70 suck though because that is when the good Pharahs and Gengis come out. Both which are a pain the ass to kill
Pharah's aren't getting used that high because mccree just shyts on her where she shines most same with soldier clapping her up. If you gonna play pharah on the ground and be hiding behind walls and shyt to avoid hitscan damage you may as well play junkrat instead
Genji can eat a dikk I'm so happy he can't reflect zarya's beam
I mean would you rather have shytty teammates where you got hanzo's everywhere who won't switch, or a bastion and torbjorn on attack lol and don't communicate at all
Or deal with god tier genji carries where you just gotta stack zen ult for dragon blade and hope your team can deal with him quickly
I said it before and I'll say it again I hate this meta