got me considering pulling the trigger, I already got it for XB1 but that PC life sounds .
Join the wolves breh. I been having some e-sports type of experiences with the PC version. XBone....I felt I can easily go in on most of the games.
got me considering pulling the trigger, I already got it for XB1 but that PC life sounds .
i mean it definitely gets better as you rank up, but I lost like 6 games in a row last night because my teammates were either mentally retarded/wouldn't play a proper comp like 1 healer (me) or NO TANKS and other stupid bullshyt. There are definitely less retards at this rank but gets as ridiciulous sometimes.All my friends said once you get out of plat, its easier to climb Start playing with actual competent players and while people still throw etc its very less often
Finally got outta bronze. shytty ass teammates always picking junkrat, widow, and hanzo on attack. Then they got the nerve to choose Torb when we tell em to switch I be having three golds with Lucio every game but still losing
Just started playing this game and yeah shyt is frustrating getting stuck with teams in comp who don't give a fukk about team composition.
This one guy said "fukk healers, we don't need em. This game is just like Super Mario Smash Bros"
At least in COD or Destiny if i dominate, i can carry my team. But this game if I start dominating, the other team will just counter my character
Yea I don't get why their matchmaking system at all. I would understand it if it was a 1v1 comp game like fighting or sports. And I'm not saying this game is easy or noobish, but is the skill gap really that high? It's not a particular hard or steep learning curve. Especially since it's a team game. This community is one of the most bizarre I've ever seen. I mean you got a$$holes in COD and cornballs in 2K, SF, etc. But this community is so joyless and weird. Everything is so serious. People are crying about this and that all the time. I don't get it
building a new PC brehs...I'll finally be able to run this game in full resolution with 144fps I'm interested to see if this performance boost affects my gameplay/skill level.
I've played competitive fps games all my life, I played CS since 1.4 beta, and I've played every fps in between, ghost recon, cod, moh allied assault, team fortress classic, avp2, etc etc, I have NEVER encountered a more toxic and annoying community than the one that plays Overwatch.. and that's really saying something. Even at low skill levels the players are incredibly toxic. Luckily the game has enough sound queues that i don't need to hear my teammates, I play this game with voice and chat muted and I just do call outs on my microphone. The game itself is incredibly fun and really well crafted otherwise I wouldn't be playing with the type of player base it attracts.Yeah the seriousness of it is turning me off. Was playing with a team/party/whatever you call it last night. We lost most of our games. I didn't really care since I'm new at this and it's just a video game. This one guy in our group was ranting about our losing streak. You could hear in his voice that he was about to break down and cry. Like you could tell that he was deeply upset by his voice. shyt made me mad uncomfortable. I'm just having fun don't care about losing.
Yeah I have a 144hz monitor, I have to run this game on lowest settings and a low resolution to have acceptable fps and it still dips and gets choppy when there is a lot going on. Can't wait until I get this new baby will help with your aim/tracking if your frames ain't dipping and got the monitor for it
Yeah I have a 144hz monitor, I have to run this game on lowest settings and a low resolution to have acceptable fps and it still dips and gets choppy when there is a lot going on. Can't wait until I get this new baby built.
Yeah I have a 144hz monitor, I have to run this game on lowest settings and a low resolution to have acceptable fps and it still dips and gets choppy when there is a lot going on. Can't wait until I get this new baby built.
I'm building it tonight or tomorrow, just been busy with work and want to devote a full day to it. I'll let you know how everything runs once I have it completed. The game seems like it's optimized pretty well but my current rigs graphics card is really old.How's the new PC running? I was looking to upgrade to a GTX 1060/1070 or even a used 980Ti but these miners have fukked up the prices and I'm not in any rush to buy something since this is the only game I play
I'm still using an old GTX 770 and I'm surprised at how well the game runs. I have a 1440p/144hz Gsync monitor and it runs smoothly at 120 fps on low settings with no sudden frame drops
My problems with the 770 is that it's capped at 120hz (by design) and it runs at 80+ degrees when I play this game . A 1070 is probably more than enough if all I want is to play on low settings at 144hz/165hz and for the card to sit at around 65 degrees