
May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
I'm complaining because this same criticism was applied to Avery Duverney when she tried to do 'A Wrinkle in Time'. This kind of logic that bad movies all of a sudden are a part of identity politics only when women direct is annoying as hell when white men get multiple chances to fukk up movies and no one ever brings up their stupid identity privilege or the agendas they force on the narratives in the stories they tell.
Look. If that agenda pushing shyt gets in the way of the movie being good. Than it’s a fair criticism. And that’s with ANY agenda. Doesn’t matter what it is. This aint just exclusive to women. Which is the point YOU seem to be missing as well. So bringing up other trash movies with an agenda to defend it doesn’t help the argument. It’s all garbage. If u trying to push a narrative in a movie. U better make sure that shyt is well written and well thought out. Or that will be one of the criticisms. And no amount of whataboutism’s are gonna save a movie thats poorly written, poorly directed, poorly acted, and poorly executed. If lack of subtlety when it comes to whatever narrative their trying to push is a legitimate criticism and flaw of the movie. Than it is what it is. Be mad at the people involved. Not the people calling the bullshyt out. My wife is a black woman and peeped the shyt out from jump and pointed out how it helped ruin the story. It’s not about men or women. No one likes forced narratives.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Look. If that agenda pushing shyt gets in the way of the movie being good. Than it’s a fair criticism. And that’s with ANY agenda. Doesn’t matter what it is. This aint just exclusive to women. Which is the point YOU seem to be missing as well. So bringing up other trash movies with an agenda to defend it doesn’t help the argument. It’s all garbage. If u trying to push a narrative in a movie. U better make sure that shyt is well written and well thought out. Or that will be one of the criticisms. And no amount of whataboutism’s are gonna save a movie thats poorly written, poorly directed, poorly acted, and poorly executed. If lack of subtlety when it comes to whatever narrative their trying to push is a legitimate criticism and flaw of the movie. Than it is what it is. Be mad at the people involved. Not the people calling the bullshyt out. My wife is a black woman and peeped the shyt out from jump and pointed out how it helped ruin the story. It’s not about men or women. No one likes forced narratives.

Black Panther had an agenda, but it flowed well and enhanced the plot. It gave the villain legit motives as well.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Look. If that agenda pushing shyt gets in the way of the movie being good. Than it’s a fair criticism. And that’s with ANY agenda. Doesn’t matter what it is. This aint just exclusive to women. Which is the point YOU seem to be missing as well. So bringing up other trash movies with an agenda to defend it doesn’t help the argument. It’s all garbage. If u trying to push a narrative in a movie. U better make sure that shyt is well written and well thought out. Or that will be one of the criticisms. And no amount of whataboutism’s are gonna save a movie thats poorly written, poorly directed, poorly acted, and poorly executed. If lack of subtlety when it comes to whatever narrative their trying to push is a legitimate criticism and flaw of the movie. Than it is what it is. Be mad at the people involved. Not the people calling the bullshyt out. My wife is a black woman and peeped the shyt out from jump and pointed out how it helped ruin the story. It’s not about men or women. No one likes forced narratives.

The problem with your argument is that this "forced agenda" issue you claim is a problem is the very goal and premise of the character. Wonder Woman is a feminist character, her creator, a man, Dr. Marston said so. So it's very odd when a movie or show about her is good suddenly no one cares about that goal, but when it's bad, all of a sudden it's "agenda" and a problem. If you have a problem with the feminism aspect of the story, then you have a problem with the original purpose of the character. Even the television show continuously depicted villainous men who she had to battle and push back against because of sexism. That's always been there so stop conflating that agenda with the shoddy writing in this movie. If all of the bad people in this movie had been women, it still would have been poorly written. It wasn't a well executed film, mostly because of the script, and that has nothing to do with agenda.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
The problem with your argument is that this "forced agenda" issue you claim is a problem is the very goal and premise of the character. Wonder Woman is a feminist character, her creator, a man, Dr. Marston said so. So it's very odd when a movie or show about her is good suddenly no one cares about that goal, but when it's bad, all of a sudden it's "agenda" and a problem. If you have a problem with the feminism aspect of the story, then you have a problem with the original purpose of the character. Even the television show continuously depicted villainous men who she had to battle and push back against because of sexism. That's always been there so stop conflating that agenda with the shoddy writing in this movie. If all of the bad people in this movie had been women, it still would have been poorly written. It wasn't a well executed film, mostly because of the script, and that has nothing to do with agenda.
Again. THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH A FEMINIST ROLE IF ITS DONE RIGHT. What the fukk are u arguing with me about? The WOMAN who wrote it. Is not a writer. She’s a director. They got rid of the original writers of the first film. Which was a good film. Ur acting as if me saying it forces a narrative is the ONLY reason this movie is bad. No it isn’t. Ur right on that end. But it was ONE OF the reasons. The writer was afraid to make Diana too vulnerable which in turn hurt the script even FURTHER. I agree with u that agenda or not this film would’ve probably still been terrible. But u seem to not understand that this is also a problem. Agenda’s are being placed BEFORE the script. That’s the issue. Ripley is an iconic action character and also a feminist icon. So is Charlie Baltimore, and the list goes on. And it’s because they were treated as people over everything else. They had flaws, fears, challenges, failures, just like every other iconic action hero. Problem now. Is that in a lot of these movies with female leads the remove ALL of that. Which in return gimps the character development and imo doesn't accurately convey how STRONG women can really be. Charlie Baltimore got her ass beat to damn near the brink of death and her love for her daughter and her instilling that strength in her daughter actually gave her the will to survive. It was character development. Go watch a RECENT random action movie with a female lead. They are almost always perfect specimens who can literally do everything without struggle. I understand movies here and there like that. But too many are made like that and not only is it not believable it’s boring.


All Star
Jul 6, 2018
Hold up...Diana knowingly knew that wasn't Steve's body and raped him...:dead:
What if the movie was about a guy that's dating a flabby n sick lady so he makes a wish on the rock to put her mind in his favorite IG model's body and has a jolly good time for a week. Then he sees IG girl walking around and winks at her like you dont remember me but I remember YOU:shaq:

I'm not politically correct but that's crazy for a feminist pg-13 superhero movie, and its supposed to be a romantic happy ending.:russ:


Life is absurd. Lean into it.
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
I finally finished it. Fell asleep the first time. Pacing was off, plot holes, logical inconsistencies, bad CGI, and underwhelmingly bad story left me scratching my head versus the first one. I thought the movie was well cast, but it was a waste of everyone's ability. Gal does her thing as a surprisingly good Wonder Woman, Pedro Pascal is wasted and has me hoping he is on the shortlist to be Victor Von Doom, Kristen Wiig looked like an extra from Cats, Chris Pine is underutilized.

About the feminist arc, I don't mind movies with that narrative, but bad movies become worse when there's a poorly played narrative underlying it all. This was so bad, I really can't even fix my keyboard to say the feminist undertones were the first, second, third, or even the fourth biggest issues with it. Movie was just bad all around.

3/10, not the worst superhero movie but it might be top 5 if I chew on it and think a little more about it.