theirs no ranked play yet.. As said earlier, McCree shines in public games because they arent as organized. A slow 200 health hero who relies on being up close isnt gonna last against good players.. He might drop 1 player at best but he can only bring tanks down to 300 life with his combo + good teams with good defenses, he'll have no way to get close. We havnt seen great players yet(im talking competitive players).. A great defensive hero like Junkrat or Widowmaker will never let a mccree get close enough to be effective.
Public games are NO WHERE near as organized as rank games
what im trying to say is that mccree is a very hig hskillcap high reward player. any hero where aiming is the focus will be a high level hero. youre right, his close range attacks right now are mostly to take advantage of noobs. but at a high level, wherer someone can actuaqlly aim AND he has a stun/shotgun move. so he can play both long and short range. thats gonna be a beast. we'll see but i think they should just widen the accuracy on his right click. it doesnt make sense that all 6 bullets land dead on
in contrast, someone like junkrat is low skillcap IMO, he can just spray his cannon everyone and land kills/damage