catching pigeons
May 24, 2014
I'm a Buggin or do they use the super slow mo too much during action scenes :patrice:

For Gadot Snyder probably used it to accentuate her boyish looks :queen:

Patty prolly uses it cuz homegirl can’t do an action scene to save her life :hhh:

We’ve all been spoiled by a proper hipped and actionable actress for 12 years already :usure: :mjgrin:


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
No one is COMPLAINING about female empowerment movies. It’s about the WRITING. It’s too in your face and it’s corny. It’s the same issue with MIB 3. The same issue with the NEW Charlie’s Angels movie. The characters are written bad. Period. People loved the Cameron, Drew, and Lucy’s Charlie’s Angels. shyt. I even loved GI Jane. I love The Legend Of Billie Jean. Long Kiss Goodnight is one of my fav action movies of all time. Alien/Aliens, Terminator 1 and 2, Kill Bill, etc etc. And the list goes on. This is a FLAW writers have these days when they put the NARRATIVE before the writing and film. This is why TV shows are better than films at this point. It’s either a trash remake or some forced narrative bullshyt. Even the remakes are getting that treatment now and it takes away from what people actually loved about the original in the first place. It’s the same reason I can’t stand Tyler Perry movies. No subtlety in the writing. Which makes it predictable and corny. People have a problem with black movies cause they don’t like seeing black folks on screen. Don’t even compare this shyt. shyt like The Wood and The Best Man etc etc are great movies because of the writing. And because while the focus is on black people. It’s not treated like a narrative. It feels NATURAL. Either way it’s a bad comparison anyway because of the lack of black representation on film and TV especially in this day and age. 90s was the best era for minorities on film and TV.

That's not the complaints I'm responding to. I already pointed out the writing was bad in this movie. The attack of PC culture as the culprit for shytty writing is a dumb argument. Just say it's shytty writing and stop conflating it with being "PC" (whatever the hell that means) or some imaginary feminist agenda to destroy all men. We don't talk about the white male agenda or a conspiracy to attack women and pocs when they pump out shytty movies. I just think when we're talking about these movies we should stick to talking about the actual movie and not assign all of it's shyttiness to something that has nothing to do with the movie.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
That's not the complaints I'm responding to. I already pointed out the writing was bad in this movie. The attack of PC culture as the culprit for shytty writing is a dumb argument. Just say it's shytty writing and stop conflating it with being "PC" (whatever the hell that means) or some imaginary feminist agenda to destroy all men. We don't talk about the white male agenda or a conspiracy to attack women and pocs when they pump out shytty movies. I just think when we're talking about these movies we should stick to talking about the actual movie and not assign all of it's shyttiness to something that has nothing to do with the movie.
Look miss. It very much is the culture we live in now that has these goofy ass writers forcing narratives. And it’s all about white women honestly, I don’t know what u complaining about because black women get the shaft too. Which is why it’s annoying to see black women defending this bullshyt.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Saw this on Saturday night but wanted to read the thread. Great read. :mjlol:
I give this 5/10. It was meh had some good things in it like the Maxwell Lord character and I liked the concept of the world descending into chaos because everyone got what they wanted. And I like Gal's performance as Wonder Woman overall and her chemistry with Chris Pine. And I think it was ballsy ending to not have the bad guy die but come to his senses. That was an interesting choice.
Bad things are just a lot of the concepts plot points were either under cooked or didn't make sense. It was just weird.
  • The Wishing stone McGuffin was done poorly. Firstly, they find it in the backroom of a storefront in a mall? Then 2 people happen to hold it and wish for something and there wishes come true. But after some stone magically changes Barbara's abilities and brings back Diana's dead boyfriend it just sits on Barbara's desk out in the open? No one makes any effort to keep it safe?! What?! And then the scene where that Arab dude in a rasta wig helped find the origin. Dude looked ridiculous, I was thinking, "This guy must knowo someone, how did he get this part?!":russ:
  • As someone just mentioned if I didn't know who Kristen Wiig was supposed to be at the end before the movie I would be scratching my head at her transformation. They never established why she was a cheetah. lol
  • What are WW's actual powers? In the mall scene she is using her lasso like Spiderman uses his webs but she was also like floating around defying gravity in the mall scene. WTF was that? Because it seems only later she can fly.
  • And the entire jet sequence was stupid. Not only did they just pull, "Oh I want to fly a jet from the future with nearly a 100 years of new tech in it." Then they just make up, "Oh, I been practicing invisibility." out of nowhere. And then for the trifecta, "Oh btw, it's the 4th of July." What?! :mjlol:
There were just a lot of easy things they could have done better that they just gloss over or don't fully explain which would have made for a lot better movie. Maybe back in 80s blockbuster movie making details didn't matter as much but despite what they were going for it's 2021 people need shyt to make sense you can't just pull multiple concepts/plot points out your ass anymore. We have advanced past that.
Last edited:


Dec 14, 2015
after watching solo a star wars story a second time, it wasn't so bad,,,IM sure WW84 is the same same, here is the catch ( No way in HELL I would sit through 2 hours plus of that shyt ) the first hour was BS, they even filmed WW and white pine playing the escalator ,,

Maybe I would watch again if it was cute

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
I'm a 46 year old Black woman, and I find it ironic when I see men complain about female empowerment movies when white people have similar complaints about Black movies. It's weird y'all can't see the parallels. It's almost willful blindness at this point.

