Official Syrian Refugee backlash thread


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Madeleine Albright, Who Came To America As A Refugee, Slams Proposal To Ban Syrians

BY EMILY ATKIN NOV 20, 2015 1:53PM



Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

After recalling her own childhood fleeing Czechoslovakia, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told reporters Wednesday that she was appalled at political calls to ban Syrian refugees from the United States in the wake of recent terror attacks in Paris.

“These proposals are deeply disturbing to me on many levels,” she said, expanding on a four-paragraph essay she wrote for Time earlier this week. “I cannot and do not pretend to liken my situation to Syria … But I do know what it’s like to leave your home and travel halfway around the world seeking refuge.”

forced to flee Czechoslovakia twice — once, when Nazis invaded during World War II, and again during the Communist takeover. Her father was a diplomat, and because of that her family was eventually able to secure refugee status in the United States.

While she said she could not imagine what it was like to be a Syrian fleeing during a prolonged period of deadly terrorism, she said the American political discussion of rejecting refugees “is just plain wrong and sends the wrong message.” This week, Politicians across the political spectrum have called for halting the Syrian refugee program, fearing that terrorists could pose as refugees in order to sneak into America and commit more crimes.

Albright said the political focus on refugees was misplaced — one, because none of the terrorists in Paris have been identified as either Syrian or refugee, and two, because it distracts from other potential solutions to the violence and unrest in Syria.

“[Politicians] are right to focus on how to defeat terrorists,” she said. “But that focus risks being overtaken by the divisive and counterproductive debate on refugees. … [which runs] contrary to American values, and would do nothing to strengthen our security.”

Albright’s comments came about a week after she celebrated her 67th anniversary of arriving in America as a refugee. She expressed gratitude for her family’s acceptance last week on Twitter:

On Friday’s call with reporters, she expressed similar sentiments.

“When people ask me what is the most important thing that ever happened in my life, it was becoming an American,” she said. “I always hesitate to mention I was a refugee … I definitely was … I know what it’s like to leave your country and try to make a new life.”

intensive vetting process in the world. But she also recalled that her family had to wait longer than expected because it was the beginning of the McCarthy era, when fears of communism ran high.

“It was kind of a minor example of what happens when people hyper-inflate something that is not an issue that effects those coming into the country,” she said.

Albright expressed confidence in the U.S. screening process, and said calls to ban refugees from the country were driven by fear of Muslims (most of the refugees coming from Syria are Sunni Muslims) and a lack of information on the process. She discreetly accused Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson for aiding that fear when he compared Syrian refugees to “rabid dogs.”

“I find it stunning that there’s a candidate who compared these people to dogs,” she said. “I can tell you that dogs in America are treated better than some of these refugees, who cross the ocean and drown.”

Madeleine Albright, Who Came To America As A Refugee, Slams Proposal To Ban Syrians



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Republican Governors Demand President Obama Suspend Syria Refugee Program




On Friday morning, 27 Republican governors wrote to President Obama asking him to “suspend all plans to resettle additional Syrian refugees.”

The governors wrote that while the U.S. “has long served as a welcoming beacon” to refugees fleeing war and persecution, they want to prioritize “ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our citizens.” Though they don’t point to any specific flaws with the current multi-year, exhaustiverefugee screening process, they assert that it is inadequate.

Despite the fact that every identified perpetrator of last week’s massacre in Paris were European Union nationals, the governors also float the idea that ISIS members “may have exploited the generosity of the refugee system to carry out Friday’s terrorist attack.”

On Fox News on Friday morning, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) repeated the erroneous claim that a Syrian refugee was involved in the Paris attack. “This is really about recognizing that we have to set the political posturing aside and fix this system in order to protect our nation,” he said. “I just think it’s prudent for us to pause. Then we’ll go forward with the compassionate resettlement program in a way that meets our security needs.”

The French government itself does not agree that Syrian nationals are an inherent threat, and since the attacks has announced it will take even more Syrian refugees — three times as many as the United States.

How faith and human rights groups are responding to the governors
Officials from refugee resettlement groups similarly told reporters on a conference call Friday that politicians who are linking the Paris attacks to fleeing Syrians are incorrect and doing real harm. Calling the governors’ claims “mind-boggling and disturbing,” Melanie Nezer with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society said: “None of the people involved in the Paris attacks were Syrian refugees. They were Belgian and French citizens, as far as we know.” Referencing comments made by Republican candidates for president this week that called for a national registry of all Muslims and compared refugees to “rabid dogs,” Nazer warned, “Who knows where this inflammatory rhetoric can lead.”

