One of the worst movies I can remember seeing plot wise.

The wish whatever you want concept has holes you could drive a truck through. If this happened it would be the biggest crime/event to occur in world history. yet Wonder Woman stays anonymous for decades after and as mentioned above there appear to be no repercussions for the villains.
Why did Steve come back in someone else’s body? Unless Diana specifically wished for that to happen?
The mechanics of the wish stone breaks all semblance of logic. Even the film Aladdin understood that you have to put reasonable limits on that kind of plot device.
Laughably stupid and contrived character motivations. Aside from a comment about Diana’s leopard skin shoes, no explanation on why/how a normal slightly geeky woman who has the power to wish for literally anything would want to be turned into a cheetah creature.
I could go on and on with more minor but ridiculous things (Steve jumps into a modern jet plane and knows how to fly it) but I’ll leave it at that. So Surprised to jump on here and hear that some enjoyed this but to each their own