Official ‘True Detective: Night Country’ Thread | HBO


May 24, 2022
What the h-e-double hockey sticks happened between the end of episode 4 and the beginning of episode 5?

That type of injury is not something you just gloss over. Takes more than a night to recover from, and also Jodie should be asking why/how did that happen?

El Jefe

May 24, 2012
Just finished the last episode. This mystery just isn’t interesting. The characters just aren’t interesting. The way they approach everything is just boring and too straightforward. Hank didn’t even try to covertly get the addict. Just waltz up in there with a bullshyt excuse and got to shooting. Lazy


Nov 19, 2016
What the h-e-double hockey sticks happened between the end of episode 4 and the beginning of episode 5?

That type of injury is not something you just gloss over. Takes more than a night to recover from, and also Jodie should be asking why/how did that happen?
Convenience is what happened.

We got a story to figure out if the killer is fukking Navarro or Daners is fukking the whole town and the killer or just the whole town.


May 6, 2015

They lifetime’d the shyt outta true detective

2 episodes in and already on the "girlboss takes down brolic Alaskan construction workers with ease and all men are stupid" angle....

This is Yellowjackets with Jodie Foster smh....

Gonna watch more tonight


Jun 26, 2014
I posted the review cuz it was interesting and I shared a few sentiments on what I couldn't quite put my finger on about the season so far. Didn't say I 100% agreed with him lol.

I said last night's episode was better than anything they've shown all season but that's not saying much nor does it negate the mid they peddled out for the first 4 episodes of a condensed 6 episode ordered season.
Show has been mid to me well before that Forbes review even dropped. I don’t know why @Consigliere is frontin’ like that article is the sole reason people are harping on the show now when that’s not really the case at all.

Amongst the land of critics who initially glazed this season with praise, this one article felt more honest than the others. Not a big hit piece like the title suggests it to be either. It points out some legit concerns I have with the show, where there aren’t much, if any, redeeming qualities at all within the lead characters and for a show whose later seasons are constantly held up against the first season’s greatness, the constant references here aren’t doing them any favors. They’re most likely going to amount to nothing anyways.

But it’s hard for me to feel anything for these lead characters here. Marty, Rust, Velcoro, Hays, etc. were all deeply flawed characters, yet I still ended up rooting for them. Even flop king Taylor Kitsch. I understood their motive clearly in the grand scheme of things too. When I’m looking at Jodie Foster of all actresses funny, then we have a major problem and I think that just boils down to a bad script.

To those of you who are enjoying this season, I’m happy for y’all. Can’t wait to wrap this one up next week though.


Marathon Mentality 🏁
May 26, 2012
TMC 8-24
Show has been mid to me well before that Forbes review even dropped. I don’t know why @Consigliere is frontin’ like that article is the sole reason people are harping on the show now when that’s not really the case at all.

Amongst the land of critics who initially glazed this season with praise, this one article felt more honest than the others. Not a big hit piece like the title suggests it to be either. It points out some legit concerns I have with the show, where there aren’t much, if any, redeeming qualities at all within the lead characters and for a show whose later seasons are constantly held up against the first season’s greatness, the constant references here aren’t doing them any favors. They’re most likely going to amount to nothing anyways.

But it’s hard for me to feel anything for these lead characters here. Marty, Rust, Velcoro, Hays, etc. were all deeply flawed characters, yet I still ended up rooting for them. Even flop king Taylor Kitsch. I understood their motive clearly in the grand scheme of things too. When I’m looking at Jodie Foster of all actresses funny, then we have a major problem and I think that just boils down to a bad script.

To those of you who are enjoying this season, I’m happy for y’all. Can’t wait to wrap this one up next week though.

Right...I'm not knocking anyone who's having a ball watching this season so I don't understand why those of us who aren't gotta catch flack every two seconds. I get it, maybe it's ruining your viewing experience I guess? But you could just ignore the posts that critique the show in a manner you don't agree with or go find a medium where there is more of a collective that share your sentiments. People were up in Succession & GOT threads callin' shyt mid or trash---do you think that the people who were enjoying it let it ruin their viewing experience? I know I didn't.

Then I guess you could say, "well then why watch bro" but you wanna give people the benefit of the doubt, especially when it's fashioned underneath the umbrella of a piece of creation you might hold near and dear, and you want to at least try to be objective on an episodic basic. I had all the mf hopes in the world for every season after S1.....until I didn't. It just is what it is.

From Twitter, to Reddit and to comment sections on different and a variety of pop culture review websites, us in this thread are not the only ones saying what we're saying about the show. And at the same time, you're still hoping that maybe they pull a rabbit out of a hat, a Mahomes in the 4th quarter-esque comeback that might allow you to look back on the show with fonder eyes.

But for now...we finna get our Taratino on cuz I'm sure he's gonna poke fun at all of us :lolbron:



Marathon Mentality 🏁
May 26, 2012
TMC 8-24

Bit of fun I saw on Reddit. When dem IMDB boards use to be poppin' they use to do a whole tongue in cheek "Things I've Learned" from such and such movie.

Things I’ve learned watching Night country​

- If a person walks into the ocean on the ass end of arctic Alaska while it is dark for weeks, their body will be immediately recovered by the coast guard (paradoxically, the ocean is also an ideal place to dispose of a dead police officer’s body).
- If you show up to arrest a midwife and it happens to be the exact moment a baby is being born, nobody will comment on your impeccable timing.
- If a bunch of dead bodies and bizarre circumstances make a small town cop busier than usual for 12 days, his wife will kick him out of the house.
- A town too small town have a dentist may also have a hospital capable of performing multiple amputations.
- People tend to be filming themselves with their cellphones at the moment of their death. This is common enough that it is not worth remarking upon when it happens twice in the same murder case (to do so would presumably be asking the wrong question).
- Also, it takes the FBI months to unlock an iPhone but the police department in the aforementioned dentist-less town can do it in a day.

For me:

Thing I've learned is if it seems like the station where a bunch of research scientists went missing was being funded by a mining company and there seems to be an ominous connection, I should hand everything I have over to them when I go to question them so they can get a line on my prime, drugged out witness.

Add on @Lootpack


May 26, 2012
San Diego
There's a difference between critique/criticism, and complaining. Criticism, is not like someone nagging you about whatever. Criticism is assessing the movie, beyond just binary like it or not. The idea that if people don't like, don't watch, sounds so ignorant, and extreme, and also a lot like the kind of "Love it or Leave it" sentiment after 9/11.

I don't love it. Don't even really want to watch anymore, but I think looking at what works and what doesn't, is more interesting than simply only watching what I like. Again, kind of a social media era concept. And there's also CONTEXT. The reason a forum like this can be fun, is the idea that we can trade ideas, or perspectives, in a way that social media doesn't really encourage. People can hopefully debate or discuss reasonably. And, like a lot of us, it's harder to have those convos in person sometimes. because most people just like to watch a movie and say "oh it was good", "I didn't like it", a family party or casual friend gathering is often not where you can discuss at length the merits of The Age of Innocence vs Killers of The Flower Moon or whatever.

Criticism is telling why you did like it, why you didn't, and how you liked it.