Jen Smyers, the Director of Policy and Advocacy for the Immigration and Refugee Program at Church World Service, agreed, saying such comments “sends the wrong signal about who we are as a nation” and misrepresent the security of the current refugee vetting system.

“These very vulnerable individuals are already going through the most scrutinized refugee process in the world, including medical screenings, in-person interviews, and biometric screenings,” she said. “Yet the governors would shut down, indefinitely, the settlement not only of Syrian and Iraqi refugees, but anyone who has set foot in either of those countries in the last year, including people who served alongside U.S. troops.”

Friday’s letter from more than two dozen governors follows declarations earlier this week from these officials and a handful of others — including the Democrats who govern Massachusetts and New Hampshire — that they will refuse to allow any of the expected 10,000 refugees from Syria to settle in their states, despite the fact that they don’t actually have the power to do so.



Zane Kuseybi is a first-generation Syrian American who is currently helping Syrian refugees make a new life in North Carolina. On a conference call Friday, he blasted his governor, Pat McCrory, for participating in the letter calling for the program to halt. “The idea that we have to fear Syrian refugees is totally unfounded,” he told reporters. “The hysteria from our public officials is very disheartening. Our governor is really out of touch with reality. These refugees have nothing to do with ISIS. They’re running away from ISIS.”

Speaking of one family with five children who arrived in North Carolina in September of last year with the help of the group Church World Service, he said: “In Syria, their house was destroyed, their life was destroyed. They were left with nothing. Their family was scattered all over the world. After a two-year process of being vetted, they arrived here, where helped the children get enrolled in school. The father got his drivers’ license, and is now working 60-plus hours a week. They are working so hard to make a new life for themselves and we could not ask for kinder, more compassionate people to join our community.”

The refugee crisis gets tied up in the 2016 race
Yet governors across the country, including those running for the White House in 2016, remain unmoved either by data showing the lack of a threat posed by refugees, or by stories such as Kuseybi’s.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), one of the co-signers of the letter to the president, told ThinkProgress that while he admits that refugees have almost never posed a danger in the history of the U.S., he believes this is a “different time” that requires harsher measures.

“I think we need to be careful about who we let in, plain and simple,” he said at a campaign stop in Spartanburg, South Carolina. “Look, I can’t let people into the state when it could jeopardize people’s security. I don’t feel that there’s any conflict at all between having a big heart and a good brain and having to be a leader of a state where I don’t want people to be in danger.”

More than half of the 18,000 refugees already referred to the U.S. by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees are children. Yet another co-signer of the letter, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), has said he doesn’t believe they should be admitted either. “The fact is that we need appropriate vetting, and I don’t think orphans under five should be admitted into the United States at this point,” he told a conservative talk radio host. “You know, they have no family here. How are we going to care for these folks?”

Republican Governors Demand President Obama Suspend Syria Refugee Program



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
NPR Host Challenges Governor To Name One Problem With The Vetting Process For Refugees




FILE - In this Feb. 11, 2015 file photo, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder gets ready for an address in Lansing, Mich. Snyder used his extraordinary legal powers in December to pardon a politically connected lawyer who had a drunken driving conviction. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File)

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was the first of more than 30 primarily Republican governors who are attempting to block the resettlement of Syrian refugees. When asked about his specific concerns regarding the two-year screening process for refugees seeking to enter the U.S., however, Snyder was unable to point to a single problem with the current system.

“I wouldn’t single out any specific problem I have with it,” the Republican governor said.

Snyder said he would like to see a review of the process in light of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, a twin suicide bombing in Beirut, and the bombing of a plane over Egypt.

told ThinkProgress this week, is largely misplaced. None of the attackers, at least in Paris, were refugees. Conversely, most of them were citizens of countries in Western Europe and could have entered the U.S. very quickly without any sort of vetting process.

Refugees face far more scrutiny after they apply to enter the U.S. They’re subjected to a screening process, which takes up to two years, and their records are checked against those of at least three federal agencies including the Department of Homeland Security.

While there were initial fears that at least one of the attackers in Paris might have slipped in to Europe by posing as a refugee, investigators no longer believe that is true. Those carrying out the query have said that the Syrian passport registered to an asylum seeker was either fake or stolen.

