The ending of episode 8 

Wow!! Watching the behind the scene characters vid.
I didn’t know the main elf chick Francesca was mixed!
Her out of costume looked like a light skinned black chick and I had to Google her to see she was mixed
She looks almost nothing like her character
If I saw her on the street, no way I’d believe she played that role
I almost didn't believe it. Maybe my eyes are fukked but I thought Triss was recast. She looks different from season one.
Triss is sexy to me.
I need to go back to rewatch season 1.
I kinda forgot everything that happened and who everyone is. This world is confusing to me
I thought she looked good both seasons might be the change of hairstyle that confused me and it looks like she lost weight in the face. Kind of like how Ciri having dark eyebrows and rounder face this time threw people off.
BTW. There's a good recap video if you don't want to rewatch the whole thing, it's better than the one that's on the netflix app: