Old School vs New School beef is brewing


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
If they don't like X music than fine, its their prerogative. However, the way in which a lot of them articulate their views and the narrative that they present along with it, seems to suggest that their entire position is all about feeding their own self-worth in regards to signaling to others how distinct of an individual they are, or, how they are the ones leading the way for new ideas in the culture.

For example, I always see ppl like Uzi Vert and Staples constantly conclude that critics of their music dislike them only because they refuse to be constrained by old rap paradigms, however, I have never seen a speck of evidence suggesting that their is some majority out there on the internet that refuses to listen to artist like Vert because he doesn't sound like KRS-one or Rakim. Just look at Vince's comments on this topic to understand the point i'm trying to make about the narrative weaving going on:

>“You saying that nobody else’s art form matter unless it’s in the ’90s? That’s corny,” he says" - Staples
>“nikkas will shyt on you because you aren’t infatuated with their era of music then wonder why you don’t rock with they old ass.” - Staples

Both these statements are in reference to the Nore exchange he had in the past on twitter, but Nore never made any of these accusations. The "you" and "old ass" are just abstractions for a talking-point. Meaning, these are not rebuttals or responses to actual flesh and blood people, they are responses to Vince's imagined, generic enemy that he projects onto others. Why? well, that brings us back to my original point, if the narrative is false than why are these artists creating it and reading it into the conversation? Imo, self flattery, ego, insecurity(and possibly financial gain). Don't you see...they are on the vanguard of the culture, pushing the boundaries, stepping outside the box with new and fresh ideas, and everyone who has an unfavorable opinion is a close minded-purist trying to live in the past. Its simply a narrative that makes them feel better about themselves and boost their own sense of self-worth.

On a side note, I personally think this trend will get worse. Ppl have a vested interest in eroding past values of the culture like lyrics and etc. Just yesterday I saw Yatchy stereotype Bigge as serious rap...Biggie was about as commercial on the surface as Mase was in the 90s, but based on Yatchy's analysis you would think Biggie was public enemy or something. But of-course he would use that language; his goal is to devalue that standard of rap to get his style over.
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Jan 31, 2014
respect is a two street tho. when the older generation keeps shytting on you , its human nature to be like "well fukk yall too"..

look at the situation with Soulja Boy and Ice T...Ice T goes on a record and tells Soulja, a 17 year old on the come up, to eat a dikk...just for being him.
Soulja supposed to pay homage to a nikka like that?...and Soulja responded on some real shyt...if im fukking up, pull me to the side and give me the game..dont tell me to eat a dikk, you a 50 year old ass nikka

we cant expect these kids to just know they history..they know what we show them..if we keep showing them disrespect, they gone reply with disrespect..

we also cant expect them to love what we loved.. Pac probably sound to them like Run DMC sounded to me in 96.

Okay, Run paved the way. Respect.

If you expecting me to listen to his shyt or cyse him in interviews :francis:,im not gone do that...

ima cyse Nolimit, UGK, 8BALL and MJG, Swisha House, JayZ, DMX...cause thats what I came up on.

and if you wanna shyt on my era and act like yours shyts gold, im probably gonna get defensive and take shots back.

thats all this is

I actually agree with you & especially on the Ice T/Soulja Boy situation. Ice T should've pulled him aside if there was an issue but I guess he tried to son him which was wrong. I definitely didn't agree with that & wasn't feeling how he did it.

And I agree that the older generation has to do a better job of teaching the younger generation & not come across as preachy or trying to son them which puts them on the defensive. But like I said before you have clowns like Uzi & Vince Staples going out of their way to $hit on the older generation & almost brag about not listening to that hip hop which is wild disrespectful & ignorant. I think the younger generation has to do a better of addressing clowns like him & letting hip hop know that's not cool & how that attitude shouldn't represent the culture
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Jul 26, 2015
My biggest problem with way too many in the younger crowd isn't even necessarily the music or the disconnect in how the culture is repped. If you fukk with mumble rappers, trap music, or didn't grow up freestyling in cyphers or never walked the city at night with a backpack full of fat caps and spray paint, it is what it is. I'm wise enough to know it's a different era and you can't fault somebody for simply being born later than you and not experiencing what you experienced.

What I will NEVER give a pass to or accept is stupidity and illogical arguments. I don't give a fukk if the topic is hip-hop or basket weaving. Do these new rappers that diss anything that existed prior to 2010 think they're Peter Pan or some shyt?? If you preach that anything older than you is irrelevant and subsequently, that aging is somehow a sin, you're effectively proving that you believe hip-hop and the music you create or listen to is nothing more than a fad. Because if you're fortunate enough to live another 10 years and reach that grandfatherly age of 30, by your own logic you have no place or say in whatever the current state of the culture is. You've outgrown it and it no longer applies to you.

That's just stupid, and anybody that espouses some sh*t like that needs to be called on it.

As far as cats not paying homage and taking pride in being ignorant, again, that is just some stupid sh*t. Reminds me of a few years back on Real Time when John McCain's daughter was on talking some bullsh*t about Obama and the current economy, and when Paul Begala tried schooling her on Reagan and Jimmy Carter, she tried to play him out talking 'bout "Oh, I'm sorry but I wasn't even born back then", to which he famously shot her down with "I wasn't born during the French Revolution, but I know about it."

Like, who the fukk takes PRIDE in not knowing sh*t about the craft or profession you engage in?? :wtf:
May 2, 2013
My Set
Im 24 I like most the new nikkas but these nikkas dont hold a candle to Pac, Big, Pun, Wu-tang, etc.