Snyder said he hopes the federal government will review all the processes through which foreign nationals enter the U.S. but reiterated that the refugee program was his primary concern.

NPR’s Inskeep then posed a hypothetical: “Suppose President Obama picked up the phone and called you this evening and said, ‘Governor, heard about your concern. We looked into it and it turns out we do have a strong review process. It takes up to a couple of years and we think it’s good. Would you be satisfied?”

“That would be helpful,” Snyder said, but refused to say if that would be enough to make him and the more than 30 other Republican governors who are protesting the admission of refugees to back down from their fight.

“This should not be a partisan issue,” he added.

NPR Host Challenges Governor To Name One Problem With The Vetting Process For Refugees



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Rubio Trumps Trump: Shut Down Any Place Muslims Gather To Be ‘Inspired’ — Not Just Mosques

BY KAY STEIGER NOV 20, 2015 11:06AM



Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) appears on "The Kelly File" to talk about talk of shutting down U.S. mosques.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) seems to be going further than even Republican frontrunner Donald Trump in advocating the crackdown of U.S. Muslims. He doesn’t just want to consider shutting down mosques, as Trump says, but wants to shut down “any place where radicals are being inspired.”

“It’s not about closing down mosques. It’s about closing down any place — whether it’s a cafe, a diner, an internet site — any place where radicals are being inspired,” Rubio said on Fox News’ The Kelly File on Thursday night when asked if he agreed with Trump. “The bigger problem we have is our inability to find out where these places are, because we’ve crippled our intelligence programs, both through unauthorized disclosures by a traitor, in Edward Snowden, or by some of the things this president has put in place with the support even of some from my own party to diminish our intelligence capabilities.”

“So whatever facility is being used — it’s not just a mosque — any facility that’s being used to radicalize and inspire attacks against the United States, should be a place that we look at,” he continued.

Trump first articulated potentially shutting down U.S. mosques on Monday during a call in to MSNBC’s Morning Joe, when hosts asked if he would consider doing the same thing France did and shut down U.S. mosques with direct terrorist ties. Trump said he would “strongly consider” it, then lamented NYPD shutting down its domestic surveillance program targeting Muslims in New York City. Later this week he suggested the U.S. would “absolutely” create a federal database of Muslimsif he were elected president.

Both Trump and Rubio could be putting forth these ideas because polling suggests that limiting rights of Muslims is popular with Republican voters. A poll released this week found that 25 percent of Rubio supporters liked the idea of shutting down U.S. mosques.

Meanwhile establishment candidate Jeb Bush has resisted targeting of U.S. mosques: “You talk about closing mosques, you talk about registering people, that’s just wrong …. it’s manipulating people’s angst and their fears. That’s not strength. That’s weakness.”

But Bush also suggested admitting Syrian Christians instead of Syrian Muslims. “At a minimum we ought to be bringing in people that have — orphans or people that clearly aren’t going to be terrorists. Or Christians,” Bush said during a campaign stop South Carolina, according to ABC News. “There are no Christian terrorists in the Middle East, they’re persecuted.”

Last weekend, directly in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Rubio about Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s resistance to saying the words “radical Islam.” Rubio articulated that U.S. Muslims were similar to Nazis before World War II, whether they support radical extremism or not:

I think that’s, I don’t understand it. That would be like saying we weren’t at war with Nazis because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi party, but weren’t violent themselves. We are at war with radical Islam, with an interpretation of Islam by a significant number of people around the world who they believe now justifies them in killing those who don’t agree with their ideology. This is a clash of civilizations. And as I said at the debate earlier this week, there is no middle ground on this. Either they win or we win, and we need to begin to take this seriously. These are individuals motivated by their faith.

As TPM’s Josh Marshall argued, “in this framework all Muslims are comparable to Nazi party members. Just some haven’t gotten their hands dirty.”

Rubio Trumps Trump: Shut Down Any Place Muslims Gather To Be ‘Inspired’ — Not Just Mosques



Apr 3, 2014
Oldest trick in teh book breh. If you read up on any mass killing or genocide for example, it always starts by de-humanizing the "other", as in Nazi Germany or Rwanda, as well as slavery. Thus generalisations.

It's harder to hate Mohammed ben Whatever, writer, father of two, 42, soccer fan and amateur musician than "Illegal muslim immigrant num 4322, possibly terrorist".

