Should I cop Origins Edition for PC while it's on sale?![]()
some extra skins

last night first time I bought some boxes

blizzard always got some crack induced shyt in their game

Should I cop Origins Edition for PC while it's on sale?![]()
i haven't played this game in going on a month. uninstalled and disassociated myself from everything related to it. ranked is the only reason to even really have a legit game in it and the MMR system is just awful. lowkey bugged i'm gonna miss the event but that game ain't worth the stress. been actually enjoying myself just playing WoW and H1Z1. I do wish I could get an invite to Quake Champions tho
Nah. Soldier cannot solo a decent to good pharah. Most of the time you need a zen to help with discord or a double hitscan. Widow assigned to just Pharah is the only solo counter to be honest. My eyes light up when I see a solo hitscan. I can just use cover and rain justice from distance where Soldier's spread and Mcree damage reduction can't do much. Then i can move in quickly on top of them and finish them with a direct hit and splash damage while bumping them around while they struggle to get good cursor placement on me.Its not so much an aim issue as it is stupidity and doing your job on the team. If you see a Phara on the other team and your a Soldier...Do your job fam.
this game is a complete joke, competitive mode at leastjust a cluster fukk of good and bad players mixed together in the same setting and some how have same rating
i actually triple qued this morning. 2400(us) vs 2200 team rating.Stop solo queuing breh.
i actually triple qued this morning. 2400(us) vs 2200 team rating.
didnt stop one of our teammates from picking zenyatta and running to enemy spawn at beginning of the match and just chilling there(payload) and leaving us 5v6 the rest of the match.
his excuse? "it was funny though" (it wasnt, wasting 5 other people time is never funny)
lost 35 SR in 1 match. down 110 for the day.
this game and its community would make a great study case on general human reactions and how/why people do the things they do..