You call me a bigot. Do you not understand what that word means????????????![]()
I do understand what it means. I also understand why you're making light of the accusation.
You call me a bigot. Do you not understand what that word means????????????![]()
You can stand against white supremacist hate speech and also watch a show where some of this hate will be disseminated just as you can stand against white supremacy while living in a white supremacist nation...right?
Your paternalistic pandering is just bigotry in a rainbow clad shirt.
I do understand what it means. I also understand why you're making light of the accusation.
Are you really a white man?...Keep in mind I view white people the same as I do black individuals/groups...
Saying that to say, mentalities matter more than color to me...Just so damn easy to say all blacks, all whites, all dogs, all cats etc...
Humans as a whole are lazy and just go along with whatever goes on around them...We usually follow our parents or culture 90% of the time...
For example my friends and culture say bad things about gay people...It is easy to follow everyone else and say "bun fish, scale dem"...I have other things to bun a fyah on....Like maga racists....Those who destroy the environment...Kill the dolphins.. etc etc
your parents maga?
Ahh.. The Elon Musk thread. Tech's Joe Rogan.I'm Black.
Ahh.. The Elon Musk thread. Tech's Joe Rogan.
Hard to fight white supremacy when you have black people jumping in front the bi's to muddy the waters.
Ah well.
What are you doing to fight white supremacy, what did today's war effort consist of?
fukk you with that line of questioning. You aren't slick.
Since you are interested though, I help in black outreach centers, and do mentoring for people of colour, when not working or taking care of my kids. I did nothing today. I am on vacation.
I wouldn't ask you what you have done as I don't care. Based on your bullshyt line of questioning even if you volunteer to help black people you are doing them a disservice.
Didn't intend to be slick or triggering just curious.
Nah. I don't believe you. I have followed your posts in other threads. You aren't an idiot and you are very deliberate.
I take what you said as an attempt to mock and cast aspersions on my standing to speak on the subject of white supremacy.
Good day to you.
I'm Black.
Oh cool...The whole color thing is complicated...For example I think tucker is a classist and could care less if poor white people suffer....
Are you afraid of white supremacists? I am
I actually share the same opinion about Tucker, I think he doesn't believe much of anything he says beyond his ability to profit from it.
I fear the system of white supremacy because there is a lot about it that I simply do not understand. On an individual level, I do not fear white supremacists.
When SOHH was around The Ladies Room was fire..I can't even post there.![]()