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Bruh I don't give a fukk bout none of that...these people were born in France, meaning they parents or grandparents were immigrants...and that's even worst...they don't attack now but they will later...after 50 plus years in their respective countries, they still hate it enough to carry out cold blooded we admit these Muslims now, they sons will kill us later...we see the's not "islamophobia", we see everywhere Muslims are, death and destruction follows...and then again, the politicians are not the ones dying so they don't give a when a car bomb blow up congress, watch how fast they pass laws cause they ass under attack...but for now they'll keep repeating the same cliché that "Islam is a religion of peace"...NOT ONE PERSON believe that bullshyt anymore besides the people who's saying it...and fukk you c00n ass black Muslims for supporting these killers...I hope y'all die in one of their suicide bombings...

Wait, based on a couple terrorist attacks in France, out of something like 8,000,000 Muslims there, this suddenly means that "we admit these Muslism now, they sons will kill us later?" :francis:

Look at this chart:


Notice how terrorism was FAR worse in Europe in the 1970s and 1980s. You think that was a bunch of Muslims? Nope, White people. :ufdup:

Maybe we need to kick all the White people out of Europe....10,000 years there and they still hate us! :skip:

You in here caping for White racists and you don't even know it. If 8 guys out of 8,000,000 means that all Muslims hate us, then what do you think they're going to say about Black folk and gangbanging?

Oh, worst ever shooting in Europe before this one? It was this guy, a right-wing Islamaphobe. Shot down 76 little kids because they were too multicultural


Worst ever terrorist bombing in America? That would be these White Supremicists, blowing up 168 people including a day-care center:



These are the other worst terrorist bombers in American history:

Lost an election, so he blew up 100 kids:


Blew up his mom and 50 others for the insurance money:


And just to be fair, let's not forget these guys:









Jul 6, 2014
Wait, based on a couple terrorist attacks in France, out of something like 8,000,000 Muslims there, this suddenly means that "we admit these Muslism now, they sons will kill us later?" :francis:

Look at this chart:


Notice how terrorism was FAR worse in Europe in the 1970s and 1980s. You think that was a bunch of Muslims? Nope, White people. :ufdup:

Maybe we need to kick all the White people out of Europe....10,000 years there and they still hate us! :skip:

You in here caping for White racists and you don't even know it. If 8 guys out of 8,000,000 means that all Muslims hate us, then what do you think they're going to say about Black folk and gangbanging?

Oh, worst ever shooting in Europe before this one? It was this guy, a right-wing Islamaphobe. Shot down 76 little kids because they were too multicultural


Worst ever terrorist bombing in America? That would be these White Supremicists, blowing up 168 people including a day-care center:



These are the other worst terrorist bombers in American history:

Lost an election, so he blew up 100 kids:


Blew up his mom and 50 others for the insurance money:


And just to be fair, let's not forget these guys:







The person you replied to is a white racist pretending to be black fyi


Jan 5, 2014
Wait, based on a couple terrorist attacks in France, out of something like 8,000,000 Muslims there, this suddenly means that "we admit these Muslism now, they sons will kill us later?" :francis:

Look at this chart:


Notice how terrorism was FAR worse in Europe in the 1970s and 1980s. You think that was a bunch of Muslims? Nope, White people. :ufdup:

Maybe we need to kick all the White people out of Europe....10,000 years there and they still hate us! :skip:

You in here caping for White racists and you don't even know it. If 8 guys out of 8,000,000 means that all Muslims hate us, then what do you think they're going to say about Black folk and gangbanging?

Oh, worst ever shooting in Europe before this one? It was this guy, a right-wing Islamaphobe. Shot down 76 little kids because they were too multicultural


Worst ever terrorist bombing in America? That would be these White Supremicists, blowing up 168 people including a day-care center:



These are the other worst terrorist bombers in American history:

Lost an election, so he blew up 100 kids:


Blew up his mom and 50 others for the insurance money:


And just to be fair, let's not forget these guys:







No one is disputing that these people are terrorists, but Muslims are the only ones killing for religion...not one of those killers killed for Christianity so stop tryna be slick...8 Muslims killed 129 wanna take that risk?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Saying, "Muslims are killing for religion" is a bullshyt smokescreen. :usure:

There are more than a billion Muslims in the world, a hell of a lot of them really believe it, and the vast majority ain't killing nobody.

