Official Syrian Refugee backlash thread


None of the above '16
Jan 14, 2015
When Whites don't want brown people entering the US they're racists, but when Blacks feel the same it's only "security concerns" :troll:

"What about our jobs" :troll:

What's crazy is that according the the Census Department, all these "brown" people they're protesting against are actually white.

Race and ethnicity in the United States Census - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Race was asked differently in the Census 2000 in several other ways than previously. Most significantly, respondents were given the option of selecting one or more race categories to indicate racial identities. Data show that nearly seven million Americans identified as members of two or more races. Because of these changes, the Census 2000 data on race are not directly comparable with data from the 1990 census or earlier censuses. Use of caution is therefore recommended when interpreting changes in the racial composition of the US population over time.
  • "White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, English, Scottish, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish.
The lengths people will go to to keep this country majority white...:dwillhuh::demonic:


Jan 5, 2014
Anybody ever notice why the policiticians want to admit those killers to the country? Because its not them being many politicians died in the Paris attacks? Zero (0) many regular citizens died? 129 and counting...those politicians got year round secret service security, and guaranteed income till they die...a terrorist have zero chance of attacking them...but me and you, we're sitting ducks...any one of them can attack a movie theater, bus station, restaurants just like in Paris...the politicians will, as usual, she'd crocodile tears but will not listen to the people...we're the ones who get killed when these Muslims "sensitivities get hurt", we're the ones that get slaughtered when they "hate the west", these politicians sit in their million dollar mansions and practice they fake ass speeches...hundreds of polls have shown that the country don't trust and don't want these Muslim killers here, why is the government trying to push it on us? Who do they really represent?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Anybody ever notice why the policiticians want to admit those killers to the country? Because its not them being many politicians died in the Paris attacks? Zero (0) many regular citizens died? 129 and counting...those politicians got year round secret service security, and guaranteed income till they die...a terrorist have zero chance of attacking them...but me and you, we're sitting ducks...any one of them can attack a movie theater, bus station, restaurants just like in Paris...the politicians will, as usual, she'd crocodile tears but will not listen to the people...we're the ones who get killed when these Muslims "sensitivities get hurt", we're the ones that get slaughtered when they "hate the west", these politicians sit in their million dollar mansions and practice they fake ass speeches...hundreds of polls have shown that the country don't trust and don't want these Muslim killers here, why is the government trying to push it on us? Who do they really represent?

Don't be willfully ignorant. The killers in the Paris attacks were French or Belgian nationals. They were not Syrian refugees.

Why did one of them "just happen" to carry a fake Syrian passport in his front pocket on his way to the attacks? Are you that clueless that you can't see yourself being used? You really think he's going off to the attacks with his suicide vest, "Oh, damn, gotta make sure not to forget my fake passport!"

They WANT you to hate the refugees. They WANT a wall of seperation between the West and the Muslim world.

In America, the process for becoming a refugee is HARD and takes FOREVER. It has by far the most stringent security checks of any immigration process. It would be the absolute stupidest way for a terrorist to come here.

If we do have terrorists that want to get into America, they're going to use tourist visas or student visas or cross the border illegally. They're not going to use the refugee program.

This is helpful if you really don't understand how stringent the refugee security checks are.

If you had all your friends, family, neighbors, local and national government backing you, and were a KGB-level liar, you might have a shot to get in.


Jun 8, 2012
The refugees are fleeing these murderous fukks you dumbass governors

Furthermore, play a key role in fostering the destruction of an entire country and then refuse the refugees entrance to resettle :ahh:
and these same murderers you speak of are hiding between these legit refugees. thats a fact. and anyone with common sense knew that would happen. are you willing to risk lives to give these other people a place to stay? thats the question you have to ask yourself. think worse case scenario. lets keep it all the day 150. lets say some of these dudes are terrorists and lets say they pull a france in the US. are you still willing to save rest knowing that would happen? This is the manner in which you have to think of this. otherwise you wont understand why both sides have a legit gripe this time. it's not just a bunch of bigots.


Jun 8, 2012
Don't be willfully ignorant. The killers in the Paris attacks were French or Belgian nationals. They were not Syrian refugees.

Why did one of them "just happen" to carry a fake Syrian passport in his front pocket on his way to the attacks? Are you that clueless that you can't see yourself being used? You really think he's going off to the attacks with his suicide vest, "Oh, damn, gotta make sure not to forget my fake passport!"

They WANT you to hate the refugees. They WANT a wall of seperation between the West and the Muslim world.

In America, the process for becoming a refugee is HARD and takes FOREVER. It has by far the most stringent security checks of any immigration process. It would be the absolute stupidest way for a terrorist to come here.

If we do have terrorists that want to get into America, they're going to use tourist visas or student visas or cross the border illegally. They're not going to use the refugee program.

This is helpful if you really don't understand how stringent the refugee security checks are.

If you had all your friends, family, neighbors, local and national government backing you, and were a KGB-level liar, you might have a shot to get in.
ok, we get it. you're caping for the refugees. nothing wrong with that. but to say how they would get into the US or any other country is foolish. you have NO idea how they would get in. and why not get in as a refugee?

Then to say "THEY" are trying to put a wall up between the muslim world and the rest. uhhhhh isnt that exactly what the muslim extremists have been trying to do since day 1?

if you have a faction thats crazy enough to cut off people's heads and video tape it. while they have polled muslims all over the world. and you have a ton of them sympathizing with these extremists. even though they would never go as far as these guys have gone. too many muslims have sympathized with them. if they didnt, the group would be even smaller than it currently is.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
ok, we get it. you're caping for the refugees. nothing wrong with that. but to say how they would get into the US or any other country is foolish. you have NO idea how they would get in. and why not get in as a refugee?

Because the process takes years before they even let you touch US soil, it has by far the most stringent security checks, and it is far and away the most difficult way for an immigrant to enter the USA.

That's why they wouldn't get in as a refugee.

Seriously, read this link. That's the shyt refugees go through to get in. You think a potential terrorist is going to go through that whole process, get all that shyt together, get that many people to cape for him, just in the "hope" that maybe, 3 years from now, he might be able to pull off an attack? When he could instead be living in the Caliphate fighting as a foot soldier for ISIS the whole time?

Then to say "THEY" are trying to put a wall up between the muslim world and the rest. uhhhhh isnt that exactly what the muslim extremists have been trying to do since day 1?

Exactly, and trying to get you to hate refugees by planting a fake passport at the scene of the attack is part of the plan.

if you have a faction thats crazy enough to cut off people's heads and video tape it. while they have polled muslims all over the world. and you have a ton of them sympathizing with these extremists. even though they would never go as far as these guys have gone. too many muslims have sympathized with them. if they didnt, the group would be even smaller than it currently is.

Worldwide condemnations of ISIS.

More condemnations of ISIS.

The VAST majority of Muslims in the world are against ISIS. And in the countries where the refugees are currently staying (Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey) the anti-ISIS hatred is intense . Even Iranians and Palestinians hate ISIS with a fukking passion.


There are more than 1 billion Muslims in the world. There are maybe 100,000 people fighting ISIS. That's 0.01% of the world's Muslims. They are "as big as they are" because Syria and Iraq are war-torn hell-holes (that we largely created) and because a hell of a lot of Muslims feel like the West hates them and they'll never have a home there. And even with that, they've still only attracted 0.01% of the world's Muslims to their cause.


Woke Dreamer
Dec 23, 2014
not sure if this was covered in here yet but I was thinking, unless all 48 continental states agree to not accept refugees then it's pointless for other states to do it. especially if they are surrounded by states accepting members. for example,



Lets say Kansas and Nevada say's no, but what about Utah, Wyoming and Colorado? if they accept refugees then in essence, the refusal to stop them getting with in your state has been rendered useless. because now, they literally can walk across your state lines.

Long as the individuals displaced come here and are as peaceful as my fellow american, then I am not going to worry. But I hope our intelligence agencies have the right intel.

(Edited to add some tinfoil shyt,
We all heard that sooner or later we are going to get chipped. what if this is the precursor? :ohhh:)


Apr 3, 2014
If there are those in need of help, and one has the power to lend a hand, but chooses not to, how can one call themselves an honourable human being? Is there a risk of terrorists blending in? Yes. So screen them at the border. But don't turn them away. To refuse those in dire need is a cowardly act.

But that's just my 2 cents.