Old School vs New School beef is brewing


Oct 8, 2013
True. But at some point, if you grew up in a community where hip hop is the norm, you are gonna become a fan. Elementary School, Junior High. You don't evolve into it, it's just your environment.
I think you said you started listening to hip hop about five years ago? So if you're around 18, maybe you got into hip-hop at 13 or so? That's a little late, but nothing egregious.

Did you grow up in an area where everybody listened to hip hop and you were outside of the norm for mostly fukking with pop until the past 5 years?
I've been listening to rap for a long time. I just started listening to full albums around 5 or 6 years ago.


Oct 8, 2013
True. But at some point, if you grew up in a community where hip hop is the norm, you are gonna become a fan. Elementary School, Junior High. You don't evolve into it, it's just your environment.
I think you said you started listening to hip hop about five years ago? So if you're around 18, maybe you got into hip-hop at 13 or so? That's a little late, but nothing egregious.

Did you grow up in an area where everybody listened to hip hop and you were outside of the norm for mostly fukking with pop until the past 5 years?
I've been listening to rap for a long time. I just started listening to full albums around 5 or 6 years ago.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
The sound evolved so much in that time period that a lot of people don't feel it and if you aren't interested from a historical standpoint some of that music really didn't age too well compared to music from the early 90's.

all stigmas aside:

in general, the mid & late '80s stuff aged better than the early '90s.

Because those guys are titans and have transcended hip hop. It's different regarding the 80s @Wacky D. Hip hop had not reached its commercial peak. There's a difference between origins and prominence. Hip Hop became the machine it is in the mid 90s. The genre didn't even have a grammy best album category until like 1996. Enthusiasts of a genre always know the golden age because that stuff gets remixed and put back into music all the time. However, that is only if you grew up around hip hop fans. To a lot of these new people people hip hop is just pop music.

lets keep it 100 about pac & big. theyre "titans that have transcended hip-hop" because of their deaths, the way they died & everything that came along with that.
take away all the propaganda, and theyre in the same boat as the other old school legends.

hip-hop's commercial peak was in the early 2000s. not the mid-90s breh.

I could care less about the grammys but clearly, the grammys adding their first rap award in '89 means more than adding an additional award in '96. theres a reason why jazzy jeff & the fresh prince winning is way more known and more historically relevant & important than naughty winning in '96.

theres not just one golden era. the mid-90s is just the golden era that YOU witnessed. you guys need to realize that youre guilty of the same stuff that youre complaining about these young cats doing. only thing you have over them I sthat the music is dead now. that's my only gripe with the youngns. the fact that they have no legs to stand on when they make these wild statements.


Oct 8, 2013
True. But at some point, if you grew up in a community where hip hop is the norm, you are gonna become a fan. Elementary School, Junior High. You don't evolve into it, it's just your environment.
I think you said you started listening to hip hop about five years ago? So if you're around 18, maybe you got into hip-hop at 13 or so? That's a little late, but nothing egregious.

Did you grow up in an area where everybody listened to hip hop and you were outside of the norm for mostly fukking with pop until the past 5 years?
I listened to hip-hop. I just didn't start looking into classics and full albums until 5 years ago (Illmatic, RD, etc). While I like 90's rap, I feel like some of it is rappity rap like Mobb Deep and Wu-Tang. Maybe I'll grow to love it - but as of right now, I only think it's okay. I listened to Only Built 4 Cuban Linx and it gets tiring listening to 18 tracks of rappers just trying to go in. You need to harmonize and create beautiful music too. That's what Nas did with Illmatic (Illmatic was also at great length with only 10 albums).

A Tribe Called Quest ™

Make Em Say Ughh ... Silk da Shocker
Jul 28, 2013
Why do have to the respect the generation of black people from 60s and 70s period. I look at them as the worst generation of black people , shoe shining c00ns that spent more time on coke than raising their kids


May 20, 2012
Why do have to the respect the generation of black people from 60s and 70s period. I look at them as the worst generation of black people , shoe shining c00ns that spent more time on coke than raising their kids
The same people who fought for your dumb ass to go anywhere you want, and you disrespect them like that?

Yall nikkas deserve what yall about to get from these racists?

I aint saying they was perfect, they did do dumb shyt in the 80's, but they did pave the way for us to have a better life.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
The same people who fought for your dumb ass to go anywhere you want, and you disrespect them like that?

Yall nikkas deserve what yall about to get from these racists?