The fools who killed people in Paris didn't do it because "they're Muslim". There are 8,000,000 Muslims in France who aren't doing that shyt. :ehh:

They did it because they are proponents of a specifically warped ideology that was born out of a warzone we Americans (and a few Arab dictators) created and preached by guys who current control some territory in Iraq/Syria and who are currently at war defending that territory from France and others.

Yeah, I agree, we shouldn't let guys like that in. :francis:

That has nothing to do with other Muslims, who aren't at war with us, who don't believe that ideology. :ufdup:

The fact that they are "Muslim" is a meaningless factor compared to all the other factors.

That first guy I posted killed 70 kids because he's ANTI-MUSLIM. :lupe:

Does that mean that we shouldn't let any more anti-Muslims in? :umad:

Or when someone kills you because they're anti-religion, does that make you any less dead than when they kill you because of a religion? :childplease:

Saying, "they're religious, so that makes it worse" is a bullshyt argument. Here in America we're doing fine with the Muslims who live here. White Surpremicists and all colors of gangbangers are far more dangerous to us than our Muslims are.
May 29, 2012
Rubio Trumps Trump: Shut Down Any Place Muslims Gather To Be ‘Inspired’ — Not Just Mosques

BY KAY STEIGER NOV 20, 2015 11:06AM



Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) appears on "The Kelly File" to talk about talk of shutting down U.S. mosques.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) seems to be going further than even Republican frontrunner Donald Trump in advocating the crackdown of U.S. Muslims. He doesn’t just want to consider shutting down mosques, as Trump says, but wants to shut down “any place where radicals are being inspired.”

“It’s not about closing down mosques. It’s about closing down any place — whether it’s a cafe, a diner, an internet site — any place where radicals are being inspired,” Rubio said on Fox News’ The Kelly File on Thursday night when asked if he agreed with Trump. “The bigger problem we have is our inability to find out where these places are, because we’ve crippled our intelligence programs, both through unauthorized disclosures by a traitor, in Edward Snowden, or by some of the things this president has put in place with the support even of some from my own party to diminish our intelligence capabilities.”

“So whatever facility is being used — it’s not just a mosque — any facility that’s being used to radicalize and inspire attacks against the United States, should be a place that we look at,” he continued.

Trump first articulated potentially shutting down U.S. mosques on Monday during a call in to MSNBC’s Morning Joe, when hosts asked if he would consider doing the same thing France did and shut down U.S. mosques with direct terrorist ties. Trump said he would “strongly consider” it, then lamented NYPD shutting down its domestic surveillance program targeting Muslims in New York City. Later this week he suggested the U.S. would “absolutely” create a federal database of Muslimsif he were elected president.

Both Trump and Rubio could be putting forth these ideas because polling suggests that limiting rights of Muslims is popular with Republican voters. A poll released this week found that 25 percent of Rubio supporters liked the idea of shutting down U.S. mosques.

Meanwhile establishment candidate Jeb Bush has resisted targeting of U.S. mosques: “You talk about closing mosques, you talk about registering people, that’s just wrong …. it’s manipulating people’s angst and their fears. That’s not strength. That’s weakness.”

But Bush also suggested admitting Syrian Christians instead of Syrian Muslims. “At a minimum we ought to be bringing in people that have — orphans or people that clearly aren’t going to be terrorists. Or Christians,” Bush said during a campaign stop South Carolina, according to ABC News. “There are no Christian terrorists in the Middle East, they’re persecuted.”

Last weekend, directly in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Rubio about Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s resistance to saying the words “radical Islam.” Rubio articulated that U.S. Muslims were similar to Nazis before World War II, whether they support radical extremism or not:

I think that’s, I don’t understand it. That would be like saying we weren’t at war with Nazis because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi party, but weren’t violent themselves. We are at war with radical Islam, with an interpretation of Islam by a significant number of people around the world who they believe now justifies them in killing those who don’t agree with their ideology. This is a clash of civilizations. And as I said at the debate earlier this week, there is no middle ground on this. Either they win or we win, and we need to begin to take this seriously. These are individuals motivated by their faith.

As TPM’s Josh Marshall argued, “in this framework all Muslims are comparable to Nazi party members. Just some haven’t gotten their hands dirty.”

Rubio Trumps Trump: Shut Down Any Place Muslims Gather To Be ‘Inspired’ — Not Just Mosques


Am I reading this article right, did they just compare us Muslims to Nazis? :mindblown: