I can't take this fukking game anymore. People are so fukking stupid in both QP and competitive, it's not even worth it. I have been thrown into matches towards the end of the match where I will get gold in objective time with like 3 seconds, or silver in kills with 2 (it happened earlier today). Every fukking round still has Hanzo, Genji, and lately I've been seeing Widows on fukkING ATTACK. Go play COD if you want to be a 1337 360 no scope sniper you fukking fakkits, god damn. I was in a competitive march earlier with some dude that was level 325, and as the match was ending I checked his profile and he had 162 hours on widow and 39 on Hanzo. He picked widow on attack and just sucked a huge cock and contributed nothing.
I went from 50 down to 41in comp, and got back to 48, but I've been on

team after

team, and dropped back to 45. I think Imma to trade this in tomorrow, cuz I don't even have fun anymore. Like I seriously dread what kind of unadulterated retardation I'm going to witness every time I start to play. It's sad, this game had a lot of potential, and I loved it at first, but now it just pisses me off
Oh yeah, and to all the people who only play offensive heroes and/or Junkrat and Hanzo who spam "We need a healer!" eat shyt. My comp time is like 50% Rein, 45% Lucio, and if I EVER try to play someone else, my team will either have no healer, no tank, or some completely stupid setup like Ana or Zenyatta as the only healer or Winston as the only tank, or the classic Rein who immediately charges as soon as he sees an enemy and dies 600 times. How about instead of spamming "We need a healer!" you switch to Lucio for once in your fukking life, because sadly, no matter how many games you only play Hanzo or Genji, it will never make you Japanese