Official Syrian Refugee backlash thread

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I swear, some of ya'all are so stupid, it's like you're just fools wanting to get played.

Your theory: Syrian refugee was the lynchpin to the whole attack. Even though the other 7 guys were all born and raised right there in France/Belgium, what they really needed was some Syrian refugee to sneak in with a fake passport, register in half-a-dozen countries as a "refugee" even though he didn't need to, and then get in on the the way, making sure to take his fake refugee passport with him on a suicide mission.


Actual theory that makes sense: ISIS is taking huge financial L's from everyone fleeing their territory. And they openly want to destroy the "grey zone" where Muslims and non-Muslims live together peaceably. So they make up fake claims months ago about already having 4,000 fighters hiding with the refugees in Europe (so why no attacks yet from those guys?), then two months later they appoint a guy to carry a fake Syrian passport through every major refugee checkpoint, faithfully registering the ID everywhere he can, and then purposely taking the passport on his suicide mission alongside the 7 native terrorists actually running the attack, so he can hopefully build up some anti-Muslim sentiment, get these refugee acceptances stopped, and force more anti-Muslim animosity in the West so things get real uncomfortable and a few more recruits come running into their arms.


This does show serious security weaknesses at the European border checkpoints, and they're addressing those as we speak. But there isn't a chance in hell of it happening in America, because the passport would have been flagged the moment it was scanned in the two-year-process that guy would have had to go through before he even stepped foot on American soil.

Really, ISIS's plan for infiltrating America will be:

1) Have a terrorist apply as a refugee just hoping America will pick him, even though you can't pick your destination country.

2) Have that guy wait in a refugee camp for 2-3 years hoping he can beat the most intense security process in world immigration, when he could be living in the Caliphate fighting the enemy this whole time.

3) Ignore the far faster processes to get a tourist visa, student visa, or just sneak over the border illegally, exactly?

4) Get that terrorist to pull off something that literally hasn't happened in American history.

To believe their narrative, these White power alarmists have to be the stupidest tools of the enemy on the face of this Earth...but they're so busy hating on any brown person who shows up at their door that they don't even realize how stupid their own theories are.