Kenny West
yeah thats why counter strike, team fortress 2, quake, unreal tournament flopped, their was no carrot to chase after because people couldnt upgrade their guns
League of Legends and DOTA 2? Them games flopped hard cause their was no upgrades in those games too
Overwatch, which will end up selling 5-10 million copies (more than any "next gen" console exclusive) boutta flop too cause people cant put scopes on their guns
yall serious with this bull shyt
damn. That sucks for you
he wants 30 infared scopes he'll never use to be an option
I swear this forum is the alternate universe when it comes to gaming
Battlefield and Call of duty are THE ONLY games that are popular (objective based games), that have gun upgrades. Literally almost every other popular game in the world only has visual upgrades (not counting RPGs)
Ironically, the Battlefield and Call of Duty series got popular in the first place by NOT having upgrades on weapons
but I guess they just rode the bandwagon on those games once they already sold millions that way![]()

just make some hats/outfits as achivement items and the rest through some type of grind