Sorry to be that guy but this isn’t an award darling type of movie. To be frank, nor was Moonlight but.
Be content that some black people and ‘others’ vibe to it. I was entertained but this year’s contenders are too strong.
I explain to anyone that this movie is only moved by stupid decisions. Literally, after watching countless movies and news about reaching for something around a cop, don’t do it! She yells I’m getting my phone that’s inside her jacket pocket and gets shot. We missed the tinder date but caught them getting pulled over.All of this woulda of been prevented in the first 5 minutes if he woulda had some balls and ghosted her after she made that slick little comment over dinner. She was the definition of choose the right one or end up living in hell.
Thing is she’s trying to conveniently imply some type of racism when Moonlight not too long ago was racking them up. I take issue with that. The writer was biggin up her anglo heroes but wanna use blackness when they’re not getting their way.I think the issue is that while you can say this because you've seen it, people who determine what's award worthy and what's not are deciding without actually watching the movies, even when they're given multiple opportunities. So exactly what are they using as a rubric of worth if they aren't watching the pool of films to be judged?
I explain to anyone that this movie is only moved by stupid decisions. Literally, after watching countless movies and news about reaching for something around a cop, don’t do it! She yells I’m getting my phone that’s inside her jacket pocket and gets shot. We missed the tinder date but caught them getting pulled over.
Thing is she’s trying to conveniently imply some type of racism when Moonlight not too long ago was racking them up. I take issue with that. The writer was biggin up her anglo heroes but wanna use blackness when they’re not getting their way.
honestly, those cacs ain’t wanna watch that film for whatever reason.
So, what you think is going to change now that’s she’s complaining?Are you seriously implying that because a black movie won an award a few years ago, there's no racism in Hollywood? like really? So any time someone comes forward with a legitimate complaint about these award committees doing their job and watching the movies they are supposed to judge, then the complaint is bullshyt? Wow.
So, what you think is going to change now that’s she’s complaining?
My grievance is this film isn’t a strong enough film to make a fuss about being slighted. It’ll be a case if the all the majority anglo movies were seen but evaded hers. Make that case. I’m sure some cac movies got avoided as well. It’s a good film, just not an award-winning film. Be grateful that it is one of the few that got a theatrical release.Are you seriously saying that when people are discriminated against, they shouldn't complain or tell anyone? I'm not sure why you have such a problem with a black person talking about discrimination, but it's suspect AF. Things never change when we keep quiet about them.
My grievance is this film isn’t a strong enough film to make a fuss about being slighted. It’ll be a case if the all the majority anglo movies were seen but evaded hers. Make that case. I’m sure some cac movies got avoided as well. It’s a good film, just not an award-winning film. Be grateful that it is one of the few that got a theatrical release.
And what would you tell them?They both were pitiful. He had no backbone, and she was rude and talked entirely too much. I liked the movie, but the decisions they made wereat best to downright
. I saw this with my wife and I told her as soon as the movie was over if we ever get stopped by the police let me do ALL the talking. She constantly just made it worse and worse.
My last comment. So what!? They’ll get the Soul Train and BET Award or that’s not good enough?This isn't about the film being slighted. It's about award committees deciding a movie isn't worthy of an award without viewing it. If there are white movies that were slighted in the same way, they should come forward, because it's a terrible system and it actually damages the credibility of the entire awards process. I find the assumption that there were white films disregarded in this way a huge assumption that isn't founded in the historical reality that black folks and their stories have been devalued more than white stories. I honestly don't understand your position here. No one is defending the film. The process is broken and that hurts everyone.