Aye somebody hook ya boy up with a PC key for overwatch and I'll squarecash you 40 on Friday.
My problem is it seems like my teammates just ignore pharah. when I'm soldier I'll get her down to like 15% health and none of my teammates finish her off and then she retreats to get heals. or my teammates will ignore the mercy in the air healing/boosting her.. I just hit 3190 rating doeI don't know. It seems like pharaoh has just got OP for no reason. I used to take her down easy with soldier but these last few games it has been tough
My problem is it seems like my teammates just ignore pharah. when I'm soldier I'll get her down to like 15% health and none of my teammates finish her off and then she retreats to get heals. or my teammates will ignore the mercy in the air healing/boosting her.. I just hit 3190 rating doe![]()
I should be higher with my level of fps experience but this game is a challenge to solo queue, I solo'd to global elite in cs but this game is an up and down battleI'm 1738.![]()
My problem is it seems like my teammates just ignore pharah. when I'm soldier I'll get her down to like 15% health and none of my teammates finish her off and then she retreats to get heals. or my teammates will ignore the mercy in the air healing/boosting her.. I just hit 3190 rating doe![]()
funny enough people expect 1 hit scan to just deal with a pharah.. theyll choose some shyt that only really hits ground like symm, junkrat, roadhog, rein and then be like "SOLDIER WHY CANT YOU KILL PHARAH"especially if mercy is healing him then if you ask if 1 person can switch to an actual hit scan they say "YOU SUCK AT DPS". Where if they were smart, they'd help kill the pharah and it'd be 6v5 which should land slide the fight. Then again this is Overwatch where ive solo killed 2-3 people many many many times, only to look up and see my team lost the fight on point 5v3
this game
ranking/rating in this game is POINTLESS
seen 3000 rating people be complete shyt while ive seen 2000 rating players been amazing.. its just too reliant on previous seasons MMR during placements.
what I dont get, is they were so quick to change season 1 system, but want to stick with this (I feel worse) system for 3 seasons, with no actual change in sight![]()
Y'all better chill with that Pharah talk. She don't need no nerf![]()
Yeah really depends on how much the other team focuses on you. I've had matches where I would have to switch up my style completely or even switch characters if there was a team that knew how to deal with her.She's weird. She needs a nerf at lower levels. She's fine at higher levels. Phara's threat level is solely dependent on how good your hitscan is on your team.
Im hearing she's even worse on consoles cause NO ONE can aim on consoles regardless what rank your in. Lol.
Looks like we got a new Event coming up on April 11th