I saw that post and just let it be because I was curious to see just how far the rest of these 90s babies were willing to go to prove they were the woat generation

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
The same people who fought for your dumb ass to go anywhere you want, and you disrespect them like that?

Yall nikkas deserve what yall about to get from these racists?

I saw that post and just let it be because I was curious to see just how far the rest of these 90s babies were willing to go to prove they were the woat generation

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015


Illustrations: Jenny Scales
You’re now 30 bullets old. Maybe older. You hear all these kids yelling “lit” and repeating a phrase for three minutes and calling it a song. And you’re getting real tight. This is not music. This is clearly a weak-ass generation that has no idea how to make real rap. Or…maybe, just maybe, you are only skimming the surface of what’s out there. You are not actually bothering to listen to these new jacks and the quality music they are putting out. And since you don’t understand it, then it must be shyt. Right? Cause that’s how it works. If you can’t understand it then it has to be straight garbage.

1. All these new rappers sound the same.
Pick your favorite era and I can point out five emcees that sound exactly like each other. Old heads are upset because everyone is named Lil Supa Soaka and Murda Mane, but old heads are suspiciously quick to forget that it was once super hot-to-have a 5 Percenter name. Or how Das EFX was basically that generation’s Migos. Once Das EFX blew up, every riggety-real emcee you can think of started to sound like they were Straight Out Da Sewer. Pull up that Big L and Jay Z – Stretch & Bobbito freestyle and tell me who Jay sounds like. Did we forget the super scientifically mathematical flow logical trend? I didn’t. Lots of rappers rhyming about astro physics and the cosmos. That was just a coincidence too, huh? Rappers have always sounded similar. It only bothers you now because they don’t sound the same as your favorite group from high school.

2. None of these rappers have respect for the OGs.
Respect is not easily measured. Expecting a new generation to bow down to an older generation is the opposite of progress. The reason you love Illmatic is because it doesn’t have any Run-DMC features. Imagine bumping “NY State Of Mind” and right after Nas’ verse, DMC starts kicking some bars about shell toes and hanging out with fukking Aerosmith. The current generation, for the most part, goes out of their way to get features from older rappers–even when it costs them their own money. ScHoolboy Q has E-40, Tha Dogg Pound, and Jadakiss features on his new LP. Jadakiss is basically old head royalty. And yet, I would wager you can’t name Kiss’ last album. Q has no obligation or marketing need to have a Kiss feature. It cost ScHoolboy Q more money to get that Jadakiss verse than you have spent on your entire sneaker collection. So who’s really a bigger fan of the previous generation?

3. Kanye has ruined the whole culture.
True, but he also let Madlib produce the beat for his single on his biggest album to date. Let that sink in. The world’s most infamous ego maniac let Madlib (a producer that has never charted, ever) do the beat for “No More Parties In L.A” and he makes it one of the first songs the world hears from his “greatest musical achievement.” I certainly didn’t complain. But I will not deny him for his ability to do amazingly cool shyt given his position in music. Things you wouldn’t expect like dropping his entire schedule to go give the eulogy for Phife Dawg’s funeral. For a person who is obsessed with himself, he actually has very, very, very respectable taste in emcees and producers.


4. Young Thug is garbage.
Oh lawd. Trashing Young Thug is like cocaine to old heads. “Jeffrey” makes them so uncomfortable. Young Thug on the exterior looks like a dusted out scarecrow, but he raps extremely well:

“Choppers, AK’s, hand Grenades we take that kill shyt no payback
But I’ll kill you and listen close no mistake that
But we don’t play basketball, bytch there’s no take back”

There’s enough in those three lines to validate that he possesses a measurable amount of skill. But the real draw for the listener is not when he flexes complex sets of syllables and sounds in rapid succession. The pay off is when Thug croaks out: “Money stand like 8 feet, just like 2 midgets.”

If DOOM said that shyt you’d praise the metal-faced god for his grammatical genius. But he didn’t.

Thugga yelled that absurdly clever shyt and it’s all you need to understand that there’s more going on in that prickly-pierced bleached goblin man than meets the eye. Depending on what side of the spectrum you fall. This is probably a good time to use what I call the “Sadat X Factor.” The Sadat X factor is a system I created to tell whether someone hates someone’s voice or hates the way they rap. Think about it. No one is indecisive about Sadat X. Old heads either love Sadat’s voice or they hate it. But, the beauty of the system is that you can’t say he is trash. You are forced to pick one. Does his voice bother the shyt out of you or do you have issues with his bars? Cause only one of those things can be trash. Is Young Thug actual trash or do you not like his voice?

