist front? I really need to know, cuz no one here is actually SAYING anything. It's just one stars with no comment or in @JussieSmollett's case, "But The Data :umad:"

I tried to make the point late last night that questioning #ADOS (emphasis on the hashtag) is not the same as being as being against reparations exclusively for ADOS people. There's been plenty of other efforts that predate it. Somebody had the nerve to tell me if you do that, you're against ADOS people as well :snoop: this is the bullshyt we're on dealing with right now. Every week, it's "Joy Reid ABC", "Jim Clyburn XYZ", "The Democrats 123" and okay, fine, that's cool. But when the heat gets turned to someone like Yvette it's radio silence and dinner suggestions :dead: What are ya'll really for? Reparations or personalities?
exactly. They're just following personalities. Not a serious movement based on facts. Just name calling and anti-african sentiment.