winston sucks man i tried giving him a chance so many times but his ultimate is trash it doesnt kill unless you knock them off
his weapon is weak too
shield is trash
melee is weak
in those clips the lucio was the real mvp
You are tweaking.and his fukkin ultimate when he goes ape shyt is garbage too it does NO damage just pushes them away from you wtf is the point
could've been the GOAT tank if he did damage with his melee, going ape shyt in the objective
instead he jumps in zaps someone and does like 5% of their health, puts down a shield that lasts less than 2 seconds and gets murked![]()
He takes some time to get used to, but he's a beast when used smartly. Everybody's ULT isn't in the game for kills. There are plenty of characters who don't kill anything with their ULT. Winston's ULT serves 2 purposes for me...
Clearing the objective
Staying alive longer to buy more time for reinforcements
He has 1000 health and crazy mobility when he goes into Beast Mode. There are times where you just need to survive just a little be longer for the help to come in on the objective... That's where his ULT shines. You can hurt af, and about to die, pop that ULT and you're at 1000

Like the brehs above have said... He pretty much destroys any character with 250 and below HP. Except for a few (MCcree, Reaper, Junkrat). He's a menace to healers and snipers... because non of them can really get away from him effectively... If they try it, you can just leap to where they are running to and drop them.
Don't take on Tanks solo and you're going to be straight with him.
I wish his shield was a tad bit better, but after spending more time with him, it def comes in handy. You have to know when to use it tho