My problem with the new nikkas is their excuse for not being lyrical is that they're young...thats fukking stupid because thats making young people look dumb while branding a bad stereotype. young people aren't dumb however they're lazy af when it comes to the pin. Why don't these nikkas just admit that they're lazy and too doped up and don't have the mental complicity to spit some super dope shyt.

Also these nikkas treat rapping like a hobby and not a profession. Anyone who is serious about their craft not matter the craft is will know some for of history about it because that's the only way to gain knowledge.

I'm not saying you gotta kiss ass and put an old nikka on your album n shyt but just fukkking know something and show some respect.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
In the span of 8 years the only publicized event of an old school rapper shytting on a new school rapper is Ice T and Soulja boy...that's not evidence of a norm, that's evidence of an exception.


Oct 8, 2013
only in hip hop you got younger cats disrespecting older MC's, you don't see this in Rock, Country Music, Pop, and R&B. and this is why the genre is headed towards the shytter. i'm a old head so i'm forever gonna rock out to the old shyt.
Hip-hop is more popular now than it was in the 90's. It isn't going anywhere.

J.Cole and Kendrick Lamar are better than Pac, Biggie, Jay, and Nas, because they're able to take lyricism and match them with melodic music they grew up listening to as well.

En Sabah Nur

The First
May 10, 2012
Survival of the fittest
Hip-hop is more popular now than it was in the 90's. It isn't going anywhere.

J.Cole and Kendrick Lamar are better than Pac, Biggie, Jay, and Nas, because they're able to take lyricism and match them with melodic music they grew up listening to as well.


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
respect is a two street tho. when the older generation keeps shytting on you , its human nature to be like "well fukk yall too"..

look at the situation with Soulja Boy and Ice T...Ice T goes on a record and tells Soulja, a 17 year old on the come up, to eat a dikk...just for being him.
Soulja supposed to pay homage to a nikka like that?...and Soulja responded on some real shyt...if im fukking up, pull me to the side and give me the game..dont tell me to eat a dikk, you a 50 year old ass nikka

we cant expect these kids to just know they history..they know what we show them..if we keep showing them disrespect, they gone reply with disrespect..

we also cant expect them to love what we loved.. Pac probably sound to them like Run DMC sounded to me in 96.

Okay, Run paved the way. Respect.

If you expecting me to listen to his shyt or cyse him in interviews :francis:,im not gone do that...

ima cyse Nolimit, UGK, 8BALL and MJG, Swisha House, JayZ, DMX...cause thats what I came up on.

and if you wanna shyt on my era and act like yours shyts gold, im probably gonna get defensive and take shots back.

thats all this is

The same Soulja Boy that shouted out Slave masters?

The same Soulja Boy that defended Bieber after those N!gger statements?

The same Soulja Boy that can't even stay with one style and constantly teleports different nikkas slang and styles.

The same Soulja boy thats threatened to cock a 9 and kill another nikka because his simp ass got his feelings hurt by a bytch?

The same soulja boy that doesn't even have a memorable verse in his entire 10 year career?

Ice T was trying to do the culture a favor and running this punk out.

As for me.. I came up listening to Geto Boys, NWA, Too Short, Ice, Above the Law, Quik and cats of that caliber. I didn't fukk with Run DMC, Rakim, Kool G, KRS and alot of East Coast cats but I never boasted arrogantly about not fukking with them or dismissing them as trash nikkas like alot of these bozos be doing on these boards and the rappers they idolize. I didn't rock with them but I respected them for what they did.

And I didn't apperciate them until later on when I got older when I started really grasping lyricism and saw it as something refreshing.
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May 25, 2012
Bronx, NYC
Let the young cats eat, they pay homage to those who influenced them. The early 2000's and mid 2000 MC's still get love. I don't expect 90's rappers to get love from 20 year olds.


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
no its not...music is subjective..it aint even about eras..what if i just flat out dont fukk with Pac?..i gotta pay homage cause you told me to?

people fukk with what they fukk with
hip hop want cliche answers...

think about it like this...flip said scarface was the king of the south..n during that time any nikka with sense in the south would laugh at the thought of tip claiming shyt

flip paid homage to face..as any nikka should..what face do...turnt around n shytted on flip..

so yeah..ion blame these young nikkas..fukk these old nikkas


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
The same Soulja Boy that shouted out Slave masters?

The same Soulja Boy that defended Bieber after those N!gger statements?

The same Soulja Boy that can't even stay with one style and constantly teleports different nikkas slang and styles.

The same Soulja boy thats threatened to cock a 9 and kill another nikka because his simp ass got his feelings hurt by a bytch?

The same soulja boy that doesn't even have a memorable verse in his entire 10 year career?

Ice T was trying to do the culture a favor and running this punk out.

As for me.. I came up listening to Geto Boys, NWA, Too Short, Ice, Above the Law, Quik and cats of that caliber. I didn't fukk with Run DMC, Rakim, Kool G, KRS and alot of East Coast cats but I never boasted arrogantly about not fukking with them or dismissing them as trash nikkas like alot of these bozos be doing on these boards and the rappers they idolize. I didn't rock with them but I respected them for what they did.

And I didn't apperciate them until later on when I got older when I started really grasping lyricism and saw it as something refreshing.
nikka ice t was tryin 2 put his wack ass son on...

say what u want about souljah boy...he aint let tracy punk him...snoop jumped on the bandwagon...with ice t..until the smoke cleared...n he saw tracy was tryin 2 put his weak ass son in the game...


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
hip hop want cliche answers...

think about it like this...flip said scarface was the king of the south..n during that time any nikka with sense in the south would laugh at the thought of tip claiming shyt

flip paid homage to face..as any nikka should..what face do...turnt around n shytted on flip..

so yeah..ion blame these young nikkas..fukk these old nikkas

There be instances where I can admit that sometimes these old cats can be on some bullshyt though...