I complain about wack movies. Wonder Woman is wack. Both movies. The message and empowerment angle don’t mean much if the movie sucks.

Maybe instead of hiring a woman just to say the movie has a woman director, maybe they should try to find the best director period.

Also, women for some reason feel the need to push feminist agendas which gets in the way of the movie feeling organic instead of forced.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
I complain about wack movies. Wonder Woman is wack. Both movies. The message and empowerment angle don’t mean much if the movie sucks.

Maybe instead of hiring a woman just to say the movie has a woman director, maybe they should try to find the best director period.

Also, women for some reason feel the need to push feminist agendas which gets in the way of the movie feeling organic instead of forced.

This is the dumbest argument. So now female directors aren't allowed to make bad movies and if they do, it's because they were unqualified to make the movie? What kind of shyt is that? Now apply that argument to a bad movie made by a Black director or a white male directors? How many white male directors get to make shytty movies over and over again and people never bring up qualifications or special agendas? Why is making a bad movie all of a sudden tied to someone's identity *only when it's a woman*. Patty Jenkins fukked up, but it's because she made poor choices. But I also notice you didn't point out the shytty writing by her male co-authors.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Look miss. It very much is the culture we live in now that has these goofy ass writers forcing narratives. And it’s all about white women honestly, I don’t know what u complaining about because black women get the shaft too. Which is why it’s annoying to see black women defending this bullshyt.

I'm complaining because this same criticism was applied to Avery Duverney when she tried to do 'A Wrinkle in Time'. This kind of logic that bad movies all of a sudden are a part of identity politics only when women direct is annoying as hell when white men get multiple chances to fukk up movies and no one ever brings up their stupid identity privilege or the agendas they force on the narratives in the stories they tell.
Apr 3, 2014
What are you talking about? What PC checklist?

Talk about being disingenuous.

In the first movie Diana struggled with being a fish out water, in a new place that told her who she was and was raised to be was weird and inappropriate. She was also naive about how to bring about change. In WW84 Diana literally struggles with loneliness related to losing the love of her life and just being peerless, save for the blossoming friendship with Barbara. Then she loses her powers to Barbara and the desire to keep Steve around. There's struggle all throughout both WW movies and even a crazy amount of shared power over Diana's fate given to a man. So the argument about lack of struggle and PC is complete bullshyt.

And Captain Marvel struggled with confidence to trust her abilities and use of emotion when using her abilities. She didn't even believe she could do the shyt she can do until the last third of the film. On top of that she lost everyone close to her and her life on Earth. The movie clearly shows the impact of that cost on her sense of self and confidence, which is why she was manipulated and used by her mentor before discovering the truth. The complaints about her being overpowered and not dealing with struggle are complete shyt takes from guys who just hate Brie Larson or powerful women superheroes.

I honestly think people don't complain about the film version of Wanda because they nerfed the fukk out of her powers in the movies and she suffers from a ridiculous amount of stereotypical deference to her male colleagues, always looking to Hawkeye and Captain America for direction and judgement about what to do and how to cope. It's kinda pathetic.

Fish out of water. Loneliness. Emotion.

These are the "struggles":skip:

You're proving our point :mjlol:

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
This is the dumbest argument. So now female directors aren't allowed to make bad movies and if they do, it's because they were unqualified to make the movie? What kind of shyt is that? Now apply that argument to a bad movie made by a Black director or a white male directors? How many white male directors get to make shytty movies over and over again and people never bring up qualifications or special agendas? Why is making a bad movie all of a sudden tied to someone's identity *only when it's a woman*. Patty Jenkins fukked up, but it's because she made poor choices. But I also notice you didn't point out the shytty writing by her male co-authors.

when dealing with big budget projects the stakes are higher :manny: it’s why studios hire actors who will bring in the highest draw and pay them a lot.

In the case of females directing big budget flicks, the sample size is small so they don’t have margin for error. Is it fair, no. But Coogler was under the same pressure. The couple that directed Captain Marvel got replaced and it made over a billion. The Black Widow director is a female but I guarantee you the movie won’t be overshadowed by an feminist agenda, that overshadowed the new Star Wars trilogy.

At the end of the day, it’s art. You either sink or swim. And so far DC has dropped the ball when it comes to female directors with Female leads in the genre.