pico pal q lee
There was no big time jump this season what are y'all talking about? Maybe a few weeks/month when Ciri was training but it was a fairly linear season. Battle of sodden was near the family Ciri was at end of s1, you could hear the battle from there so that wasn't a large travel time.
Breh, they act like Kaer Morhen is 12 hours away from Cintra and the Temple of Melitele

You have one episode were they are traveling in the cold winter in KM and the next scene it's like spring near the Temple of Melitele. They also make it seem like Geralt, Ciri and Yen meet at Temple and it's been a week from each of their travels (specially because of Jaskier acts like he's been imprisoned for a few days)

The build up to the last episode is also hilarious how they all get to the same places at the same time and how they cut them escaping from 1 place and reaching another (which is far away) like it's been hours and shyt

I'd had far less issues with this if the characters always acted like time had passed between their trips and the show had a better pace. But shyt is so frantic half the time that's distances, time and travel make no sense.