5. All these rappers dress the same.
True. So true guys. You got me. These fashion rappers are dressing up exactly the same which means our generation was vastly superior. EXCEPT…this has happened since the beginning of rap and you have the memory capacity of a floppy disk, dawgie. In the early ’80s they were dressing like P Funk. Mid ’80s it was truck jewels, Cazals, track suits. ’90s: military wear, boots, hoodies, Carhartt, then the jiggy era, then the tall tee era and let’s not forget that Dipset, arguably one of the most fashionable groups of all time, wore the shyt out of Ed Hardy. Jones even started some diet Affliction t-shirt line that was so bad. Trends are trends. Nothing is new and it wasn’t better back then. You just were younger and didn’t have a credit score to worry about.

6. Everybody just makes mixtapes. They can’t make an actual LP.
First off, music is 100% free. You pay no money. Truly think about that fact before you complain. You never have to pay for an album ever again. How quickly the old heads forget the infamous day of disappointment when we were all promised that Canibus was Rakim reincarnated. We rushed out to get that whack ass Can-I-Bus album. We no longer have to blindly purchase an album ever again. They give away all the music at an unprecedented level. Imagine if your favorite ’90s rapper had produced as much material in their prime as some of these new cats. That whole era would be vastly different.

7. All these new rappers are fake.
Spoiler Alert: almost all rappers are fake. Requiring a rapper to be an actual criminal is absurd. Saying rappers are fake is not an original revelation. Chris Rock made CB4knowing most rappers were faking the funk. The film was released in 1993 aka 23 years ago. This isn’t a new point. And it is not good one either. Wu-Tang Clan wasn’t from Shaolin and Lil Turnt Knife most likely did not sell bricks of cocaine. Also, selling cocaine is not a good thing. Music is still allowed to be escapism. It does not have to be literal. And more often than not, those that talk bout that life reap the consequences from it, in one form or another.

You're Not An Old Head, You're Just Old

:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol: @ breaking down Young Thug lyrics and spinning it in positive light. If I had the time, i could probably napalm everything in this article, specifically the first point he made about the rappers sounding the same.
May 13, 2013
Capsule Corp


Illustrations: Jenny Scales
You’re now 30 bullets old. Maybe older. You hear all these kids yelling “lit” and repeating a phrase for three minutes and calling it a song. And you’re getting real tight. This is not music. This is clearly a weak-ass generation that has no idea how to make real rap. Or…maybe, just maybe, you are only skimming the surface of what’s out there. You are not actually bothering to listen to these new jacks and the quality music they are putting out. And since you don’t understand it, then it must be shyt. Right? Cause that’s how it works. If you can’t understand it then it has to be straight garbage.

1. All these new rappers sound the same.
Pick your favorite era and I can point out five emcees that sound exactly like each other. Old heads are upset because everyone is named Lil Supa Soaka and Murda Mane, but old heads are suspiciously quick to forget that it was once super hot-to-have a 5 Percenter name. Or how Das EFX was basically that generation’s Migos. Once Das EFX blew up, every riggety-real emcee you can think of started to sound like they were Straight Out Da Sewer. Pull up that Big L and Jay Z – Stretch & Bobbito freestyle and tell me who Jay sounds like. Did we forget the super scientifically mathematical flow logical trend? I didn’t. Lots of rappers rhyming about astro physics and the cosmos. That was just a coincidence too, huh? Rappers have always sounded similar. It only bothers you now because they don’t sound the same as your favorite group from high school.

2. None of these rappers have respect for the OGs.
Respect is not easily measured. Expecting a new generation to bow down to an older generation is the opposite of progress. The reason you love Illmatic is because it doesn’t have any Run-DMC features. Imagine bumping “NY State Of Mind” and right after Nas’ verse, DMC starts kicking some bars about shell toes and hanging out with fukking Aerosmith. The current generation, for the most part, goes out of their way to get features from older rappers–even when it costs them their own money. ScHoolboy Q has E-40, Tha Dogg Pound, and Jadakiss features on his new LP. Jadakiss is basically old head royalty. And yet, I would wager you can’t name Kiss’ last album. Q has no obligation or marketing need to have a Kiss feature. It cost ScHoolboy Q more money to get that Jadakiss verse than you have spent on your entire sneaker collection. So who’s really a bigger fan of the previous generation?

3. Kanye has ruined the whole culture.
True, but he also let Madlib produce the beat for his single on his biggest album to date. Let that sink in. The world’s most infamous ego maniac let Madlib (a producer that has never charted, ever) do the beat for “No More Parties In L.A” and he makes it one of the first songs the world hears from his “greatest musical achievement.” I certainly didn’t complain. But I will not deny him for his ability to do amazingly cool shyt given his position in music. Things you wouldn’t expect like dropping his entire schedule to go give the eulogy for Phife Dawg’s funeral. For a person who is obsessed with himself, he actually has very, very, very respectable taste in emcees and producers.


4. Young Thug is garbage.
Oh lawd. Trashing Young Thug is like cocaine to old heads. “Jeffrey” makes them so uncomfortable. Young Thug on the exterior looks like a dusted out scarecrow, but he raps extremely well:

“Choppers, AK’s, hand Grenades we take that kill shyt no payback
But I’ll kill you and listen close no mistake that
But we don’t play basketball, bytch there’s no take back”

There’s enough in those three lines to validate that he possesses a measurable amount of skill. But the real draw for the listener is not when he flexes complex sets of syllables and sounds in rapid succession. The pay off is when Thug croaks out: “Money stand like 8 feet, just like 2 midgets.”

If DOOM said that shyt you’d praise the metal-faced god for his grammatical genius. But he didn’t.

Thugga yelled that absurdly clever shyt and it’s all you need to understand that there’s more going on in that prickly-pierced bleached goblin man than meets the eye. Depending on what side of the spectrum you fall. This is probably a good time to use what I call the “Sadat X Factor.” The Sadat X factor is a system I created to tell whether someone hates someone’s voice or hates the way they rap. Think about it. No one is indecisive about Sadat X. Old heads either love Sadat’s voice or they hate it. But, the beauty of the system is that you can’t say he is trash. You are forced to pick one. Does his voice bother the shyt out of you or do you have issues with his bars? Cause only one of those things can be trash. Is Young Thug actual trash or do you not like his voice?

5. All these rappers dress the same.
True. So true guys. You got me. These fashion rappers are dressing up exactly the same which means our generation was vastly superior. EXCEPT…this has happened since the beginning of rap and you have the memory capacity of a floppy disk, dawgie. In the early ’80s they were dressing like P Funk. Mid ’80s it was truck jewels, Cazals, track suits. ’90s: military wear, boots, hoodies, Carhartt, then the jiggy era, then the tall tee era and let’s not forget that Dipset, arguably one of the most fashionable groups of all time, wore the shyt out of Ed Hardy. Jones even started some diet Affliction t-shirt line that was so bad. Trends are trends. Nothing is new and it wasn’t better back then. You just were younger and didn’t have a credit score to worry about.

6. Everybody just makes mixtapes. They can’t make an actual LP.
First off, music is 100% free. You pay no money. Truly think about that fact before you complain. You never have to pay for an album ever again. How quickly the old heads forget the infamous day of disappointment when we were all promised that Canibus was Rakim reincarnated. We rushed out to get that whack ass Can-I-Bus album. We no longer have to blindly purchase an album ever again. They give away all the music at an unprecedented level. Imagine if your favorite ’90s rapper had produced as much material in their prime as some of these new cats. That whole era would be vastly different.

7. All these new rappers are fake.
Spoiler Alert: almost all rappers are fake. Requiring a rapper to be an actual criminal is absurd. Saying rappers are fake is not an original revelation. Chris Rock made CB4knowing most rappers were faking the funk. The film was released in 1993 aka 23 years ago. This isn’t a new point. And it is not good one either. Wu-Tang Clan wasn’t from Shaolin and Lil Turnt Knife most likely did not sell bricks of cocaine. Also, selling cocaine is not a good thing. Music is still allowed to be escapism. It does not have to be literal. And more often than not, those that talk bout that life reap the consequences from it, in one form or another.

You're Not An Old Head, You're Just Old
hip hops gatekeepers in 2016 brehs

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
Lil Yachty cant name 5 songs by big or pac

Id wager money that hes forgotten in 2 and a half years TOPS

hell be the next:

Roscoe Dash
Lil Scrappy
Da Backwudz
Young Joc
Gorilla Zoe
DJ Unk
Trinidad James
Travis Porter (to be fair a lotta these fakkits stole they whole flow/swag/style)
Shawty Lo
OJ Da Juiceman
Rich Boy
Hurricane Chris
Shop Boyz
Crime Mob
Baby Boy Da Prince
Lil Peanut
Cali Swag District
Cash Out

The fact that this dude is a worse rapper than Shawty Lo :dead: