Superkick Party
Atlus / Ryū ga Gotoku
I ain't never gonna get that new Mei skin 

I love Lucio but you're right. Although once I get back to around 3200 I'm switching back to Lucio main because my winrate was really good at that mmr.arent u like master level? Just play soldier and carry
i love how this thread is therapy for us to vent about what are fukking retarded ass teammates doWhy do nikkas think cause they got gold damage in comp matches they don't have to change to something that better suits the situation at hand? WHy do people not understand that winning in Overwatch relies on countering strategy?
We have Lucio/Mercy healing. That's fine. Roadhog/DVA tanking. That's cool. The issue with this special duo of Hog/DVA is that they constantly felt the need to flank behind the entire team to try to counter the Rein/Bastion combo...but we're on BOTH tanks are leaving the payload to a Junkrat, Mercy, Pharah, Lucio...And they expect us to hold. So I tell them "IDK if flanking is the best way to go about things cause the Bastion is melting people since we can't mitigate the damage with DVAs Matrix. We need to break Reins shield and send the Bastion into panic mode." They say thats what the flank is hook Bastion. I tell them if we need to break Reins shield, we need more damage. A Bastion switch can help. Soldier can shred shields. Winston can dive in on the Bastion. Genji can deflect Bastions gun into the Rein shield. Tracers blink can pester Bastion. None of those will require two man flanking. Let's make adjustments and counter them.
"Nah you guys just have to stay alive. You healers aren't doing your job."So I basically had to map out to these idiots why having the two guys with the most health, 1 with no escape, FLANKING ON DEFENSE, is literally a TERRIBLE idea because they aren't doing THEIR job of tanking. To which he replies "You guys are cancerous." So the Bastion they're flanking so hard to kill ends up killing everyone before they can finish flanking cause 200 hp players don't stand a chance without damage mitigation and they win the round. They swore it was working tho even tho we just lost the round.
The very next round in the same game we still have a Junkrat on assault now and I ask if he can do something with a bit more sustained damage to help rip through Winston and Rein shields. He says nah cause he has 3 golds. I break down the premise behind winning in Overwatch is that "Numbers don't mean shyt. How can be we better approach the current situation to win?"
Dude says "Is 34k damage not enough?" I say "Not when all you're doing is spamming shields to inflate your numbers. IDC about numbers and gold medals. Just wins. Just because you got gold doesn't mean there isn't something we could use more of. In this case it's sustained damage(or Sombra) to take out the shields so we can tackle their Bastion/Rein combo."
He stays Junkrat up until the end then everyone switches to damage and we push the payload in OT all the way to the next point. Why? Cause we could shred the Rein shield and melt the bastion. The very strategy I kept saying we needed.
We lost tho cause we couldn't get to the very last point.
Another round...We have a Widowmaker on Nepal-Control. I ask him if its working out cause we could use a Tracer or a Genji to pick off the low health people on the point cause we don't have enough damage on the point. Bro says some dumb shyt about how he mains Widow. I'm just like "Man so do I but im playing Lucio right now cause we need heals. If you're not hitting your shots it's cool, just switch up to something else."
Bro gets salty and stays Widow to prove a point(he doesn't prove it btw)
What is it with nikkas in this game man? People act like asking them to switch things up that aren't working is you calling them a terrorist.
honestly "1 tricks" (people who only play 1 hero no matter situation) is some 2017 shyt and rapidly killing off competition. when it was rarer it wasnt as bad cause you could play around itWhat is it with nikkas in this game man? People act like asking them to switch things up that aren't working is you calling them a terrorist.
i love how this thread is therapy for us to vent about what are fukking retarded ass teammates do![]()
honestly "1 tricks" (people who only play 1 hero no matter situation) is some 2017 shyt and rapidly killing off competition. when it was rarer it wasnt as bad cause you could play around it
but its always hanzo, widow maker, junkrat, sym or torb as 1 tricks
none of these heroes are extra bad, but they are mostly situational heroes.
just cause your favorite streamer can make it work on an alternate account doesnt mean everyone should do it
"nah trust me im
good with junkrat" look man you can be best junkrat in the world but its not gonna work against their comp
what makes meis why do it in competitive play? Theirs a quick play and arcade mode you can play hanzo 900 hours a month in
I was just saying this about an hour ago, I hate getting put into a game with a group of 5 and they are all terribleIf you are diamond and you play comp with your shytty ass friends who are probably only in low gold from playing with you, you are a fakkit. I got back to 2700 and like clockwork started getting on teams with groups of 1 diamond and 2-3 golds with awful stats, then the golds lock Genji, Hog, Soldier etc, characters who benefit from not sucking total dikk, and we just get rolled. If you want to do play with your terrible friends, keep that shyt in QP. there needs to be a solo queue only comp like a motherfukker
If you are diamond and you play comp with your shytty ass friends who are probably only in low gold from playing with you, you are a fakkit. I got back to 2700 and like clockwork started getting on teams with groups of 1 diamond and 2-3 golds with awful stats, then the golds lock Genji, Hog, Soldier etc, characters who benefit from not sucking total dikk, and we just get rolled. If you want to do play with your terrible friends, keep that shyt in QP. there needs to be a solo queue only comp like a motherfukker