-id like to think i follow along with shows and movies better than most. But damn once episode 4 hit im like

werent these people dead in episode 1

long story short, the show has incredibly long flash backs to events that lead up to episode 1. Episode 4 an entire episode of this and happens frequently in later episodes.
The issue is they never give you a warning or lead up to when youre in the past or present.
For casual watchers i can see why thatd be annoying. Especially when introducing a character not known to masses but the obvious goal here is to make The Witcher a house hold character
-The cgi/dragons/monsters looked low budget. Like 3 pm on a tuesday show on UPN bad. Homeboys in Space bad. The dragons especially.
-kind of a lack luster season finale
-they never explain most things and why they work. As someone pointed out, they never explain the witcher powers. The potions anyone drinks all seem to have different effects but they never say what they are.
The action scenes were dope, just wish there was more of them. The acting for most part was pretty good.